***August 2019 Mummies***

I definitely feel like I’m showing more every day, Anna. I’m so glad I can tell people now as everybody at work must have thought I’m gaining crazy amounts of weight!
Katie, the pains may be your ligaments stretching. If I sneeze I get sharp pains where everything’s a bit stretched & out of place!
Sneezing pains in lower belly, annoying mucusy cough, bump showing more every day - I've got all of those ticked.:) Plus itching like I have fleas. Wonderful.
I sneezed yesterday and oh my ! These ligaments are tight!!!!

Had a go appointment following my sickness, my blood pressure was 137/78. I am a bit worried as this seems high for me... doctor twinged a bit when I said I normally run at 110/60 and told me to rest as if it was nothing but...

My midwife appointment is 1st of March and seems like forever away!
Good morning,

I have a weird work thing today. After telling them at the beginning of January, I still haven’t had a pregnancy risk assessment, so I asked the office manager/hse guy today about it.

He wants to just use the same risk assessment that they had used for a colleague a couple of years ago. I explained that legally they had to do one for each pregnant lady, as we are, in fact, different. Also that my GP had recommendations about field work.

His answer is to send me my colleagues risk assessment so I can review and adjust it myself, then we can have a meeting about it.

He was reasonable about field work commitments, but is this not a breach of privacy, sending me someone else’s risk assessment?

She (happens to be sat next to me today) doesn’t care much, and it’s pretty typical of the management here. Can’t help but feel it’s a bit shifty though
@Anna@work I asked about the appts yesterday to see if they could combine the scans or something but apparently not all the sonographer are trained to do the TV cervix check so 3 trips to hospital that week remains lol.

Had my 16 week check yesterday I have 37mm of cervix which is well within the normal range and no signs of 'funneling' when I cough so they happy with everything. Got a quick bonus tummy scan too which was nice so saw baby wriggling around happily.

Still haven't felt movements but she said my placenta is at the front so may still be a while before I feel baby.

@Katiepie that's crap regarding your risk assessment. We have a standard document we use and tick what applies and then add relevant notes for the person but would never copy someone else's.
Update: following my scan my official site date is now the 21st August :)

Feeling more excited now that the morning sickness isn't quite so constant!
Good morning,

I have a weird work thing today. After telling them at the beginning of January, I still haven’t had a pregnancy risk assessment, so I asked the office manager/hse guy today about it.

He wants to just use the same risk assessment that they had used for a colleague a couple of years ago. I explained that legally they had to do one for each pregnant lady, as we are, in fact, different. Also that my GP had recommendations about field work.

His answer is to send me my colleagues risk assessment so I can review and adjust it myself, then we can have a meeting about it.

He was reasonable about field work commitments, but is this not a breach of privacy, sending me someone else’s risk assessment?

She (happens to be sat next to me today) doesn’t care much, and it’s pretty typical of the management here. Can’t help but feel it’s a bit shifty though
Yeh I was asked 2 weeks ago to email and organise my risk assessment, so I did... Still waiting for the woman to get back to me!
Btw, is anyone here in their 2nd pregnancy?
I feel like everything I experienced last time is happening 10 weeks earlier and 10 times worse! I'm only 13 weeks, but I've got horrible heartburn, painful pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy insomnia, aches all over, and I can't sit/stand/walk for more than a few minutes at a time! I can barely lift my daughter already and she's only 2 so we're still changing nappies, and I'm struggling to last the whole day at work. I thought I'd have plenty of time before I felt like this, but I was ill for 11 weeks, and now I feel veeeeeeery pregnant. Also, I'm already showing, which is defo earlier than last time.

