Are you going to bottle or BREAST feed?????

i bottle feed my little girl, and i will with all my children. Im proud of it just as much as i would be proud if i had breastfeed. Everyone makes there own choices and everyone has reasons for choosing the method of feeding they want to use.
Personally i have quite an irrational fear of breastfeeding, i really scares me the thought of a baby sucking on my nipple. i have really sensative nipples and they hurt when they are touched so why would i want to put myself through lots of pain and make myself unhappy when i can just start off with formula?

I think breastfeeding is great and i really admire women who breastfeed as it is a great acheivement. However you do get the odd few ones who make you feel like shit because you dont breastfeed. Ive even had people say to me 'oh well some people just arnt supposed to be mothers!'.

well you know what i'd rather not be a 'natural mother' than have my child grow up and learning the attitude of a narrow minded mother.

Serouisly a big :hug: to all mothers whatever they choose to do just dont ram your opinion down other peoples throat. :D
little*red said:
Ive even had people say to me 'oh well some people just arnt supposed to be mothers!'.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
That is outrageous!!!!!!!

There a 2 choices.....thats basically the answer to the question 2 choices, and there a individual mothers.....why should anyone be made to feel sh*tty about what they have chosen to do :evil: Its a free world and everyone has their own mind & should be free to choose how their child will feed....who are we to assess that bottle feeding is the wrong decision??? Yes there is a lot to say that breast milk is best, but its not like formula contains dangerous harmful chemicals is deosn't have arsenic in it for goodness sake.

I think a happy mother whether they bottle feed/ breast feed is what a child needs, not one who is stressing because they are struggling to force themsleves to fit into someone elses 'ideal'.

I think we have to just sit back and agree that we are all individual, this question will always cause a debate....and that the original poster seems to have wound us all up then watched us hit our heads against our computer screens about it :roll:
You are so right emmylou. The debate could rage on and one, but we just have to accept that we are all different.
Seems to me the OP just wanted to cause an argument.

I've done a bit of both, breast and bottle. I'm proud to have three happy and healthy kids, at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

Good luck all mums to be, I hope you get the support you need, whatever you decide to do :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well I breast fed my daughter for about a year. I really enjoyed it and only really stopped because she was biting me a lot more as her teeth came in... But she wasn't a little baby (8lb 9oz) and was constantly hungry. She would take both breasts and a bottle of formula for every feed and still be hungry. so I started her on baby rice and breast milk at 3 months, and she was so much happier.

I too was the equivilent of a single mother at the time (I had a bf...but I couldn't tell you where he was one day to the next), there was not NCT for me, no help and no guidence...but as Natural Mamma often says birthing and breatfeeding are a natural thing and I perservered...and it worked for a year.

Breast feeding is hell for around 6 weeks. Your nipples are sore, cracked and bleeding. You get mastitis and you spend half your life in tears everytime those baby's lips touch your nipples. But all of a sudden it becomes easy, your nipples harden up and sticking a boob in your baby's head everytime it begins to cry becomes second nature.

I don't know if I will breast feed this baby...I will certainly be prepared to do both. Maternity leave in Spain is only 3 months long so I will have to be able to either express (wasn't possible with my first as I was always running on empty) or bottle feed and I will have to go back to work full time (40+ hours a week) so physically it will not be possible to breast feed full time after 3 months.

I think to much emphasis is placed on breast feeding and bottle feeding your baby. I think that we should all be grateful that we have such a choice. I see women in the third world with screaming hungry babies in their arms and they have no breast milk and there is no bottle feed...I think that would be just the worst thing in the world not being able to sooth your hungry babys crys. :cry: :cry: :cry:
I think to much emphasis is placed on breast feeding and bottle feeding your baby. I think that we should all be grateful that we have such a choice. I see women in the third world with screaming hungry babies in their arms and they have no breast milk and there is no bottle feed...I think that would be just the worst thing in the world not being able to sooth your hungry babys crys.

well said.

saying that though If it takes 6 weeks to sort it all out I don't think I will be able to do it. :?
I hope to breast feed if I can and for as long as I can (well up to 9 months anyway)

Why don't you add a poll so we can see what everyone is doing - I'd be onterested to know
To put it in a nutshell, No ONE is wrong to breast or bottle feed! Its a matter of choice and you have to do whats best for you and the baby!

