Big Brother 7!!!

amyknight88 said:
omg!!! where the hell do they get these people from???

think it will wind me up just watching

Yeah did anyone else get annoyed with Shabaz constantly fawning over them and stroking them and stuff? :shock:
LMAO yeh i did urchin ... didnt like that mikeys views either... :evil: lol
i only got to see the last two go in that cesar (spl) and the blonde one who looked like she had mistaken BB for the playboy mansion lol
Hmmmm they look like a weird bunch. Don't think I'll like any of them, maybe some will be growers :?
Where do they find these people?! :? :? they cant just be random people who wanted to come on big brother..the must have made them in a lab..there is no way they could find a bunch of people that annoying!!
nicki said:
beanie said:
I loved Eugene last year and so wanted him to win but perma tan Anthony did instead. :evil:

I wanted him to win too, he lives in Crawley which is 10 mins up the road from me (going there later to watch the footie!) haven't ever seen him tho. but then again I haven't really been out since last summer :(

I'm looking forward to next week - woohoo! :D

I know, couldnt believe Eugene lived in crawley, apprantly he used to get really bullied. My friend saw heer in that club in redhill & had a photo with him ! ha ha
I think it could be good this year as they have a better mix of ages and backgrounds. Last year it was full of young chavs and soooooooo boring as there were no decent debates.
Ok heres my first impressions:-

Complete bunch of up their own a*rses freaks! All the girls seem to REALLY rate themselves, I dont know how anyone can beef themself up like that!
Anyway I did find Shahbaz sooo camp and quite funny
Imogen & grace seemed ok and half normal but loved themselves a bit
Nikki - pi*sed myself laughing at her! Especially when she rubbed her hands over her untoned belly & was trying to sexy dance! FREAK!
Bonnie - Needs speech therapy (what was wrong with her saying her own name to people?!)
Lisa - alright but too loud
Glyn - hope he never saves me from drowning !
Lea - Must be a porn model & those tits are gross - PLEASE dont get them out !
Mikey - Thought mmm looks ok at first till opened his mouth! What a complete sexest twat (prob only doing it for attention) Get a life!
Richard - PLEASE dont have gay sex on the show...
George - I kinda fancy in a posh way :| look on his face at fellow housemates was quite amusing
Dawn - How the hell did she pass the "im not mental" test to get in?! Scares the sh*t outta me!
Sezer - Alright - completely loves himself & will prob spend all his time gazing at himself in the mirror
Pete - sorry would do my head in - needs to calm down ! Sorry but think he might use his tourette's as an excuse alot of time.

Davina - LOVE HER - she was fab last night - especially when she couldnt get of the bed ! :lol:
Did they just decide it was freak year - Grace was the only bit of normality I seen enter! :lol:
I agree about Pete Duds, he did look like he was faking 90% of his entrance to the house, I've known a few people with Tourettes and I've never seen anyone of them prance about like that, I'm no expert, but it seemed too "organised." Tourettes is more about uncontrollable, unexpected actions, not attention seeking which is what I saw last night.
I thought it was the same as every other year, the obligatory camp homosexual Shahbaz and of course the sexual terrorist Richard. The one who does not like transexuals George (and then they go and put someone in who is wearing women's accessories). The totty who have a suitcase full of bikinis and no doubt will have come out as bisexual by the end of the first drunken night. The "I'm not bovvered what anyone thinks of me" Bonn-eh (cracked me up when she had to correct everyone). The contreversial one Mikey who is probably a right mummy's boy in real life (and looks a tad like Vernon Kay). The one destined to have a nervous breakdown Lea though I did feel so sorry for her when she got out the car. She got booed more then Mikey who was a lot more offensive. Pete was very in your face but perhaps he is like that to cover up his tics? The bit where he said "w**k" after being introduced to George was priceless. :D
i agree with most of what people have said about the people in this year!! a really weird bunch!! :D they all seem to love themselves... i thought it was just the girls but seems to be the guys aswell!

