***August 2019 Mummies***

Lovely bumps ladies !
I would like to start to show more just to be offered a seat peak times in the bus !
I have started work again this week after 7 weeks of being sick. It’s still so hard but I guess it will make time fly a bit faster... well at least I hope so!
It is so exhausting though and time on the computer is making me dizzy at times!
Katiepie please can I change my date to 24 August following my scan? Thanks x
The good side about work is that I feel like tiles goes by faster...
i have a week off in 3 weeks. Then there will be a fair amount of bank holidays...

We have booked our last holiday as being just the two of us today.... I don’t know if it makes me sadly or happily emotional! It’s so exciting and scary!
Booked a week in Crete in early may to make sure it won’t be too too warm.
I can’t wait!
We've also booked a babymoon holiday at the end of April. Going to Italy for a few days. Hopefully it will not be too uncomfortable with the bump.

This week I've felt that the bump has been more prominent - it somehow feels different now, whereas before it was mostly bloating. Now it feels like there is something solid in there. :) Cannot feel any movement, but just feels different when I lean forward to get up from a chair etc.

Great bump pictures above, ladies!
Evening everyone!!
I’ve just joined and I’m expecting in August so thought I’d introduce myself.
My name is Aimee and I’m pregnant with baby number 3.
I’m 33 and it’s been 10 years since I was last pregnant and to say I’m Not feeling the 10yr gap would be a lie.
I’ve had it easy in way of sickness...was only sick once but tiredness is kicking my butt!!
As with my other 2 pregnancy’s (both girls, 15 next week and 9) I show very quick but even quicker with this one, I’ve not been able to hide my bump since I was 8 weeks!!
I’m general manager in a restaurant/bar/function room and we host a lot of baby showers and I’m already bigger than most of the mums to be who are a lot closer to their due date than I am
With baby number two I suffered with my pelvis pretty bad in later stages of pregnancy and I’m already suffering with my coccyx with this one... so I’m preparing myself for a nightmare 3rd trimester!
I will try and attach a photo of my bump I took tonight at 15weeks1day. I’m not the best with technology so we will see if it works.
Due date is August 17th. Was 16th which was crazy as that was my due date with my youngest but dating scam changed it by 1 day.

Glad you're feeling well enough to get back to work, @anna!

@Katiepie, that sounds like a bad combination, sewer work and pregancy- hope you don't have a thing with dizziness? I had it a lot early on. Keep us posted on how things are going at the job.

As for me I'm a Realtor, so I sort of set my own hours, but I also have to react quickly for certain appointments/ work and opportunities if I want to make money. So my concern is of course being able to juggle everything and set up a routine once the baby comes, but I may be making a bigger deal out of it in my mind than it needs to be.

(Also the deflate/ expand this is real, and really weird. Half the time I just feel fat, and I wish we had gotten the doppler at my 13 week appointment to hear the heartbeat. It's supposed to have a risk of brain damage later on when the baby's skull is well formed, that the signal can bounce around and heat their brain up too much, so I didn't want to do it at all, but I really wish now I had heard it just so I could wake up and realize how real this all is.)
I just feel fat too... I don’t feel like my bump look like a pregnant one yet so it just seems like I gained weight and that’s it !

Does anybody get really sharp pains in their tummies in the evenings ?
I get so uncomfortable. It almost stopped me from walking last night !

Welcome @Aimee Baby 3 :)

@Anna@work, I went for a long walk on Saturday morning, and probably pushed myself a little too much, (going straight up a very big hill and trying to keep pace with some much fitter and much less pregnant people ha) ended up with sharp stabby pain a lot of the afternoon, but I did a bit of reading and apparently it’s Round Ligament pain, and happens when the ligament that holds the uterus in place begins to stretch to accommodate the baby. Felt like I was being stabbed whenever I moved a little too much. Also, my knees! I was walking like an old women on Sunday :) I’ve had a bit of Bursitis in one the last few weeks (embarrassingly, I think I triggered that by kneeling in the bath) but the other one decided enough was enough too. This whole extra bendy pregnant thing is no joke!

