Hi every1!!!
Sorry not been around 4 a bit, i have been in a right foul temper!!!!
Moods are going all over the place ever since i discovered when i woke up one morning that NONE of my bloody clothes fitted me!!! (now in stretch maternity jeans from mother care brought in the uk!!)
Like some i have wind... (Really embarressing when meeting the future in laws for the first time, i bent over an let rip!!!) total accident of course !!!!
Can't seem to stop feeling tired and my bump is really noticeable!!! serves myself right for being so skinny! (Was a size 8, kissed my figure goodbye lol!!)
Apart from that and being tired with backache im not to bad!!! thanks sam for the due dates that was really sweet
Feeling rather emotinal and being a foul cow to OH not realising i have been till it's too late, flying off the handel becoming a regular thing and im not liking it!!!
Well nice to see that august is going to be a busy month, goodluck to all over the next coming months, im really glad i found this forum to let off some steam!!!
Take care all,
Love Imi+Bean x
P.s got engaged on xmas day
