Does the hospital make you breast feed?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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I know its a pointless thread but was just wondering about it as im a bit worried they'll make me no wonder how much i protest.

Im not planning to breast feed when LO is born as i want to share the feeds with OH and I cant afford one of those pumpy things people use to get the breast milk out, and my mum breast fed my brother and never had enough milk as he was a big baby and also got PND, so if its genetic ill probably have a big baby too as OH was 9lb 13oz when born, and i was around 8 and a half i think.:shock:

So im wondering when i eventually give birth, do they make you breast feed straight away or do they ask you what you want to do?. After labour im not gonna' be in the mood for pushy midwives telling me what I can and cannot do!:roll:

Did anyone bottle feed after birth or do they force you to breast feed?:)
They can't force you hun, thought undoubtedly they will try their hardest to encourage you to at least try it. Even just for the colostrum.
My midwife says the hospital has bottles of formula for people who don't want to breastfeed.
Although they don't like people bottle feeding they can't force you to breastfeed.

i bottle fed after a c section because savannah was 9lb 11oz. They didn't try to make me at all just asked before the op if i wanted to so that they could help me after the birth and when i said no i would like to bottle feed they didn't mention it again.

If you think you may be likely to have a big baby i would definately keep an eye on babies growth and the size of your tummy. I was measuring ahead for a while and was sent for a growth scan at 33 weeks and then every 2 weeks after that. It's a good job i asked for the scan because i suspected she would be bigger and if i would have had a natural birth it could have turned out to be quite traumatic for both of us.

My hospital don't supply formula. If u want to ff u have to take it urself. I would imagine they would encourage u to try but they can't force u xx
They can't force you it's your choice how you feed your baby however not all hospitals supply formula so contact you hospital to check if they don't you can buy ready made cartons or the starter pack of bottles and teats xxx

Its your choice how you want to feed your baby. they can't force you to BF.

Put it in your birth plan, then make sure the MW taking care of you is aware of the note. That way you won't need to protest when they ask, just explain it was all written in the plan and that's it.

Its your body and your baby! xx
I respect your desicion, but just wanted to say that a pump is like 30 quid, and milk is a lot each week, while boobie milk is free
The midwives at my hospital didn't try and push breastfeeding onto me, but did try and encourage it a couple of times. Just before I gave birth, I was asked how I would be feeding Noah and I said formula and they said "Ok that's fine" and got me a bottle of formula once he was born.

When my boobs got really big and sore though from all the build up, I was encouraged to express it out with their machines. The midwife who recommended doing that said it would make me feel more comfortable and also I could give it to LO.

I chose to change to breastfeeding myself. It definately wasn't due to anyone convincing me or pushing me into it. It was my own decision completely as I want the absolute best for my Noah.

You make your own decisions and if you absolutely don't want to breastfeed then be strong and make sure everyone is aware of that.
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Hey honey

I don't think they can force you to do anything you don't wanna do :), if I remember rightly my sister didn't BF hers at all and then went straight to the ward...
I hadn't made my mind up before I went to hospital and wanted to give it a go before I made my choice. I
Had a 4 day labour ending in a section (non of which affected my ability) because of thus i was exhausted and told my OH i was going to ff him when he came out. When I was taken into recovery I was asked how I'd like to feed, to which I said ff. My bottle never arrived. I was left with a tiny newborn
baby rooting at my chest and I felt terrible for him, so I bf him and to be honest it was the best decision I ever made!

My little boy is a thriving 12lber now at 8 weeks. I get to spend the most amazing time with him, and I find the night feeds a he'll of a lot easier than ffers, he wakes, I pop him into bed, feeds for 10 mins, pop him back to bed asleep. My sleep is barely interrupted!

I'd also advise investing in a pump, ff is about £10 a tin? And you'll go through maybe 1 a week? My pump was £70 and the best £70 I ever spent so my OH can help and share with bottles buy tbh id rather he did the nappy changes ;)

I never never thought i'd be like this about bfing at all!! But that's my experience as a young mum and if you don't try it, you'll never know!!

Good luck with whatever you choose!

I am totally with you hun. Bfing isn't for everyone. I never bf with my first and it never did him any harm. With this one being 14 years older I thought I would just do the "liquid gold" first few feeds then go to ff so my son and OH can join in. My hospital won't give you milk etc so I have cartons and bottles to go in the bag. xxxxx
I'm hoping to bf cos it's FREE :D but if I can't then I won't beat myself up about it. Some women for whatever reason can't bf and that's totally their choice. No-one can make you do anything xxxxxxxxx
Its totally your choice but i wanted to point out that ff is much more expensive than buying a pump. Pump is an upfront cost but in the end much cheaper. I mix feed and i wish i could excmclysively bf, so much easier! Much less fuss.

Good luck whatever you do, btw i had low supply as well so i am topping up with formula
sent from my Galaxy s2
Was going to say what knopk@ said really.

Nobody can force you to feed your baby any way, it's your choice. My hospital asked me what I was going to do then they support that option.

But, a pump is going to cost you way less money that formula in the long run, probably over a matter of a weeks actually!
I wanted to breast feed Jack but after a mammoth 42hr labour I was too tired and so was he straight after. He then slept for 12hrs straight and his sugar levels dropped. The MW's in my hospital aren't 'allowed' to help women to get baby to latch on which I think is appalling. Jack was too weak and couldn't latch on so he was FF in the end. The MW's never really encouraged me to try and breast feed after that :(

They defo can't force you hun x
I wanted to breast feed Jack but after a mammoth 42hr labour I was too tired and so was he straight after. He then slept for 12hrs straight and his sugar levels dropped. The MW's in my hospital aren't 'allowed' to help women to get baby to latch on which I think is appalling. Jack was too weak and couldn't latch on so he was FF in the end. The MW's never really encouraged me to try and breast feed after that :(

They defo can't force you hun x

I can't believe they can't help baby to latch at that hospital, that's awful! Most woman and babies need that help. I must say the midwives at my hospital were brutal but once you said you were BFing that was it lol They weren't letting you off, they didn't have much tenderness getting my baby to latch but my god they were gonna get him on if it killed them lol

There defo needs to be more training for midwives on postnatal about BFing!

Sorry going off topic lol
I wanted to breast feed Jack but after a mammoth 42hr labour I was too tired and so was he straight after. He then slept for 12hrs straight and his sugar levels dropped. The MW's in my hospital aren't 'allowed' to help women to get baby to latch on which I think is appalling. Jack was too weak and couldn't latch on so he was FF in the end. The MW's never really encouraged me to try and breast feed after that :(

They defo can't force you hun x

Wow, that's really strange. I thought everywhere was encouraging bf'ing. Xxx
They did encourage me at first but after he slept for the first 12 hours of his life they all panicked and I shouted at them to get some formula because he couldn't latch on. I asked them to pass him to me several times while he slept for those 12 hours and every MW just said 'leave him he's content'!! I couldn't reach him properly because my epidural hadn't worn off. Sleeping for so long made him too weak to latch on :( Lesson learned though next time i'm demanding they help me BF and pass my baby if I want him/her! x
My milk didnt come through for three days so i ended up ff but wish i had bf i feel bad when i see other mum bf i feel like im not a good mum, However they dont make you at mine they just asked, you had to bring your own bottles and formula btw x

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