Congratulations on the healthy baby scan!Had my scan today, measuring ahead by another 3 days, 13+3, new due date is 24 August.
So happy x
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Thought you might appreciate this ladiesI was browsing audible for baby books (as I haven’t even attempted starting the massive one on my bedside table).
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I mean, it’s a diverse but unexpected turn.
How is everyone doing symptoms-wise?
So I'm finally less nauseous, but I also switched my prenatals from RainbowOne (a gift from friends who recently had a baby) to my favorite brand NewChapter Organics. The new chapter has fermented forms of the vitamins as well as ginger etc for upset stomach, and my midwife was helpful in pointing out that usually it's the form of iron in the vitamin and where it is broken down (which intestine) that effects additional nausea. The NewChapter is a whole food vitamin as well so they can be taken on an empty stomach which I love, but there's 3 in a day and if I didn't take them on time I was feeling super exhausted. Because I started with those, then switched to the RainbowOne for a month and a half, then back to the NewChapter I'm not sure when I was genuinely nauseous from the baby (especially as the husband and I had a bad flu for a week after Christmas right after we'd found out we were pregnant).
Aside from that I still wake up at 3:30 am no matter when I go to bed, and I seem to sleep better if I have a solid protein a few hours before bed. I'd love to know why. But some of my energy is coming back in the last two weeks (I'm at 14 and a half weeks now)
Oh yeah. and twice a week at least I sneeze and pee myself >_>;
@Katiepie- I'm not sure what the risk assessment is (is it a UK thing?) but I'm sure they shouldn't be sending you someone else's results. As Nikkibiscuit mentioned, they could be doing the work themselves of adjusting an old report. Also I'm a bit lost on what the job has to do with the pregnancy? Here in the US pregnancy is a 'protected class' and basically you can't be treated poorly or differently because of being pregnant, so the idea that work is really involved (other than to inform them but they have to give time off of course) sounds a bit unnerving to me.
@Anna@work- not had a UTI in a while, but keep in mind there has to be blood in your urine for it to be bad enough to be progressing into the bladder. Making your urine acidic will help clear some of that out (but you have to drink lots of cranberry juice). If you're not sure that you have one or not, try the cranberry for a few days and see if you feel better?
Had my 16 week midwife appt yesterday too although was actually 17 weeks yesterday.
Heard the heartbeat which was amazing. Although I'm feeling a little surreal at the moment. I don't think it will kick in until that bump properly appears. Im inflating but still dont feel like I have that bump yet. Midwife says early to feel movement yet to expect them closer to 20 weeks as it's my first.
We ve decided to get our kitchen and bathroom done before baby God knows what we are letting ourselves in for! But I guess better the mess before we have a little of bundle of joy than trying to do it all at once! Xx
Just got back from mine too nikkibiscuitit was so great to hear the heart beat, I have to admit there was a little voice in my head saying “this is madness, there’s no baby, you’re just getting fat”.
We rent at the moment and have decided to buy somewhere pre baby, considering putting an offer in on a place that *ahem* needs some work...
We are having quotes this weeks to have both our bathrooms done.
It’s a lot of work as they need to be done in rooms that currently aren’t bathrooms... and hopefully all before August right !
I keep thinking I don’t have a bump as’i Still look pretty normal in the morning. But when the evening comes it’s a whole different story!
So strange how all our bodies are different.
I’m 16 weeks and already showing
Even with slightly baggy tops
I know the feeling...I seem to inflate and deflate several times a day. My overall curve is there but I'm tall (5'10) and I think I'm going to carry long rather than pop out. At the moment it's like above my belly button everything has just been pushed up the make way for a little curve below the button.
I'm looking forward to the movement and bump cos it still feels surreal somehow x
Just popping in Nikki. Glad everything is going well!! I didn't feel proper movement until about 22 weeks but I had an anterior placenta so that didn't help. I'm very petite but still took ages to show. I always inflated after lunch though!! So yes, I totally get that surreal feeling!!