Thanks Crumble - I'll get my positivity back during the fertile week I am sure!
I got completely fobbed off by the GP today because I am only 7 months into TTC. I'm really upset because the GP would not hear me at all. She didn't listen to my concerns about my short LP or 2 day bleed. Most likely because she had no idea. It's like she heard *7 months* and nothing else filtered through... Alright, fine I'll wait the blasted 12 months. I hope my own interventions (vit B complex and C) will do the trick and I get my bfp before then!
most docters won't help you at all before the 12 month GP refuses to do any treatment before 1.5yrs (with no bfp) and 2yrs (if you had a miscarriage - because then you are able to get pregnant according to them) - I'm really sorry that they made you feel like this.
I can recommend you try something with Vitex in it, it will soon sort your LP
Just an update - decided to start vitex lol ... I have been so indecisive lately! The b complex vitamins are making me feel unwell - I'm having headaches, light aversion, a teeny bit of skin rashes and feeling nauseated. So i might halve the dose of b vitamins and start vitex to lengthen my LP. Will be interesting to see how it goes!
My DH saw the GP and he was brilliant, he will do his SA tomorrow and send that off to be tested. That will give us some peace of mind! Now, a funny story... his GP told him to ask me to see a doctor now and start some tests... DH let him know that I was turned away despite my concerns, so his GP (who I think runs the place) is going to speak with the GP I saw and "sort it out." Oops, now it looks like I tattled to the boss! At least we have someone on our side! I'll still wait a few more months and see a different GP if need be.
for all ye August testers!
Im an idiot!! I tested early todayof course it was bfn I dont even know why I did it? Xxx
Im an idiot!! I tested early todayof course it was bfn I dont even know why I did it? Xxx
Oh, this has happened to me so many times and every time I hated myself for it. A bfn gives you that 'punched in the gut' feeling and you end up obsessing over that stupid test the whole freaking day, running back and forth, checking it over and over again juuuust incase there is the faintest of lines .... it's normal TTC nutty behavior![]()
don't let one early negative put you off though
Im an idiot!! I tested early todayof course it was bfn I dont even know why I did it? Xxx
Oh, this has happened to me so many times and every time I hated myself for it. A bfn gives you that 'punched in the gut' feeling and you end up obsessing over that stupid test the whole freaking day, running back and forth, checking it over and over again juuuust incase there is the faintest of lines .... it's normal TTC nutty behavior![]()
don't let one early negative put you off though
I binned it straight after the time frame I wont get anymore now
Till Im due af I mean it haha at least Im not
Alone in my ttc crazyness xxx