***August 2019 Mummies***

I’m also suffering with fatigue, but happy that nauseous feelings have pretty much gone now!

My belly seems to get bigger as the day goes on, by night time it looks so big compared to mornings! Hahaha.

Had a private gender scan on Saturday and found out we are having a baby boy! So happy and shocked as I was convinced it was going to be a girl. I have a daughter and my OH has 2 daughters, so it’s brilliant that our first baby together is a boy, a first for both of us! X

Congratulations on you baby boy Emma !!! You must be so excited to have one of each!!!

My belly in the evenings is huge and it the morning it almost looks like I lied about being pregnant hahahah!
Can you feel any movements yet?

I have my private scan Saturday... 5 more sleeps!!! This week feels like the longest week ever !
Hello my lovelies finally checking in 2nd trimester. My due date has changed to 29th August. X
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Congratulations on you baby boy Emma !!! You must be so excited to have one of each!!!

My belly in the evenings is huge and it the morning it almost looks like I lied about being pregnant hahahah!
Can you feel any movements yet?

I have my private scan Saturday... 5 more sleeps!!! This week feels like the longest week ever !

Thank you, yes it is perfect having one of each :)

They said my placenta is at the front so it will take longer to feel the baby, but I'm more likely to feel it on the left side as there's not much placenta there. I'm pretty sure I've actually felt him a little bit on the left side a couple of times when I was laying on my side in bed. Can't wait to properly feel him moving about.

How exciting, hope this week flies by for you, are you going to find out the gender? x
Thank you, yes it is perfect having one of each :)

They said my placenta is at the front so it will take longer to feel the baby, but I'm more likely to feel it on the left side as there's not much placenta there. I'm pretty sure I've actually felt him a little bit on the left side a couple of times when I was laying on my side in bed. Can't wait to properly feel him moving about.

How exciting, hope this week flies by for you, are you going to find out the gender? x

My placenta is at the front as well. Can’t feel anything yet. Bit obsessed at times but I think I am imagining things !

And yes scan is one we booked privately to know the gender as I was too impatient !
Hopefully it will fly by this week... I have been back to work for two weeks now and one thing is for sure they are keeping me busy! I have MORE work than before. Knowing that I work 2 less hours a day, I see the same number of patients !
It’s ridiculous and makes me so grumpy on the morning I don’t even talk to my colleagues !
This morning my first patient was here before I even arrived ! It’s silly but then I guess I am so busy I don’t think about baby at all until lunch and then busy busy and don’t think about him/her until I am on my way home !

I had a feeling it was a boy. But everybody keeps telling me their random guesses and it’s 90% girl for some reason so I think I started to believe it ! Can’t imagine the Face I’ll make if they tell me it’s a boy :-D
We are having a private scan and NIPT test on Wednesday. We got quite low risk from the NT test and were initially ok with that, but as time went on I started to stress about my old age and the 3% false negative rates, so wanted to have another confirmation. And we get to hear the sex too. And some bonus 4D pics.
We are having a private scan and NIPT test on Wednesday. We got quite low risk from the NT test and were initially ok with that, but as time went on I started to stress about my old age and the 3% false negative rates, so wanted to have another confirmation. And we get to hear the sex too. And some bonus 4D pics.

What were your results starry? I hesitated but refrained after I have heard so many people with results of 1/30 and healthy babies !
When is yur NIPT?

Also, that’s going to sound ridiculous but, anyone else already counting down the days to their mat leave or is it just me dreaming about not having to work again for a whole year !? :rotfl:
It’s very exciting finding out the gender, there was no way I could wait until the birth to find out, far too impatient!

I’m 35 now and my down syndrome tests come back as 1 in 10,000, was surprised how good the results were.

I’m defo excited to start maternity leave, no work for over a year :) x
What were your results starry? I hesitated but refrained after I have heard so many people with results of 1/30 and healthy babies !
When is yur NIPT?

Also, that’s going to sound ridiculous but, anyone else already counting down the days to their mat leave or is it just me dreaming about not having to work again for a whole year !? :rotfl:

My combined risk factors were 1:2000 and 1:19000 - so good overall and that is why we were comforted initially. But I kept on thinking that if there are false positives, there must also be false negatives. Especially as I am 40 soon and the background risk alone was 1:100. So thought that as there is another non-invasive test out there, we should take that too. NIPT is tomorrow and expect it to take 1-2 weeks for the results.
God now you make me worry !
My risk for Down syndrome is 1 : 548 and they still said it was low risk !
Ohh sorry I’ve not been on in ages. Life catching up with me and I’ve had a frankly disasterous couple of weeks at work I’m trying to recover from.

