August 2006 Babies

lol.....What a plonker I am. I am so sorry Sam, dont know why I thought it was Hayley........................ Thankyou Sam for doing that for us all.

Hope u had a lovely xmas, All my love Jacqui. x x x x
:lol: It's ok, I'll let you off!!!! :lol:

You've got pregnancy brain already!!!!
Now now ladies no fighting - i don't mind taking the credit!

August seems to be really busy... i think we've beat all the other months so far... seems there was a lot of baby dancing going on in Nov..

I'm due my first scan 26th Jan - 4 weeks today which will takes me to 12 weeks 6 days.... can't wait.....

good luck to any of you who are having scan shortly.

Hi !! Sam, your clever!! i am due on the 11th Aug (apprently!). Its weird that there are 9 of us already thinking about our babies/beans!!. Dont know about you lot, but i seem to be stressing out alot over nothing and i hate my husband at the mo aswell!! ( Told him aswell). He is very good, and supportive etc but i feel that if anything goes wrong it will be all my fault!.

Anyway on a more happy note, has anyone got a belly yet. Mine goes slightly out more that in!! And as soon as i have something to eat ( no matter what it is, my size 12 trousers button has to be un- hooked!! Is anyone else encountering that or am i eating too much!!. I try to only eat an extra 300 Kcal a day of nurishing food, but Xmas and all those cakes and mince pies have got the better of me this year! oops!!

I am seeing my midwife for the first time on Wednesday, she said she is taking bloods from me, she also has to do an additional one for me as i have never had Chickenpox and she has to see what my immune system is like.

Anyway i will be glad of any responses!! Happy Sober NY to you all. Moo. xx
Ohhh 2 days out... I was close!
I too am suffering from mood swings, everything my oh does is wrong! :oops: I don't mean too, it just slips out!
I haven't got o much of a bump yet, but just above my bikini line feels kind of hard?!

Happy New Year Everyone aswell!!!!!! first sober one in a few years! :lol:
Strange you should say that Sam, just above my bikini line I can feel something quite hard too, like a small sausage. What is that do you know. Thought a pregnancy was on the left or right and quite low.
I think im thickening round that area too. I must confess though one of the things that makes the morning sicknes not so bad is polo fruits. But I think they are making me windy and all I seem to do just now is small farts. My tummy is a bit swollen with wind.
What a sight I will be on nye.
Heres to big bumps

I'm coming up to my 10th week.. i notice in the mornings my stomach is almost flat!!! not flat as it used to be but still quite flat.. but by the time i get home from work in the evening i have a really prominent pop... i keep putting it down to food... But maybe it's not!

I don't feel sick any more when i'm hungry... although my boobs are still as tender. In fact my nipples are constantly sticking out and sore! I've started getting little spots around my nipples too....

I have my scan in 3 weeks and 2 days... can't wait!

Can I join in? Baby due 27th August, the day after my 30th birthday! Wasn't the celebration I had planned, but a nice surprise!
your due exactly the same day as me!

How are you feeling? xx
Felt really queasy 1/2/3rd of Jan but ok today.

Just the usual sore boobs and absolutely KNACKERED! Getting ready for bed now.......

How about you?
Hi every1!!!

Sorry not been around 4 a bit, i have been in a right foul temper!!!! :oops: :x

Moods are going all over the place ever since i discovered when i woke up one morning that NONE of my bloody clothes fitted me!!! (now in stretch maternity jeans from mother care brought in the uk!!)

Like some i have wind... (Really embarressing when meeting the future in laws for the first time, i bent over an let rip!!!) total accident of course !!!!

Can't seem to stop feeling tired and my bump is really noticeable!!! serves myself right for being so skinny! (Was a size 8, kissed my figure goodbye lol!!)

Apart from that and being tired with backache im not to bad!!! thanks sam for the due dates that was really sweet :lol:

Feeling rather emotinal and being a foul cow to OH not realising i have been till it's too late, flying off the handel becoming a regular thing and im not liking it!!!

Well nice to see that august is going to be a busy month, goodluck to all over the next coming months, im really glad i found this forum to let off some steam!!!

Take care all,

Love Imi+Bean x

P.s got engaged on xmas day :D :D :D :D !!!!!!
Hi Laura,

Probably being thick, but I'm not sure why you have listed some of our due dates, and not others!?!

In case you missed our post, we are due on the 25th August.


Em xx
Hi Emma,

Am I daft or what ... I seem to have missed a couple of pages! :roll:

All updated now, sorry about that ladies :wink:

Best wishes,
Laura B
how are all you august ladies feeling? how are your pregnancys going so far?

I only have 12 more days and i'll be joining the 2nd trimester....

Hi Hayley,
Glad you are well. Is quiteexciting going into the 2nd trimester. Im still a few weeksaway from that.
So far the morning sickness has been pretty nasty. Hardly had any last time. Yesterday I felt as though it may have passed but today confirms this is not the case. Its not quite as bad and im not as tired. Either that or Im just getting used to it and managing it.
Tomorrow I go back to work. Im part time so what with holidays owed and the way xmas fell this year, I havent been in work much in the last month which has been good as I havent had to lie as much.
I will tell everyone tomorrow. This is marred slightly by the fact i have been missed off a training course because Im part time. I have yet to have the official word on this but its the impression my friend gave me on friday when she called. Grrrrrrr.

Take care everyone

Hi Hayley,

Feeling ok, moods have calmed down ... slightly... (OH not diving for shelter under comp desk so often!!)

Feel a bit sick and suffer from insomnia.... but apart from that im ok lol!!!

How are you feeling??? ... i can't wait to join the second tri, still waiting 4 something bad to happen :?

Well im gonna try and get some sleep... (like that is gonna happen... 1:02am) OH been snoring 4 over an hour!!!!

Well hope all you Aug ladies ok.... getting worried as it has been so quiet??

Take care all,

Love Imi+Bean
Hi Girls!

Gosh Hayley second trimester! I can't believe how quick it's gone! Do you feel like it's gone quick? I can't wait to get into the second tri and know that everything will be ok!

Today I feel bloody awful, really really nauseous! Nips get more sensitive day by day and I'm constantly shattered! I'm back at college this week, god knows how I'm going to stay awake during lessons!

Saying all this, I'm still the happiest girl in the world!!!! :D
Still in shock aswell!

Congratulations on your engagement Imogen!!!! :D Have you any ideas on when you'll get married?

Take care of yourselves ladies


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