***August 2018 Testing Thread***

By the way crumble your cycle will probably be pretty much normal this month - I think i ovulated maybe a day or two later when I normally would when I had one xx
So sorry to hear this crumble I really don’t know what to say, you poor thing! Sending so much love and hugs! Xx

Massive congrats to all the other ladies who got their BFP’s too & sending lots of fx for those who got stung by their AF, onto the next cycle!

I’ve been a bit quiet on here after being adamant I was pregnant and then ended up getting my AF! I was so upset and felt cheated by my body as I felt as if I was so in tune with it and it felt that it almost let me down! This cycle I feel a lot more positive and have decided to just relax and let nature take its course (a lot easier said than done) but definitely not going to be bulk buying any tests or doing any early testing whatsoever!

I’m now on CD11 and I’m currently in my fertile window, according to my Flo app I’ll ovulate on Tuesday, I do feel slightly different this week, my cervical mucus has changed and feel a lot more ‘sexual’ Lol! That’s how I know I’m nearing to ovulation! Me & OH have been getting down to bizz every other day so hoping we’re in for a good chance.

I just wanted to keep everyone updated as were all in the same boat, wanting the same thing! Hope all you ladies are well xx
I didn’t contact the doctor when I had mine as I knew exactly what was happening, when my friend had one she did go to the doctors they done a pregnancy test with her there which was negative they just told her she was having a miscarriage and to go home and take some painkillers and rest as there’s basically nothing they can do for you, they did tell her to go back if she got any signs of infection, it’s up to you if you go to the doctors or not but I’d say you probably don’t need to unless anything unusual happens like really heavy bleeding or bad pain which lasts

After my chemical I vowed never to test early again, I was going to wait until I was 5 days late but I always did end up testing early again then regretting it straight away :wall2:
I don't think I will be in contact with the doctor unless something will bring me to as sign of infection or severe pain. Thank you to answer my questions and to be supporting....it means a lot to me. I don't think I would test early again....it is too much pain to know that my crumble didn't make it. Maybe you will be right but for now I know isn't worth to know so early if you are going to loose it, I think I would prefer to have two dark line and go straight away to the doctor for a blood test to check HCG level and make sure everything it is ok. That's the plan anyway.
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That moment when you realise doing 2 opks (yesterday/today) is a bad idea. Suppose to have ov'd 6/7 days ago. Stupidly kept the tests, decided to double check before throwing out and there lines on them!?

Dunno if yesterday's was light and today's dark or if it's the other way round :/

Going by my chart I should have already ov'd :/


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They're not positive opks, so don't think anything has changed. I'll do an opk in a min and see what it's like as i ov same time as you x
Sorry worded wrong. I know there not positive as such. Just meant there shouldn't be a second line should there? If the surge is over then it shouldn't be detecting anything... But yes take a test for comparison.

Rational Emma has come back in the room now and I'm thinking maybe I just randomly get second lines through out my cycle... I'll also hazard a guess that the tests go dark to light meaning the LH is reducing.

I will send myself insane before I get preggers I think xx

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Baby.3 I nearly always have some sort of line all the way through just when it's positive (which has only happened once) it was blazing
Sad for you Crumble but do think positive. Sperm met egg and it managed to implant, albeit briefly. Those are all good things. September’s gonna be your month.
Regarding the opk’s, I often have a super faint second line up to a week before and after ov.. It just becomes vivid and dark one afternoon each month then just fades back to visible, but pale, within the day. I think there’s always a little Lh in everyone.
Crumble.. next month me and you will be ovulating together, 2ww together, testing together and bfp together! It's our month... I've been crying all day too but we need to pick ourselves up and be strong so we are healthy and ready to catch us an eggy <3
Aw Crumble I am so sorry. It&#8217;s so hard to deal with. I had a chemical last month I think with my MC because i was only 5 weeks + 1 day. It&#8217;s hard and people I&#8217;ve spoken to don&#8217;t seem to understand like us ladies on here do. They all say to me well at least I can get pregnant and I can try again but that&#8217;s just not what I wanted to hear at the time, although I know they were trying to help.

I only bled for 1 day with my MC and spotted for 3 days afterwards. If you need anyone to talk to about anything then please feel free to message me. I&#8217;d maybe say to go to your GP so that the MC is on your record in case they need to know about it for when you do get pregnant next time but obviously that it completely up to you.

We are all here for you xx
Good morning girls, I tested this morning and the line is getting lighter and I took either a one step as today should been my official test date and nothing. So I do think I am miscarrying. I will ring the doctor tomorrow and see what they say. Is just the case to wait for the bleeding now.

So sorry to hear crumble xx
I&#8217;ve had a bit of a break for a bit from the forum, had a really nasty AF it was like the first one after my miscarriage again, don&#8217;t know what&#8217;s going on with my body!

Rant over lol, will catch up on all the posts I&#8217;ve missed now from you lovely August testing ladies
So sorry crumble :( I hope you can take some time out to care for yourself x

Welcome back Dinkydizzy - sorry that AF was awful. Hope the next cycle works well for you x
awwww Crumble :-( i am so sorry to hear this - this ttc malarkey is a cruel ride at times :wall2:

Hlouise - sorry this wasnt your month, but as you said you and crumble will go through it again and get that bfp very soon <3

:dust: :love:
Thank you girls, my husband is been very supportive and that is my best medicine. Tomorrow I will go back to work and that will help me to put my head somewhere else. Yesterday the cramps were very painful, I had to take two paracetamol, today less cramps but the flow it is very heavy (TMI sorry). This is been a very painful experience that I don't wish to my worse enemies....I am so scared could happen again but, at the same time, we want this baby so much....<3......it is so strange to think at the last few days, a mix of emotions.....thank you for your support, sincerely xx
So sorry AF has arrived. How heartbreaking. I imagine your hormones will be a bit all over the place too. Take good care of yourself. xxx

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