Had a phone call from the midwives this morning to tell me that I had been classed as high risk and so I’ve been put under consultant led care, with the same guy who oversaw my ivf. Also despite my low blood pressure and good test results, my family history of preeclampsia is strong enough for them to think I’m at risk, so aspirin from now on, and a referral to the genetic counselling team at Birmingham for some other random family history stuff. Quite a phone call :-/ . Anyone else under consultant led care? Not really sure what to expect.

@Elize i take vitamin d as well, I don’t think it’s tested for as standard but I’m aware that as a vegan who is in the office most of the time in winter, I just don’t get much of it. Surprised how many midwives have asked me why I’m taking it. There’s some excellent research on the benefits of vitamin d in pregnancy done by www.grassrootshealth.net

@Anna@work i have a spreadsheet with all dates on, including a countdown of days left at work, after accounting for annual leave days. I tick it off every day. Usually from my work desk.

I’m pretty sure what I’ve been feeling is the baby wriggling around and having a kick :-) it seemed to have moved onto one side of me the other day and my stomach was visibly bigger on one side than the other, my husbands still in some kind of denial that this is happening, so it was fun to see his face when I got him to feel :-)
God now you make me worry !
My risk for Down syndrome is 1 : 548 and they still said it was low risk !

Oh no, sorry, not my intention. You are right. Yours is a low risk, as high risk limit is 1:150. When the sonographer asked for our risk factors today, she looked like "what are you doing here" for a second, but then fixed her face and said, "ah, so you just want the extra reassurance." She probably thought that we are wasting money. I felt a bit paranoid. Anyways, done now, and will get results in a week or so.

The best bit of the test is that we got to see the bean again after 5 weeks of feeling surreal. There it was, yawning and scratching its belly. And got to also know that we are expecting a boy! Perhaps we should name him Homer...
@Katiepie I was recommended by the midwife to take low dose aspirin daily to prevent pre-eklampsia, despite having low blood pressure, no family history or any other risk factor. The only reason was my age (40 before baby is born). I have been naughty and have not taken any, as I am taking fish oil daily and fish oil has a mild blood thinning quality. I worry about combined effects of taking both at the same time. Don't want any internal bleeding! And I don't want to stop taking fish oil for the omegas.
I’m 18 weeks and been hit my a sickness bug.
I’m keeping myself hydrated, and since I’m not being sick all the time I’ve been told there isn’t much they can do. I’m sick about 3 to 5 times a day (on day 3 today) and at times I do keep most food down. It just seems to come at random times during the day. Like I think I’m getting better then boom I’m sick. It’s never a lot and my temperature is fine.
My step soon had it a week ago and it also lasted about 3 days with him so I’m really hoping this is the end of it today
I’m 18 weeks and been hit my a sickness bug.
I’m keeping myself hydrated, and since I’m not being sick all the time I’ve been told there isn’t much they can do. I’m sick about 3 to 5 times a day (on day 3 today) and at times I do keep most food down. It just seems to come at random times during the day. Like I think I’m getting better then boom I’m sick. It’s never a lot and my temperature is fine.
My step soon had it a week ago and it also lasted about 3 days with him so I’m really hoping this is the end of it today

Sorry to read this @Hearyoume !
Hope you’ll feel better soon!
@Katiepie I was recommended by the midwife to take low dose aspirin daily to prevent pre-eklampsia, despite having low blood pressure, no family history or any other risk factor. The only reason was my age (40 before baby is born). I have been naughty and have not taken any, as I am taking fish oil daily and fish oil has a mild blood thinning quality. I worry about combined effects of taking both at the same time. Don't want any internal bleeding! And I don't want to stop taking fish oil for the omegas.

@Starrynight I thought fish oil supplements were a complete no no during pregnancy.....i used to take glucosamine for joints but stopped when we started TTC something to do with the vitamin A being dangerous.

You ve made me curious. Xx
Hi all I'm 19+2 and feeling much more myself in general.

Still getting random bouts of tiredness but other than that just really the hips and pelvic aches and pains have started. I'm a horse rider...winding down but riding gently still as good to relax and have a little exercise...plus the looking after horses that goes with is keeping me active.

20 week scan next week looking forward to checking all is ok and seeing how much little one has grown. Still haven't felt a thing....hard tho I concentrate when I'm lying chilling out lol xx
@Starrynight I thought fish oil supplements were a complete no no during pregnancy.....i used to take glucosamine for joints but stopped when we started TTC something to do with the vitamin A being dangerous.

There is a difference between fish oil and fish liver oil. It is only the fish liver oil that has vitamin A and is a no no. Fish oil has good omegas and is very much recommended for pregnancy. Especially if you don't eat fish weekly.

You ve made me curious. Xx
Katiepie - please can you move me to 24 August? Thank you x

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