@Anna@work I think I'm in the minority I've bought nothing. Literally not a baby grow or cuddly toy lol. My mum has bought a few bits of clothes but not knowing the sec has even kept her in check a bit.
@EmmaN27 I have placenta at the front too and didn't feel anything until about 20 weeks I felt a couple of wobbles as I describe them. Getting something most days now...I'm 23 weeks but usually just at night or when I'm still.
Aww you're not huge, but can defo tell you are preggers. I think after your first pregnancy you do get bigger quicker, I'm defo a lot bigger than I was when I was pregnant with my daughter. x
Congratulations @VictoriaAnne, Hearyoume on the gender reveals!
Welcome to the thread @MrsP513
About kicking, yeah that's happening several times a day now, but it's pretty gentle and usually happens 15-20 minutes into a meal or when I lean forward or sit down. Baby doesn't care when I'm up and moving.
@Starrynight I second on the heartburn, 2-3 times a week, especially if I eat something greasy later in the day or eat too much.
How many boys in bellies we got in this thread now?!
We had our scan last Weds and it's a boy, so SO freakin' excited. First baby for the husband and I, and first male grandbaby. So getting to see super excited relatives jump up in down or scream over the phone has been fun. It was the anatomy scan too, so seeing the heart beating and watching little one play with his toes was the best thing ever. I thought he was going to eat his little toes he loves them so much, and all the little toes are perfect too so it seems like he and I like the same things xD
@Anna@work Not a lot of shopping yet but my husband loves camo and I found some baby blue cloth I'm going to make bibs and burpies out of and put Baby's name on. We were given the crib my husband was in as a baby (his dad made it, and he died young so it's super precious to us), and an awesome wide rocking chair by an uncle).
SPEAKING of NAMES... I could really use Nickname help! My husband is John Jr, his dad was John Sr, and baby will be John the Third (which will be fun to say when he's in trouble for something I suppose). My husband already goes by Z-man (last name starts with Z), Johnny, one of his aunts calls him Onny and basically anything that doesn't sound like John because that was his dad's name. So far we were thinking Jack (or as a friend put it 'Jacques'), but I've been calling my belly John John. >_>;
Anyone got any advice on maternity tights?
I bought some from mamajojobebe and they were crap! I have cerimonously burnt them! When pulled up properly at the front they were half way down my bum at the back....and dont even get me started with where the crotch was as soon as I walked a step!
So I am tall...5'10 but dont generally struggle with normal tights. I would normally wear a standard M&S large. Been wearing some different branded XL just cos had to hand at work when said maternity tights got ripped off in a fit of rage. Lol.
Dont actually mind if they cost a bit more if they do the job. But really aching today round bump hips back etc so feel like I need a bit of support. But I have to wear tights for work so I think if I wear a support band and tights I will probably melt!
Helo me ladies! Xx
I have been given some MAMA tights from H&M from my best friend who like them when pregnant and I have been very happy! They do different « shades » and they have been very comfy!
I am (ft6 and one pair was slightly too long for me so you could see on my ankles at the end of the day but otherwise they have been great so far!!!
Have a look online and see if they have it in stores.Thanks Anna I may have to make a trip to H&M!
Anyone got any advice on maternity tights?
I bought some from mamajojobebe and they were crap! I have cerimonously burnt them! When pulled up properly at the front they were half way down my bum at the back....and dont even get me started with where the crotch was as soon as I walked a step!
So I am tall...5'10 but dont generally struggle with normal tights. I would normally wear a standard M&S large. Been wearing some different branded XL just cos had to hand at work when said maternity tights got ripped off in a fit of rage. Lol.
Dont actually mind if they cost a bit more if they do the job. But really aching today round bump hips back etc so feel like I need a bit of support. But I have to wear tights for work so I think if I wear a support band and tights I will probably melt!
Helo me ladies! Xx