Oh no! Sorry your spotting. On the bright side (if you want to think of it that way) the sooner AF clears off the closer/quicker you are to trying again xxxJust had some brown blood, looks like AF has arrived 2 days earlyx
Emma we didnt BD after I got my positive opk because of OH working shifts during that time. We BD the day before a positive opk and 3 days before and 6 days before. And assuming I ovulated the next day that puts me at 2 days and 4 days out! I fell pregnant from that so theres always a chance![]()
Sorry af got you this cyclebaby dust for next month!
Fingers crossed to those still waiting to test!
I feel like having an ovulation party!
I am FINALLY 3dpo at CD29 after my MC last month! My temps have stayed elevated and FF has detected (it thinks and I bl**dy hope so!) ovulation on a Thursday. On Thursday I woke up ridiculously tired after a full and uninterupted nights sleep. So much so I told my OH i couldnt wait to get home from work for a nap haha. I was also super hungry (more than usual!) so Im hoping these signs correlate with ovulation. The only thing is my OPK was negative all week but maybe I didnt test at the right time when my levels were high. Tbh I dont care because Im officially in the TWW!!
Hoping to hold out to test on 6th September now, the day before our wedding anniversary and the day we go away for a 2 day anniversary break. What a lovely present it would be to us if we were pregnant![]()
Thanks ladies for all of your help and support this cycle - Id have gone mad without you!
Going to get a test today. Will I be okay to test later this afternoon? We have to work around my step son not spotting a test or getting suspicious.
Im due today, no signs of AF, felt sickly all day yesterday and supper tired. Feel slightly sickly and headaches today. Slight lower back ache but not like a cramp or anything.
Good luck hearyoume
(Is your name a jimmy eat world reference by any chance?)
Going to get a test today. Will I be okay to test later this afternoon? We have to work around my step son not spotting a test or getting suspicious.
Im due today, no signs of AF, felt sickly all day yesterday and supper tired. Feel slightly sickly and headaches today. Slight lower back ache but not like a cramp or anything.