August 2006 Babies

Hi Girls,

Glad you are all doing well!!

Congrats on your engagement Imi, we've just got married & it truly was the best day of my life (even though the best is still to come for us both!!).

Well, I'm knackered, nauseus, moody & generally not good company at the moment!! We have our first midwife appointment on Wednesday & can't wait!! It may start to seem more real then. :D

Bet you can't wait for the 2nd trimester Hayley, I got so excited when I read that, as its flying by so quickly!!

Take Care,
I've got my first midwife app. on Weds aswell! Mine's at 3pm. I'm really excited, but knowing my luck she'll be a right misrable sod!
Oooh!! Mines at 2.45 Sam, so I will log on when I get back so we can compare notes!! We can see how Jacqui gets on with her scan too - we will be rooting for you girl!! :D

Fingers crossed we both get lovely, understanding midwives!!
wednesday seems to be a busy day... good look sam and emma with your first MD app... I've brought my scan forward a week. Getting fed up with the head aches - wanted to talk to a midwife about them... Our first appointment with the midwife is when we have our first csan - thats the way they work it in liverpool.

Congrats Imi on your engagement... are you setting a date yet?

I'm feeling fine today. I woke up sooo hungry this morning.. noticing i'm getting hungrier quicker!!! had a big out day yesterday... big bag of doritoes and caramel biscuits.... eating fruit today...


Hi Girls !!!

Not feeling to bad today, didn't sleep to well tho :cry: ! (Sleeping pattern go right up the wall!!!!!)

I got blessed in church on sat sam... it was lovely! will be getting married late this year..... maybe early next year.

Know what you mean about sec tri, can't wait personally!!!!

Hope im finding all you Aug ladies fit and healthy!!!

Love Imi+Bean
Sorry girls just had time to read ALL your posts!!!!

Thank you all for the congrats on the engagement... we haven't set a date but as i said it will prob be late this year or early of next!

Got blessed on saturday in church, so hopefully will be able to post some pics soon!!!

Bump put in an apperance so i was chuffed!!!!

Well ladies i hope all your MW appoinments go ok, fingers crossed for you.. should be having my first this week with a cypriot doctor.. :? (Can't say im looking forward to it at all!!!!)
Give me a moody english bitch of a midwife anyday, promise no complaints!!! least they speak the same language!!!!!!!!!

Well catch up soon, (If the spick doctor hasn't butchered me!!!)
Love Imi+Bean
Hi Imi

Are you working in Cyprus? only just noticed your living there. Is the weather lovely at the moment?

Hi Hayley,

Yes i am living in cyprus, will be coming back to the uk in march!!! can't wait!!!!!! :D

The weather is freezing, not quite as cold as the uk but cold enough!!!!

Looking forward to coming home to friends and family.... but the down side of everything is that if we don't get a uk posting then in may i shall be moving to germany :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
So i shall be giving birth in a German military hospital... lets keep our fingers crossed for the uk posting PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Hope everything is ok with you????

Love imi+bean
Hello all

I had my mid-wife appointment last Tuesday and didnt go mad on my midwife. To make things worse she looked like my mother-in-law!! Hows your luck!!

I felt my mid-wife just put me in the "system", there was no sympathy and she just TOLD me i should consider a natural home birth and I HAVE to breast feed. I really want to change her. She was awful, she also forgot to give me the results on whether i was immuned to Chickenpox, which was a major worry of mine. So get this i had to phone myself on Saturday to some hospital and get a consultant to tell me. Great ah. So i hope you lot have better luck. I have my 12 week scan on the 30th Jan, i cant wait. However i have not suffered any sickness and no cramps for the last 2 days and am paronoid something is wrong with my bump!! Nightmare ah! :roll:
Hi girls....

Reading some of your posts on midwives... and a thought came to my head....

I wonder if, when these women go through there midwifery training there screaned to make sure they are a clone of adolf hitler?????

Most i have come across are, harse, rude, unhelpful and rough!!!!!

I've got to say at the momment i don't envy most of you girls at all.... mind you saying that i don't really think much of my situation at the moment... im having my first appointment with a male cypriot GP :? (HELP!)....

