Bad scan

Sorry to hear this hun. Hope your ok and fingers crossed for you. Xxx
Thanks for all your kind replies.

I spoke to my midwife today to tell them what happened at the private scan. Given the date of my last bleed on the 12th april they agree I should be 8 weeks and cannot understand why I am measuring 5, they said it does not sound good. They will arrange a scan for me at the end of next week so at least I don't have to wait 2 weeks now. They will see if it has grown any from the private scan and if it is viable.

Feel really deflated. Was so excited about this pregnancy especially since the chemical we had last time. I hope I have severely muddled up the dates or by some freak of nature occurance my dates were all messed up from the chemical pregnancy ruining my cycle. I don't have any symptoms of pregnancy though which makes me fearful.

I have been taking pregnancy tests all throughout this one though, and the result has been getting stronger to the point of it showing positive after 2 seconds and then it gets as strong as the control line. Surely it would have started to drop if it stopped growing 2 - 3 weeks ago.

It is all so confusing, just got to sit and wait now. x
I'm glad you spoke to your Midwife, and I'm glad she's sending you for a scan sooner (which what I meant yesterday, two weeks is too long to wait). I do hope things are OK for you Beeble
Much love to you, I hope the next week goes quick so you can check and know all is well. There is still hope hun xxxxxxxxx
:hugs: fingers crossed for u hun that the dates are mixed up.

So sorry to hear this, I hope everything goes ok. It's awful these 2 weeks are the worst longest time of your life I was in the same situation in December my outcome wasn't a good but slightly different to yours I had a scan expecting to be 12 weeks and baby only showed 6 weeks had to wait 2 more weeks for another scan unfortunately no change baby had stopped developing :( wishing you all the best keep possitive x
Hey hun, how are you doing? Im really hoping that everything is ok for you. xxxx
Hey, I am coping thanks. Just a day at a time. To be honest, I just want to know, if we have lost it we can deal with that but not knowing is just so much worse because you still hold on for hope and try finding answers online.
Managed to get an appointment tomorrow for a scan but my midwife had to lie because they wouldnt see me unless I had pain or bleeding. Apparently measuring 3 weeks behind where you are supposed to and being highly stressed is not enough to merit an nhs appointment. They would prefer I waited the two weeks and went back to the private scan place! Who are not doctors and not in a position to help me if things have gone wrong! Shocking.

Aside from that I still have no pregnancy symptoms aside from my boobs which have gotten sorer over the last few days just to confuse me. I have normal period like cramps which I had always thought were the uterus growing but now I dont know anymore. I dont know if tgey mean its growing or its trying to get rid.

Just need to hang in there till tomorrow. Thanks for all your support ladies xx
Good Luck for tomorrow, hope you get the answer you need. Fingers crossed your wee bean is just yet to have a growth spurt... Keep us posted. Hugs xxxx
I have ben wondering when you will be getting your scan. I really hope it is good news for you. It is horrible being in limbo and not knowing. Thinking of you x
will be thinking of you ,everythings crossed for some good news or at the very least some closure for you, Good luck .All the best xx
Good luck tomorrow, I really hope it's good news for you. I was in the same situation last year so my thoughts are with you as I know how hard the waiting and the not knowing is. I've got everything crossed for you hun.
Good luck Beeble, I have everything crossed for you, hope you get some blinkin wonderful news x
Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you xxx
very best of luck for tomoro beeble i know exactly how ur feeling the limbo land is the worse feeling ever xxx
Thanks ladies, will let you know how it goes either way. Just need an answer so I can go from there. x

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