***August 2019 Mummies***

Stopped again and no real pain, so same advice as before. Just try not to panic and call if anything gets worse
Anybody still feeling rough ? (Even if not as bad as tri1?)
I just feel fat too... I don’t feel like my bump look like a pregnant one yet so it just seems like I gained weight and that’s it !

Does anybody get really sharp pains in their tummies in the evenings ?
I get so uncomfortable. It almost stopped me from walking last night !
I have once or twice and was embarrased when it was just gas. I've kept ginger ale or something with carbon dioxide by me in the evenings ever since. Also as I'm in the car a lot, I've been getting more leg pain than usual, and the only way it seems too go away is by sleeping in the right position. Generally I'm less stretchy than usual which is super annoying as I love to stretch: it always makes me feel better. I've taken to walking in the mall with my friend who is also pregnant which has been nice- no tripping/ slipping hazards as it's still very wintery.

(Haven't had acne for a while: had it early on)
Good morning ladies :)
Silly question time ! :wave:
My bump is starting to show but it’s kind of funny ! It is completely asymmetrical!
When I am on my back in the morning and i try to my tummy in, the bump is quite big on the right and barely there on the left !!!

Anybody else with a funny shaped one ? :rotfl:

Maybe I’ll try a picture tomorrow morning to show how bizarre it looks !
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Hey everyone! I’m new here and due on the 27th of August. This is my first pregnancy so it would be great to chat and have some of my worries normalised! Currently 14 weeks and thank god fhe nausea has subsided but I’ve been really tearful and emotional this week! Feeling rather down and fatigued. Anyone else feel down at times? Thanks all!
Hey everyone! I’m new here and due on the 27th of August. This is my first pregnancy so it would be great to chat and have some of my worries normalised! Currently 14 weeks and thank god fhe nausea has subsided but I’ve been really tearful and emotional this week! Feeling rather down and fatigued. Anyone else feel down at times? Thanks all!
Nice to meet you Amy!

Glad you're feeling better too- second trimester is nice so far, but yes fatigue is a thing for me for sure (my midwife recommended I add 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D to my prenatals as it was low, which helped but I'm still mentally not all there if I don't get enough rest.
Hey everyone! I’m new here and due on the 27th of August. This is my first pregnancy so it would be great to chat and have some of my worries normalised! Currently 14 weeks and thank god fhe nausea has subsided but I’ve been really tearful and emotional this week! Feeling rather down and fatigued. Anyone else feel down at times? Thanks all!
Hello Amy!! And congrats on your first pregnancy :)
Like Elise, i feel better in tri 2 but fatigue is still there and I feel like my brain isn’t able to use 100% of its functionality!
Thé the emotional side, I think it comes and goes at time :) I can find my self sobbing watching silly shows at times... I guess it’s the hormones taking over our reason sometimes :)
Nice to meet you Amy!

Glad you're feeling better too- second trimester is nice so far, but yes fatigue is a thing for me for sure (my midwife recommended I add 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D to my prenatals as it was low, which helped but I'm still mentally not all there if I don't get enough rest.

Thank you for the reply! I’m glad to hear other people feel tired in a similar way. Makes me feel less incapable! Who knew that growing a human could zap so much of your energy. Waiting on the ‘glowing’ second trimester! It can’t come soon enough xx
Hello Amy!! And congrats on your first pregnancy :)
Like Elise, i feel better in tri 2 but fatigue is still there and I feel like my brain isn’t able to use 100% of its functionality!
Thé the emotional side, I think it comes and goes at time :) I can find my self sobbing watching silly shows at times... I guess it’s the hormones taking over our reason sometimes :)

Thank you for your reply! So glad to hear other people are getting this brain fog. My memory recall is terrible at the moment lol

Also glad to hear I’m not alone regarding emotions! I watched a star is born with the in-laws and had to excuse myself because I was ugly sobbing haha! I’ve been quite stable emotionally so I guess yesterday when I felt down and sad I panicked, but definitely feeling better today! When are you due?
Hello ladies. Still haven't managed to fix my notifications so just catching up on loads of messages.

@Anna@work tiredness is the main thing catching me off guard now along with the never ending heartburn and acid. But otherwise generally feeling more myself

Hopefully my pic has uploaded....please excuse the scary underwear but I started doing pics in undies so have had to continue lol. 18 weeks now and def agree with comments about finally having a hardening bump! Xx

I’m definitely feeling more tired. Doesn’t help I have a demanding job and work a bit of overtime too. But I’m hoping that they’ll work something out soon.

Definitely growing! Bigger than I expected to be for 17 weeks

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Lovely bumps ladies !
Is it your first babies ?!
I am 15 weeks tomorrow and I think I it’s starting to grow crazy now. Feels like every morning the bump is looking bigger!

Still fits in my trousers in the morning if standing... (don’t ask me to sit in them hahaha) but in the evenings it’s a different story :)
I think I felt the baby move for the first time this morrning. Have you ladies felt anything yet? I felt some faint kicking against my palm while laying down in bed. 16+4 today. It is slowly starting to feel real. :shock:
I think I felt the baby move for the first time this morrning. Have you ladies felt anything yet? I felt some faint kicking against my palm while laying down in bed. 16+4 today. It is slowly starting to feel real. :shock:

How exciting! I haven't felt a thing yet. Midwife told me will likely be around 20 weeks as I have placenta at the front so effectively cushioning any movement. I cant wait to feel something as I think it will ground me once and for all!
How exciting! I haven't felt a thing yet. Midwife told me will likely be around 20 weeks as I have placenta at the front so effectively cushioning any movement. I cant wait to feel something as I think it will ground me once and for all!

