August 2007 Babies

my lil baby is due on the 10th aug, and it my oh birthday on the 22nd so i can call that his wonderful birthday prezzie :D
smurf said:
eightball I've just noticed your avator its brilliant. :lol:

cheers!! I'm going to miss attempting to surf this year, I need that board!
im sticking to the hosp when they said my due date would be aug 2nd but i still think its july 27th lol some reason i have that date in my head. date wants my baby to be born on aug 14th cause thats his bday lol i said i aint holding out till then :rotfl: looks like im first :)
:wave: Please :pray: send me sum baby dust
i was due 17th aug but had a M/C :cry:
need Baby dust people :pray:
aww sorry to hear that and know how u feel

:hug: and *babydust* your way :)
Lots of baby dust your way hun!

Im due the 15th august, so another summer baby for me! yay cant wait
I was wondering if i should be here really, as i'm due a section in mid Aug although baby itsn't actually due till 8th of Sept, :?
Can i be a floater? lol
I find out on the 8th of August the date for the section so will let you all know for definite the date then :cheer:

2nd of August also :-) but my first so I heard he may come late....would prefer slightly early as SO desperate to meet him! :cheer:
had mine btw :D 10th aug she came 7lb 13oz

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