Has everyone decided on feeding?

Im planning on Boobie feeding for at least the first few weeks. If it goes well then I'll carry on, if not I'll do it for as long as we can manage. As long as baby is fed then its all good :)

I am planning on breast feeding, i am abit sqeamish about my nipples but i like the idea of me noursihing bub and the bonding, also not worrying about bottles, steriliser etc...
i hope it goes ok, I have red hair and have heard somewhere people with fair hair and red hair ahve more sensitive nipples, doubt it is true to be honestxx
gonna try breast feeding, but not going to beat myself up if it's not working, but then i want to start expressing as soon as i can so hubby can feed too
I plan on brestfeeding, I did 4 weeks with my first and then went back to work so stopped, my second was only 2 weeks because she was such a hungry baby and I simply didn't have enough milk for her, I then put her on bottles and she was having 6 bottles of 6 oz's EACH DAY!!!!

I will just see how this goes and if it doesn't last long then i'm not worried just as long as it lasts 2-4 weeks then i'll be happy
Ginnymarie said:
I have red hair and have heard somewhere people with fair hair and red hair ahve more sensitive nipples, doubt it is true to be honestxx

I heard this too, but at the breastfeeding class they just laughed it off an an old wives tale (Phew!)
My Mum grossed me out about breast feeding.....by refering to it as Bitty :puke: I hate that, OH winds me up all the time saying it :rotfl:
Tillytots said:
My Mum grossed me out about breast feeding.....by refering to it as Bitty :puke: I hate that, OH winds me up all the time saying it :rotfl:

I know how you feel. :rotfl:
I'm with SuziQ on this one, I've had a reduction so breast feeding is a bit of a no no for me most probably.

I must say, since I've taken the decision to bottle feed from the outset I've felt happier and calmer about the whole having a baby experience because it's taken away a lot of the worry.

I just wish the NHS would stop all of its emotionally blackmailing propaganda on breastfeeding :evil:
I plan on breastfeeding if I can....

My friends baby had tongue-tie so couldnt as he couldnt poke his tongue out far enough to suck properly and by the time they corrected it he was used to bottles.
Plan on breast feeding, until at least six months. By which time will probably be going back to work :(
I plan on breast feeding. But I also plan to express so OH can feed baby too. Not that I have got round to getting bottles, a breast pump or steriliser yet :rotfl:
They are actually on my to get list for after we have baby :roll:
I am planning on bottle feeding, i just think breast feeding is not for me and prefer bottle feeding but after reading this post i feel a bit guilty i am not giving our baby the best start in life now!!
If I find it comfortable and baby takes I will definitly breast feed, I will try no matter what at least he knows mummy tried to give him the best :)
I haven't ever liked the thought of breastfeeding but i decided i'd give it ago. If i'm uncomfortable with it and i really don't like it then i'll stop.
I know there is this hype around breastfeeding but bottle fed babies are just fine too! My sister bottle fed her two (much to my mums dismay) and they have never had any problems.

I've got a few bottles and a breast pump and a steriliser and i'll just see how i go!

Littleem - don't feel that way! It's your choice and you have to be happy and comfortable! xxx :hug:
im gonna breast feed (i hope!! :pray: )

I could never get Beth to latch on, so i had to express for a few weeks , then went onto formula, and i was really gutted :( So im hoping this time it will work!!

After BF for a month or so, im planning on expressing a bit, just so that OH can do the odd night feed when im really knackered, or so i can have a night out with some friends (other people ive spoken to have managed to use breast and bottle so fingers crossed it'll work out.)

And also BF helps you lose the baby weight, so i have other reasons for wanting to do it :twisted:

But then nothing ever goes to plan, so if i cant BF , i'll just express for a bit, then use formula when i cant take it anymore, like i did last time :roll:

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