Very true. I was told that I have posterior placenta, so that might explain why I felt movement this early.
Aww, so no movement yet, I'm at 17 weeks and two days (that's would be 17 +2 the way you all write it right?), my bump is hard, it's my first little one and we don't know the sex yet. Aside from fatigue I also get psyched out about the fatigue and sometimes with a small snack can get enough energy back to finish a task... there are times I have to literally lean against a wall and talk myself into simple things, but we have a lot to clean up for the baby as we didn't expect to become pregnant so soon and I have to remember not to lift things a lot.
Some days are great, but others I can't control as 2-3 days out of the week I wake up at 3 am and can't sleep again until 7:30 or so. Then I'm usually messed up for two days. Also I did need to get pregnancy pants but I don't feel like the bump is that big...?
Oh right, and protein is KEY right now- not that I'm craving it so much as I need to eat it twice a day to have enough energy... anyone else have that?
Aww, so no movement yet, I'm at 17 weeks and two days (that's would be 17 +2 the way you all write it right?), my bump is hard, it's my first little one and we don't know the sex yet. Aside from fatigue I also get psyched out about the fatigue and sometimes with a small snack can get enough energy back to finish a task... there are times I have to literally lean against a wall and talk myself into simple things, but we have a lot to clean up for the baby as we didn't expect to become pregnant so soon and I have to remember not to lift things a lot.
Some days are great, but others I can't control as 2-3 days out of the week I wake up at 3 am and can't sleep again until 7:30 or so. Then I'm usually messed up for two days. Also I did need to get pregnancy pants but I don't feel like the bump is that big...?
Oh right, and protein is KEY right now- not that I'm craving it so much as I need to eat it twice a day to have enough energy... anyone else have that?

Hey Elize!

I’m currently 14 weeks and 6 days so nearly 15! The fatigue is also killing me at the moment and I just need to remember to take it easy. Sometimes I just have to leave things and say, really is it worth doing if I’m feeling so tired - there’s obviously a reason I’m feeling tired, so I try and listen to my body and rest. Can you talk to work at all? I spoke with my employer last week as I was finding it difficult and they were surprisingly supportive saying I can go home early if I need to and not be so hard on myself. Growing a baby is hard!!! It’s my first too and so it’s all new.

I haven’t thought of protein helping but I might try that and see if it helps my sleepiness.

Keep trucking, it really is a difficult time. Sometimes I worry that I’m not enjoying being pregnant and then realise it’s ok, for some people it’s just a little harder! We need to be kinder to ourselves. Sending my love xx

P.s. I have a friend who is nearly 6 months and I am bigger than her - we all show at different times!!
Hey Elize!

I’m currently 14 weeks and 6 days so nearly 15! The fatigue is also killing me at the moment and I just need to remember to take it easy. Sometimes I just have to leave things and say, really is it worth doing if I’m feeling so tired - there’s obviously a reason I’m feeling tired, so I try and listen to my body and rest. Can you talk to work at all? I spoke with my employer last week as I was finding it difficult and they were surprisingly supportive saying I can go home early if I need to and not be so hard on myself. Growing a baby is hard!!! It’s my first too and so it’s all new.

I haven’t thought of protein helping but I might try that and see if it helps my sleepiness.

Keep trucking, it really is a difficult time. Sometimes I worry that I’m not enjoying being pregnant and then realise it’s ok, for some people it’s just a little harder! We need to be kinder to ourselves. Sending my love xx

P.s. I have a friend who is nearly 6 months and I am bigger than her - we all show at different times!!
Guess I should clarify- I'm essentially my own boss as I'm a Realtor, but a lot of what I do is reactionary to opportunity. Things like paperwork I have down pretty well but when I have a day with several client meetings/ showings, I'm beat. Last week was very busy with appointments and inspections etc, so there was a lot I had to do to keep things rolling for clients or my business. I'd love to wake up early for calls again (7:30 is my best time for this) but I've been sleeping in daily until 11:30 or so. I know I need to, but it sucks to miss that time. There are times I don't really have a choice about work as contracts have strict dates that I have to keep my client compliant with if they still want to buy or sell their house.I did book a nice restaurant for lunch with my husband next week so I'm excited to have some designated time to relax and not think about work.
How about you, are you working a lot?

Thanks for the note about bump sizes, I don't know if I want the discomforts of a large one early, just want the baby to be healthy (and maybe vainly, to look pregnant and not just run down or feel fat :p).

The protein for me makes my sleep more effective, I think. If I really need to eat or rest then it'll put me right to sleep, but I sleep more soundly when I have a good source of it. I've taken to keeping lunchmeat or kilbase/ sausage on hand if I need a satisfying snack.
I’m also suffering with fatigue, but happy that nauseous feelings have pretty much gone now!

My belly seems to get bigger as the day goes on, by night time it looks so big compared to mornings! Hahaha.

Had a private gender scan on Saturday and found out we are having a baby boy! So happy and shocked as I was convinced it was going to be a girl. I have a daughter and my OH has 2 daughters, so it’s brilliant that our first baby together is a boy, a first for both of us! X

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