Bad scan

Good luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you xx
Hello ladies, thought I should keep you all updated. Appears to be good news :) went for ultrasound, bladder was not full enough so had to have an internal one. They said 5 weeks (nearly cried cause thats what they said at last scan 6 days ago!) But they said they saw embryo ans a heart beat...they tried to show me but I couldnt make anything out! its measuring 5 weeks ans 5 days. Cant for the life of me understand how that is possible and part of me is still skeptical about it all but for now thats what the hospital are going with. A healthy looking 5 weeks and 5 day pregnancy. Going to go to the private scan I was offered last thurs when I should around 7 weeks to double check that its growing so I can be more at ease. Thanks for all your support xx
Great news!! :) hope the little one just keeps growing and there's more to see at your next scan :) x
Oh, I've been waiting for you to come back!

Sounds great hun, I know your dates don't add up, but at least there is a heartbeat :hugs:
Beebie-great news a heart beat is there :)

I was convinced of my dates but I dtd days before ov & was positive I was more ahead than the dates they gave, don't worry about your dates it's so hard early on until you have a 12wk scan.

Mega pleased for you :) xxx
Thanks guys, I am glad they saw a heartbeat even if I didn't. It really does not make sense to me, I don't mind being wrong but wish someone had the time there to explain how it is possible! OH is delighted, I am happy but cautious about it but its just my obsessive scientific brain not shutting off and leaving the dates alone! But, will see what we have on the 21st when I go for my follow up scan at the private place. Should see a 7 week pregnancy rather than 5. Just got to hope it grows well in the next few weeks and they werent just misreading the heartbeat! x

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