So no offence but all of you that breast is best and must be done because its natural and bonding, and blah blah blah. You are wrong.

As so many mums on here have proved and said you can have a healthy and happy baby on formula.

Congratulations to mums that breastfeed, its hard and I admire you for being able to do it, but not all can and there are loads of different reasons.

And congratulations to mums that formula feed their babies,for doing whats right for them and there babies.
well on the upside to breast feeding...My ex had a friend who was an absolute w**ker and when he came over and demanded that my ex's bint (AKA me) make him a cuppa I got much enjoyment in substituting cows milk for boob milk, watching him drink it then informed him of what he had just drunk... although having him locked in my toilet for nearly an hour being violently ill wasn't so much fun...but well worth it... :rotfl:

See thats why women should breast feed.... REVENGE!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry to upset a few of you, but I've just read the other thread relating to Breast or Bottle.

I would be interested to know how many of us intend to breast feed and how many intend to bottle feed. Not to judge anyone but for interest.

I would never force my opinion on anyone it is a VERY personal choice and I have friends who bottle feed and they have my full support as much and those who breast feed.

I'm annoyed to think that anyone would be 'Gagged' on this forum. You ought to be ashamed of yourseves. :shakehead:
Julie33 said:
I'm annoyed to think that anyone would be 'Gagged' on this forum. You ought to be ashamed of yourseves. :shakehead:

Hi Julie,

It certainly isn't the case that people are 'gagged' on this forum, but we have to respect that some debates do get very heated and upset many of our members - hence why the poll I think you are referring to was locked by another moderator.

This particular debate just keeps rearing its ugly head, and although I appreciate that you don't want to judge, you just want to know the numbers, it's probably best just to leave this topic. At the end of the day, people always feel that they've to justify their decision and we're all just trying to do the best for our children under differing circumstances.


Valentine xxx
Any discussion on breast or bottle feeding is welcome, however members forcing their views upon and belittling others is NOT welcome, and will not be tolerated.
yup same as tangerine gonna breastfeed for hopefully 6months but will also express in bottle so daddy can do it also and bond with baby :) i can get some rest and sleep :P
Im breast feeding...

Although im pretty sore with mastitis (sp) and in tears when he latches on.. now im out of hospital i have no use of a pump so waiting on one ive just ordered.. i hope i can hold out till then with his breast feeding cos its what i really wanna do.. :cheer:
With both my pregnancies I intended to bfeed but both times it didnt work out for various reasons. The first time I was 100% sure I had made the right descision but the 2nd time I wasnt as sure even though I was physically less able to bfeed.

Its something you cannot plan, your circumstances and baby are the deciding factors.
Not going to get too involved in this topic but i plan to breast feed, i did with my first for 3 months, cant say im looking forward to it but i'll see how it goes and if it doesnt work for me then im not going to beat myself up about it like i did the first time.
I think we put ourselves under enough pressure
I am going to do bit of both, but mainly breast. I have heard that bottle fed babys sleep better at night as they can
have a fuller tummy after their last feed before bed as you (as mum) can tell how much they have had, which must be hard when breast feeding.
But I am deffo going to breast feed during the day for as long as I cn but I will be back at work at about
9 mnths so I guess I will have to have stopped by then.
dotty100 said:
I am going to do bit of both, but mainly breast. I have heard that bottle fed babys sleep better at night as they can
have a fuller tummy after their last feed before bed as you (as mum) can tell how much they have had, which must be hard when breast feeding.
But I am deffo going to breast feed during the day for as long as I cn but I will be back at work at about
9 mnths so I guess I will have to have stopped by then.

That was true with my first but not my second. No matter how full he was he wouldnt sleep well.
If it goes well there will be ways round going back to work and bfeeding. There are girls on here that bfeed and work. Dont feel any pressure to stop or start. The very best of luck. Im not a bfeeder but wish I was.
i am now 37 weeks pregnant and my breasts have just started to leak in the past 24 hours if your body produces the milk why not give it to the child? I did notice that someone has put that they would not feel comfortable breast feeding in public-its weird for people to say this considering most women wouldn't mind a grown man suckling and nibbling their breasts..if its there why not give it to your baby even for a few days??

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