thought bonnie was sooo annoying telling people her name!! how can u get it so wrong so many times lol :lol:
think pete faked alot of it aswell, ive never met anyone with tourettes but i thought it was more spontaneous, his looked and sounded really rehersed.
thought george was quite good looking :oops: blame the pregnancy hormones lol he didnt really do much but looked funny when he saw all the other housemates lol
shahbaz was so funny!! quite annoying the way he stroked everyone when they came in but he is so camp its funny!!
i did like mikey when i seen him... untill he opened his mouth... lol i agree that he is probably doing it 4 attention but how can someone be so sexist??
lea kinda scared me at first lol it was quite shocking! hate the boobs! jus read that she has a son who she thinks will be watching all the time... so hopefully that will stop her getting them awful boobs out :pray: lol
imogen seems normal and not as weird as the rest but does love herself a whole lot! liked the top she was wearing when she entered the house though :D
dawn really does scare me... she is very strange!! she has said that she wants 2 be reincarnated as jesus or hitler :shock:
glyn seems ok... i dont think hes that nice looking... is a bit weedy!
lisa is ok... jus v. loud and might get annoying!
sezer seems ok... loves himself sooo much! but i suppose they all do this year :think:
nikki made me laugh... all she wants in life is to be a footballers wife!! dont think she is v. pretty... she seems to think she is gods gift!!
grace, like imogen, seems pretty normal but does love herself a bit.
richard kinda scared me when he was saying about being a 'sexual terroist' :shock: i agree duds, please dont have a gay sex show on tv!!
davina was brilliant as usual... looked great and was so funny when she couldnt get off the bed!! lol

have been watching it on e4 this morning :oops: (sad i no lol) and richard seems to be pretty into mikey... has been staring at him alot... think the love may have started lol and nikki hasnt stopped talking about herself 4 a while now... was telling before how she used to eat about 8 pieces of fruit a day and drink about 12 glasses of fruit juice 2 'clean out her body' lol and now she has no enamel on her back teeth... :? shes so in love with herself!!

who do u think will have the love connections this year?? i think its pretty hard to tell :think:

god this is long lol soz!! xx
Eblinx said:
Where do they find these people?! :? :? they cant just be random people who wanted to come on big brother..the must have made them in a lab..there is no way they could find a bunch of people that annoying!!
pmsl.... i like that shabaz he funny....
Mega BB fan here too!! Told OH that once again I would see him in three months as he absolutely hates it, so I'm stiting upstairs and he's sitting downstairs. I even watch them whilst they are asleep - why?????

Think there are quite a few similar personalities in the house, loved watching them all go in as if they were Hollywood superstars. Agree with you all about Pete, not sure if he's for real, and Richard gave me the creeps. Loved Shabaz though, might be shortlived as he's a bit too hyper like Marco was. Thought he sounded just like Mrs Doubtfire!!
I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when Shabez called himself a 'paki-poof' (his words, not mine!). They were saying on the radio his voice sounds like Lorraine Kelly/Mrs Doubtfire!

But I really deteste that Mickey with his sexist attitude :evil:

I'm gonna be so hooked I just know it!
Alicebabe said:
I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when Shabez called himself a 'paki-poof' (his words, not mine!). They were saying on the radio his voice sounds like Lorraine Kelly/Mrs Doubtfire!

But I really deteste that Mickey with his sexist attitude :evil:

I'm gonna be so hooked I just know it!

ha ha ha lol me and ian was pissing our self laughing when shabaz said that...
and i hate that bonnie dunno who she thinks she is...and that stupid lifegard pmsl say no more!!!!!
why the hell does it take 2 or 3 attemps for bonner/bonneh/bonnie to say her own name?? She quite clearly CAN say it so why cause all the confusion??? :? :? :?
I thought shabaz was hilarious too when he called himself a paki-poof!! haha

loved imogens skirt when she went in, but she annoyed me going on about how pretty she was!! :shock:

I hate mikey and would slate him if i met him in a night club!!! :evil:

I think sezer has done very well for himself 21 and his own business!! :clap:

I love the house!!! I thought it was great!

Cant wait to see more. xxxxxxxxxx

even watch them whilst they are asleep - why?????


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