Never again!
Hello everybody.
If any of you have had a UTI while pregnant, did you get any symptoms ?
I have some kind of strange sensation in my lower belly but can’t tell if it feels like water infection or not. It’s not really painful. But I normally just don’t feel anything down there :-p

Also out of curiosity, do you think you can feel your womb when touching your tummy?
I feel like my body is a whole new experiment !
I think I can feel my womb - there is definitely something hard below my bellybutton that was not there before. I just don't dare to prod too much. Afraid that I will break something - like set the placenta loose... :shock: Already paranoid about all the tearing pains when I cough or sneeze. Have been trying to feel some movements, and on Friday I thought that some flutterings I felt were not just from the gut. But cannot say for sure yet.

If anyone has good recommendations for bump creams or just general lotions, preferably natural ingredients/organic, I am all ears. Gotta do do something about this itching. My current Lavera lotion does not seem to help much.
I use the rituals cream for stretch marks. It smells divine and the texture is great. You feel like it’s on your skin for quite a while without being sticky at all :)

I also bought the Burt’s bees one. It’s great too but doesn’t smell nice at all!
Btw, is anyone here in their 2nd pregnancy?
I feel like everything I experienced last time is happening 10 weeks earlier and 10 times worse! I'm only 13 weeks, but I've got horrible heartburn, painful pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy insomnia, aches all over, and I can't sit/stand/walk for more than a few minutes at a time! I can barely lift my daughter already and she's only 2 so we're still changing nappies, and I'm struggling to last the whole day at work. I thought I'd have plenty of time before I felt like this, but I was ill for 11 weeks, and now I feel veeeeeeery pregnant. Also, I'm already showing, which is defo earlier than last time.

Never again!

Yes I am second time mum! I'm feeling flutters, feeling bigger, showing earlier, got heartburn, ligament pain...the works! The only thing that's good this time round is knowing the little aches and pains are Normal.. Yet the worst thing is also knowing what the last 4 weeks of pregnancy are actually like and the labour bit :rotfl:
I religiously used Palmers stretch mark cream. I had no stretch marks until I went 5 days overdue, that last week they just appeared!
Hi all

Don't think I've got my notifications set right...

I got given some lovely nspa products for my birthday. Theres a bump butter which is lovely and thick but rubs right in. And also a stretch mark oil that got a mother and baby award. Both smell delicious. I've started slapping them on just this week as the itching has begun all over!

I still haven't felt movement.. .bit early still from what I've read as it's my first. My tummy seems to vary from hard to soft....I feel harder above the belly button at the minute where everything is pushed up I think x
Just had my 16th week midwife appointment mainly talking today but she did try to get babies heartbeat as she said it doesn’t always work at 16 weeks so they’re still so small but we got lucky and found it.
I want to try do the antenal appointments but I don’t drive and none are overly close so I’m going to have to look into getting there.
So excited!
Yes I am second time mum! I'm feeling flutters, feeling bigger, showing earlier, got heartburn, ligament pain...the works! The only thing that's good this time round is knowing the little aches and pains are Normal.. Yet the worst thing is also knowing what the last 4 weeks of pregnancy are actually like and the labour bit :rotfl:
Yeh I'm defo more scared this time round. Last time, i didn't know what to be afraid of. Now, i know all too well lol
Btw, any suggestions for heartburn?
I was nearly driven insane with it last time, and i can already feel it starting ast just 13 weeks!
Tell me there are drugs?!
Btw, any suggestions for heartburn?
I was nearly driven insane with it last time, and i can already feel it starting ast just 13 weeks!
Tell me there are drugs?!

Gaviscon if you can.
Otherwise ranitidine (max twice a day) safe in the nhs website but not on the product leaflet. Ask your GP/Midwife just to have a relaxed mind. Same for Omeprazole. Both work wonders. Cost a bit more in boots and both say « ask your gp first if pregnant »
(I did and it’s safe ;) )
Btw, any suggestions for heartburn?
I was nearly driven insane with it last time, and i can already feel it starting ast just 13 weeks!
Tell me there are drugs?!
I have heartburn too! I keep gaviscon with me at all times, swig from the bottle Especially in the middle of the night haha

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