Birthing positions


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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So I went over my birthplan with my midwife on Monday and I said I wanted to actually give birth in a very traditional lying down on a bed position.

She then spent a long time trying to pursuede me to consider a variety of weird and wonderful positions. While I understand the effects of gravity and opening the pelvis for some reason, anything other than lying down terrifies me. I think it's a control thing as I want to be able to see the midwives faces and also maintain some form of dignity sheet over me.

I was just wondering what positions people had given birth in and what thier fellings about different positions are?
I hear what you're saying about dignity and everything, I feel that lying on your back with legs akimbo has to be one of the least dignified positions. That's certainly how I ended up but it didn't feel very natural and is actually a medically manufactured position as it's most convenient for them. Your body will tell you where you are most comfortable and if you want you can drape or have a sheet round you if you're on all fours, squatting, standing or whatever. The midwives should tell you what is happening at every stage whether you are looking at them or not!
I'm planning on letting my body do the talking during labour. I've never been through it before so I won't know which position is best for me until i'm faced with labour!

I remember when my Cousin had her 1st she ended up being hoisted into the air by her Mum and OH, she was literally in the air because thats how she felt most comfy!! Good job she's a skinny minnie!! lol x
I'm planning on letting my body do the talking during labour. I've never been through it before so I won't know which position is best for me until i'm faced with labour!

I remember when my Cousin had her 1st she ended up being hoisted into the air by her Mum and OH, she was literally in the air because thats how she felt most comfy!! Good job she's a skinny minnie!! lol x

I'll be the same just go with whats most comfortable at the time. No idea what its going to he like so just go with the flow.
I'd pity anyone who had to hoist me up lol.

Lol me too! We still take the pee about it now. I wasn't there but I can just picture it! lol

I just hope I don't tell everyone to p**s off because when i'm in pain I hate people being near me!! I had nerve pain the other night and ended up growling with anger! My OH looked worried!! hee hee x
believe me dignity goes out the window , just trust your body to tell you whats comfortable .
With my first I lay down the whole way through and didnt want to go in any other position as that was how i was comfy but I dont thinkits something you can plan, just see how your most comfortable when in pain.
I could not sit or lie down! I was up on my knees leaning on the back of the bed most of the time - my knees were getting sore! It was v traumatic when I had to lie on my back to be examined etc. Dignity just goes out the window - I didn't care! X
I've not really thought about it, I've not been through it before, so like clairebear said too, I don't know what position will be best for me! I'll just go with the flow lol

I'm sure you'll know when the time comes what's best for you :)
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