***August 2018 Testing Thread***

Feeling really crappy today. I just realised that i would have been very close to giving birth if i hadn't of had my mmc in Feb. Feel so deflated and sad, and bitterly disappointed that i'm here again having to pray for my next BFP. Feel totally let down by my inability to hold on to the last two pregnancies.

Just feeling really sorry for myself, not helped that i'm not 'feeling' this cycle. With the other BFP i had some inkling that it had happened, either major cramping, or implantation spotting or dips in my chart. This time, nothing...not even twinge or tingling nipple! :lol::roll:

Sorry for the vent, it's just easier to let it on here than it is to actually say the words out loud.

Feeling really crappy today. I just realised that i would have been very close to giving birth if i hadn't of had my mmc in Feb. Feel so deflated and sad, and bitterly disappointed that i'm here again having to pray for my next BFP. Feel totally let down by my inability to hold on to the last two pregnancies.

Just feeling really sorry for myself, not helped that i'm not 'feeling' this cycle. With the other BFP i had some inkling that it had happened, either major cramping, or implantation spotting or dips in my chart. This time, nothing...not even twinge or tingling nipple! :lol::roll:

Sorry for the vent, it's just easier to let it on here than it is to actually say the words out loud.


Hi everyone so a bit of an update from me. I think I am CD30, period due today. However I had some bleeding start on Saturday afternoon 2 days earlier than predicted. Brown and then bright red but its stopped now just a little when wiping! Normally my period is 6 days long and heavy for 3-4 days so this is quite strange for me. Could it be implantation bleeding? I am holding off testing tonight but planning to test tomorrow. This strange bleed has really confused me.
Congrats to all the positives so far and sending hugs to those in need of them :)
Hi everyone so a bit of an update from me. I think I am CD30, period due today. However I had some bleeding start on Saturday afternoon 2 days earlier than predicted. Brown and then bright red but its stopped now just a little when wiping! Normally my period is 6 days long and heavy for 3-4 days so this is quite strange for me. Could it be implantation bleeding? I am holding off testing tonight but planning to test tomorrow. This strange bleed has really confused me.
Congrats to all the positives so far and sending hugs to those in need of them :)
it cold be when did you ovulate hun? and if it was implatation I would leave it longer to test hun
Feeling really crappy today. I just realised that i would have been very close to giving birth if i hadn't of had my mmc in Feb. Feel so deflated and sad, and bitterly disappointed that i'm here again having to pray for my next BFP. Feel totally let down by my inability to hold on to the last two pregnancies.

Just feeling really sorry for myself, not helped that i'm not 'feeling' this cycle. With the other BFP i had some inkling that it had happened, either major cramping, or implantation spotting or dips in my chart. This time, nothing...not even twinge or tingling nipple! :lol::roll:

Sorry for the vent, it's just easier to let it on here than it is to actually say the words out loud.


A big huge hug to you darling, I send to you a lots of love and all my support.....you are a good person and good things will happen because your karma is positive. I am here if you need <3 :hug:
I'm sorry to hear about your chemical Crumble. I had a chemical a few weeks before I was pregnant with my daughter. I bled for 11 days though, I was sad but somewhere I was happy to know that I could get pregnant. It just wasn't the right time. You are allowed to cry and mourn for the baby that could have been but stay positive and it will come sooner than you think.
Sending you loads of love...:hugs:
I'm sorry to hear about your chemical Crumble. I had a chemical a few weeks before I was pregnant with my daughter. I bled for 11 days though, I was sad but somewhere I was happy to know that I could get pregnant. It just wasn't the right time. You are allowed to cry and mourn for the baby that could have been but stay positive and it will come sooner than you think.
Sending you loads of love...:hugs:

Thank you and I hope you words can come true soon <3
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What we put out into that universe crumble has the power to change things for us remember that and it will happen
Feeling really crappy today. I just realised that i would have been very close to giving birth if i hadn't of had my mmc in Feb. Feel so deflated and sad, and bitterly disappointed that i'm here again having to pray for my next BFP. Feel totally let down by my inability to hold on to the last two pregnancies.

Just feeling really sorry for myself, not helped that i'm not 'feeling' this cycle. With the other BFP i had some inkling that it had happened, either major cramping, or implantation spotting or dips in my chart. This time, nothing...not even twinge or tingling nipple! :lol::roll:

Sorry for the vent, it's just easier to let it on here than it is to actually say the words out loud.


Aw *hugs* I know nothing we can say on here will make you feel better but we are here for you. I know I’ll feel the exact same way if I don’t conceive before the end of March/April when our little bean would have been due if it hadn’t have been for our MC. I feel like all conversations head towards babies and pregnancy with family and friends and all I want to do is scream to tell them to stop because it’s too upsetting but I can’t... instead we come on here and share so please do vent and shout on here as much as you want x x
Totally agree with sjf ^^ I did nothing but whine and moan and whinge on here for weeks when I had my mc (honestly you should read my journal, it&#8217;s nothing but self pity). I must have been so annoying but everyone was incredibly supportive. It&#8217;s what we&#8217;re here for so feel free to vent
My son is 6 and I still think Of my first pregnancy when that due date would have arrived. Instead I was 28 weeks with my boy and I wouldn&#8217;t change him for the world, it doesn&#8217;t mean that we don&#8217;t still hold those other babies in our hearts. We all know where you&#8217;re coming from :hug: xx
Thank you ladies, your words have been very kind :hugs:

I let myself feel sad yesterday/last night and it's helped. I feel a little more positive today, i realise that whilst it feels cruel and unfortunate, it happened for a reason and nothing i could have done would have prevented it. I've held so much guilt, i need to let it go and concentrate on the future.

So today is CD 8 (9 according to FF). Nothing concrete symptom wise. Just on and off occasional aching in my left side, can only really notice it when i'm sat down resting. Temp is still up but took a little dip today, nothing major though. CM still creamy/sticky, cervix has dropped and feels slightly firmer (not sue if thats normal for me as i've only just started checking it :/)

Trying to decide whether to test tomorrow or not, am i ready to see that stark white test?! Decisions decisions!

Again, thank you all for my little vent yesterday, it's nice to know there are other who understand how it feels.

Much love to you all, hope you all have a good day. xxx
Thank you ladies, your words have been very kind :hugs:

I let myself feel sad yesterday/last night and it's helped. I feel a little more positive today, i realise that whilst it feels cruel and unfortunate, it happened for a reason and nothing i could have done would have prevented it. I've held so much guilt, i need to let it go and concentrate on the future.

So today is CD 8 (9 according to FF). Nothing concrete symptom wise. Just on and off occasional aching in my left side, can only really notice it when i'm sat down resting. Temp is still up but took a little dip today, nothing major though. CM still creamy/sticky, cervix has dropped and feels slightly firmer (not sue if thats normal for me as i've only just started checking it :/)

Trying to decide whether to test tomorrow or not, am i ready to see that stark white test?! Decisions decisions!

Again, thank you all for my little vent yesterday, it's nice to know there are other who understand how it feels.

Much love to you all, hope you all have a good day. xxx

Let's both test tomorrow, testing buddies! X
Good luck to you both Emma & Baby - i am really hoping you both get your :bfp:
Sending you tons of baby dust :dust: x

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