August 2006 Babies

Oh to be in Antigua just now...... What a nice place to find out you are expecting. I hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon.

WOW thats 7 of us now how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would just like to say hi & CONGRATULATIONS to all you newcomers.....

Love Davinia.xx
CONGRATS !!!!! 2 all im really pleased for every1!
Glad theres a few of us here, looks like the storks are gonna be VERY busy in august!!!!
Well take care all... feel a bit sick gonna lie down ....
Love Imogenxxx (and bean) xxx
Can some1 tell me if i have a ticker that works?? if not please HELP!!! it's starting 2 stress me out!!!!
Thanx girls
Imi + Bean xxx
Hi Imi,

No your ticker does'nt seem to be working, you need to cut & paste the address in the url box.

Good Luck

It's working you did it, same time as I posted my message lol, well done. Thats a nice ticker............

YEAH!!!!! i have a ticker !!! :D
Sounds daft but i was getting rather upset i didn't have 1 lol!!!
Thanks davina,
love imi + Bean xxx
(OH says hi)
Room for another!!!!

I am so glad that the syptoms I am feeling, both physically and mentally are shared by all. The morning sickness has been doing me in but only seems to be lasting an hour or so now. Has anyone got any secret ways of making it less horrible? Tried ginger biscuits and they seem to take the edge off but my work mates keep asking why I look so pale and they are gonna figure it out soon if I'm not careful. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag until the scan which I haven't even got a date for yet. Has anyone actually spoken to their midwives yet? I'm 6 weeks and one day and have only seen my GP so far. By the way is there a glossary for all the abbreviations??????? Sorry about the amount of questions.
Hi moo,


I haven't seen a mid-wife yet... or my own GP to be honest, cause im not in the uk i've had to see a male mid-wife on garrison who confirmed everything for me!!!

Still trying to get used to some of the abreviations myself and not doing to well to be honest!! lol

I found that eating little and often helps me, infact... i don't feel that sick!!

Hope that has helped... CONGRATS!!! take care and keep in touch!!

Love Imi+Bean

P.s picked our names :D

Imogen 22
OH 23
Hi folks,
How are you all today? Like moo, i too am fending off the question 'why are you so pale'. I have just recovered from a bad cold and seem to have picked it up again so hopefully that will see them off the trail.
I am so sneaky, there was a girl at work complaining about feeling sick all the time and I said' your not pregnant are you?' Throws the light off me and the fact I am back in my bigger size work shirts. he bigger shirts are a different pattern but no one has clocked this.

I am due to see my midwife on 28.12 when I will be 8 weeks. I went to see my doc and he said i needent have bothered, didnt test my wee because I had done one at home and told me to get a booking in app with the midwife.

Take care everyone,

Hi folks,
How are you all today? Like moo, i too am fending off the question 'why are you so pale'. I have just recovered from a bad cold and seem to have picked it up again so hopefully that will see them off the trail.
I am so sneaky, there was a girl at work complaining about feeling sick all the time and I said' your not pregnant are you?' Throws the light off me and the fact I am back in my bigger size work shirts. he bigger shirts are a different pattern but no one has clocked this.

I am due to see my midwife on 28.12 when I will be 8 weeks. I went to see my doc and he said i needent have bothered, didnt test my wee because I had done one at home and told me to get a booking in app with the midwife.

Take care everyone,

Hey Laura,

Glad that your feeling ok ....

Hope everything goes ok on 28th with midwife app, bet you can't wait!...

I've had people going round shouting there mouths off so to me everyone seems 2 know, i would of loved to have kept it quiet cause of the obv!!!

Well take care of yourself and merry xmas... me and my bad back off 4 a soak in bath!!!

Take care..
Wow.. go away for a few days and come back to lots of Xmas BFPs!!!

CONGRATULATIONS all of you joining the August bunch!!

Hope everyone is feeling well and not too icky or achey!!!

Guess what I won at work today. A hamper full of booze. It consisted of a litre of smirnoff, a bottle of red wine, a bottle of cava, a bottle of cider and a tin of biscuits. Typical, ha, ha.

Hope you are all feeling well today.
Add me to your list please Laura, I'm due 27th August by my reckonings!


Sam xx
How many of us are due in august 06?

I seem to be the only person listed on page 1.

Hi Hayley, I dont know how to get on the August list at the top of the post. What did you have to do?
Laura B does it (the administrator) I'll do a temp one for us all;
hayley.................4th Aug

Moo....................13th Aug Have worked this out from how far gone you said you were at time of posting! Hope that's ok with you?!)

Anna Marie..........14th Aug (have worked this out from your ticker as you haven't yet put a date, I hope you don't mind!)

lauramum01........15th Aug

Imi-mum-2-B!!.....22nd Aug

EmmaandGary.....25th Aug

*sam*.................27th Aug

LittleMinx..............27th Aug

So ........8 of us now.....
Are thats really nice of you Hayley. I cant believe there is 9 of us now.
Thankyou for doing that.

Love Jacqui x x x x :lol:

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