@Elize its been a little bit stressful trying to get them to acknowledge it at work, but finally I think they’ve figured it out. I’d like to start working for myself after the baby is born, as I think it would make life a lot more manageable. Just being able to control working hours etc. Will have to see how everything turns out though :)

@EmmaN27 and @Gravidgecko im on it and will change those dates :)

Welcome @Aimee Baby 3 :)

@Anna@work, I went for a long walk on Saturday morning, and probably pushed myself a little too much, (going straight up a very big hill and trying to keep pace with some much fitter and much less pregnant people ha) ended up with sharp stabby pain a lot of the afternoon, but I did a bit of reading and apparently it’s Round Ligament pain, and happens when the ligament that holds the uterus in place begins to stretch to accommodate the baby. Felt like I was being stabbed whenever I moved a little too much. Also, my knees! I was walking like an old women on Sunday :) I’ve had a bit of Bursitis in one the last few weeks (embarrassingly, I think I triggered that by kneeling in the bath) but the other one decided enough was enough too. This whole extra bendy pregnant thing is no joke!

@Elize its been a little bit stressful trying to get them to acknowledge it at work, but finally I think they’ve figured it out. I’d like to start working for myself after the baby is born, as I think it would make life a lot more manageable. Just being able to control working hours etc. Will have to see how everything turns out though :)

@EmmaN27 and @Gravidgecko im on it and will change those dates :)

@Katiepie it must be that. We went on a walk. I would describe it as particularly long or hilly but pregnancy seems to make any walk feel long !!!

I sent a urine sample at my go last Tuesday as was positive to nitrates when dipped... I rang this morning and they said results aren’t back “yet”... it has been six days. Does anybody else believe they’ve lost it ?!
It was a bit odd when I went to drop it off last week. I was told just to put it in a blue box. I said it isn’t labelled for the lab right?! (Luckily I did put a handwritten note of my name and date of birth on it...). It I really wonder if it hasn’t just gone to the bin!!

Can they leave me for 7 days with water infection and no treatment when pregnant?! Luckily for them I don’t have a temperature and I am a nurse so am not calling them constantly but I doubt this is right practice...
Anyone else suffering with spots? I have loads of red ones on my back and a few on my chest and even a couple on my bum. Getting odd ones on my face too. I usually have no spots, it’s driving me a bit mad! X
@Katiepie and @Anna@work - same here! After climbing just one small flight of stairs, I am out of breath as if I've just climbed the Everest. And vacuuming the flat is absolutely knackering. I think it is the low blood pressure?

Does anyone do any antenatal pilates or similar? How does it feel - any pains?
Anyone else suffering with spots? I have loads of red ones on my back and a few on my chest and even a couple on my bum. Getting odd ones on my face too. I usually have no spots, it’s driving me a bit mad! X
I’ve had adult acne for years which I’ve tried everything to get rid of. Turns out pregnancy is the cure for me! I know how tough living with spots can be so I really feel for you.
When I stopped my pill I got really spotty. Then early pregnancy was a spot nightmare. It’s getting better now and has been for the last two weeks but still get the odd ones on my chin. I have really tiny spot on my breasts now which is new though :(
Anyone else suffering with spots? I have loads of red ones on my back and a few on my chest and even a couple on my bum. Getting odd ones on my face too. I usually have no spots, it’s driving me a bit mad! X
Im covered in them, never had them before. I feel like im 13 :( x
Guys, I'm spotting again!!!
It's once a week/ every 10 days.
This time it's a tiny bit heavier and by lower back is achy.
I've been told not to panic before, but I'm worried this is more.
What shoudl I do? is there anything I can do?
Guys, I'm spotting again!!!
It's once a week/ every 10 days.
This time it's a tiny bit heavier and by lower back is achy.
I've been told not to panic before, but I'm worried this is more.
What shoudl I do? is there anything I can do?
Sorry to read this @Gravidgecko !
I would call the midwives and go with their opinion just in case ! Tell them it makes you really worried q’d Maybe they’ll send you to the EPU.
Sending you lots of positive thoughts !
Glad to hear I'm not the only one dealing with pregnancy spots! Really hoping it starts to clear up now I'm in tri 2, but we will see! Stacey - really hope it clears up for you too, it does make you feel rubbish, especially the ones on your face that are visible to everyone!

Rosie - how crazy that you're the opposite and pregnancy clears up your spots! You must be one of the lucky ones who get the pregnancy glow :) x
Guys, I'm spotting again!!!
It's once a week/ every 10 days.
This time it's a tiny bit heavier and by lower back is achy.
I've been told not to panic before, but I'm worried this is more.
What shoudl I do? is there anything I can do?

I would call your midwife or EPU just to be safe x
Heres mine, almost 19 weeks.. im from july but i think il go over into august as due 28th x


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