Then if i don't get a uk posting in may .... i go to germany.... Adlof hitler and germany hospitals here i come!!!.... :shock: :shock: :shock:

I have come to the conclusion that when a med school, most midwives arn't tought the art of manners or paitent care.....

It's rather a shame i think because thats what puts most women off having there children in an NHS hospital.

I guess it's true what they say these days .... Nothing comes for free, so now it looks like when you have your baby, it's best to go privet.... it's not the care you pay for ... It's manners!!!!!


Please can you remove me from your list....... :cry:


Hi Davinia,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, I just read your post in the First Trimester. Lots of hugs to you both xxx

Best wishes,
Laura B
My baby is due on August 5th and am currently 11 weeks pregnant. It will be my second child and truthfully I'm generally worried about this one. With Luke I put on weight straight away and couldn't fit into any of my clothes from 4 weeks, my boobs grew, my bum grew and my stomach grew. I felt totally knackered all the time and sick. This time total opposite. So far I've put on no weight, can fit into all my clothes, boobs haven't grown at all and generally feel fine. This makes me worry that something is wrong! The only difference reallly is my hormones. I'm crying over really stupid things pretty much everyday. Episodes of Eastenders will have me in floods for about an hour! What does this mean!!

Hi Kristy

All the books say no 2 pregnancies are the same. All the symptoms you experienced with you first may be totally different to your second. I wouldn't worry too much from what you have explained in you post.. you are feeling exactly like me. I'm due 4th (to my dates) got my scan this thursday so the midwife may have a different date for me.. I cried my eyes out over Eastenders it's been a really sad week - poor sharon! Your not alone there... even my mum cried and i know she's not pregnant!!!! as for putting weight on! i'm the same as you there too. I feel i've put the odd pound on because my jeans feel different... not on my bum or thighs but around my middle! my boobs have also grown!

When are you booked in for a scan?

OOOHH Hayley!

Good luck for your scan on Thursday!!! How exciting! :D

Do you feel that it's come round quickly?

Are you going to post your scan pic?

Sam xx
Hi Hayley,
Thanks for the advice. We seem to be quite slow this time round. With Luke we had a scan at exactly 11 weeks but this time we've only just had our initial meeting with midwife, I've got my blood tests booked in on Monday and then scan is scheduled for the 26th so a week after yours. Is this your first child? I bet you can't wait for the scan - it suddenly makes it all real!
Kristy 8)
I'm really excited about my scan - nervous but excited. I'll try my best to put it on here - i'll need to find out how to do it first thou! it doesn't feel like it's come around quickly... like waiting for christmas day when you was a kid... counting the sleeps.

Kristy my scan was booked for 26th but i called the hospital the other day to tell them i'm suffering with head ached really badly (funny thing is i haven't had one since moaning to the MD) anyway she said she'd bring it forward a week...

I promise to come back on and let you all kow how i get on... oh and yes this is my first...
Hi Everyone ...

Well since i last posted i've had a few changes ...

Im now back in the uk as of last wed, and i have my first MW appointment today and i had a scan pic last thurs due to abdominal pain :cry:

Everything ok i just have a large cyst on my left handside ... so now being monitored...

Hope all of you are ok and doing well ....

Take care .. shall posted later after app...

Love Imi+Bean
Hi Everyone,

I completely forgot all about the August club.. gosh my brain has already turned to mush!

There are so many of us in here now.. how fab is that!!!!
How is everyone???????

Imi welcome back to dull ol' Blighty!!
don't worry about your cyst.. its totally normal in pregnancy.. if it causes you alot of pain they can remove it but generally they are left alone and monitored.. I have them still from my preg and m/c last august - just a few niggles now and then. Glad scan was reassuring for you!

Hayley.. scan tomorrow.. good luck.. cannot wait to see your pic..!! Its amazing how much you can see.. it will be moving and heart beating so clearly and it will actually look like a baby rather than "Bod" like mine at the moment!!!!!

Hi to everyone else.. sorry if not mentioning you all... but glad to see so many of us going through same stresses and anxieties as well as the lovely nausea, backaches, peeing all the time, exhaustion and insomnia etc!

roll on next monday for my next scan.. gosh that will be my 5th scan already... gosh the time is going sooo slowly !!!!

take care all xx

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