Bad scan

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad, I know you still must feel cautious but I hope you can relax a bit now :) xxxx
Yeh feeling a lot more relaxed now I know the hospital see it as being healthy and that there is a heartbeat so what ever else may not make sense, its alive and trying its best to grow so can't ask for more than that. Will have to take everything else as it comes :) x
What great news , so pleased and reliefed for you , come on little bean:pompom: lol you've got yourself a little toughy there xx
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great news beeble try to relax n gd luck for next scan xxx
I'm sooooo bloody happy for you. A 5 and half week heartbeat is almost impossible to see hun (all I saw was a few mving pixels rather than anything really distingusable) so don't worry that you couldn't, they are highly trained in this though and wouldn't have told you they could see one unless they were 100% sure.
So pleased for you roll on next Friday xx
wow just having a nosey on here why my partner is watching the football and came across this thread... beeble i am realy pleased for you!!! if they didnt see a heartbeat at the first scan but they did at this one then he/she must be growing!! its great news hun realy happy it turned out ok for you xxxxxx
I'm so glad that things went well. All pregnancies and babies grow differently, especially in the first 12 weeks. That's why they like to date pregnancies at around 12 weeks, when things steady off a bit! Fingers crossed all is healthy for you!
Great news! a heartbeat is a heartbeat at the end of the day. My dates didnt add up at my scan either, I was moved back a week and a day despite my cycles being very regular. I havent been moved forward at any of my subsquent scans either and I've had a few. Try not to worry, since you've had a heartbeat confirmed you should try and relax and enjoy your pregancy (easier said than done I know)


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