Anyone struggles to give up smoking?????

szuszy2002 said:
I would of never thought that my topic would create so much attention well this kind that wasnt my intention.
The only one thing I would of liked to find out if anyone find it hard .

Of course this thread would create so much attention. Smoking when pregnant is a social taboo. Blimey, smoking full stop is becoming socially unacceptable! You have posted on a pregnancy forum full of mums and women who are pregnant or who are TTC. Of course there would be alot of opinions flying about! How could there not be? :think:

But you have also be given tons of ideas in this thread. I, for one have suggested quite a few things you could try. You have been offered lots of advice, support and good luck. Of which you hardly commented on, chosing instead to focus on what you have felt is negative feedback.

Also yes others have/did/are finding it hard. I think quite a few posters have told you this, including myself and I quote:

I smoked for years, 15/20+ a day. I quit as soon as I got my BFP. Yes, it was the hardest thing I have ever done and I remember thinking if I wasn't pregnant than I would never quit. My OH was also losing his business and going through bankruptcy at the time, so it is possible to do it in times of stress.

Is it very hard, I really hope you try some of the ideas/advice you have been given. Good luck :D
Dear Misslarue
I did commented on the support and advice I been given and also said thank you to all.
If you read back a few page you will find it.
It is getting into a pointless argument which i never wanted .
I do try and I will stop its just hard at the moment thats all.
Also you could chat to your midwife, she can offer you support and guide you in the direction of help :hug:
Giving up while pregnant is one of the hardest times in your life. And there are proper scientific reasons behind this - mainly because your body metabolises the nicotine TWICE as fast as it did before you got pregnant, so your cravings are stronger and more frequent. How cruel is that!! And then there is the psychological side of cigarette addiction, which can also be hard to tackle in pregnancy - there are so many changes happening to your body and your own personal image, that tackling another big change like breaking the daily habit can seem overwhelming. It is tough!

But, there is loads of help and support. Your midwife should be able to refer you to a local smoking cessation counsellor. You can use Nicotine Replacement Therapy in pregnancy, and there are lots of blogs and websites. I would really recommend They advocate a cold turkey approach - it took me a few goes but it eventually worked for me.

It's hard - but don't give up on giving up. Even if you only manage to stop completely the week before your baby is due, you will limit the risk of damage to their health. And to your own health. You can do it girls!
i smoked when i was pregnant with 3 of mine but i did cut down and they were all healthy (thank god), i did feel really guilty smoking when pregnant with them but it was the only thing that kept me calm (i know its no excuse before someone says something)
i gave up three months before i fell pg with my 4th and did'nt smoke at all when i had my late m/c or when i was pregnant with amber and she was a low birth weight, but not through smoking.
i did find it hard to quit before i fell pregnant with my 4th but i got there in the end, i got help from my gp in the end and also had alot of support from family and friends
Misslarue said:
szuszy2002 said:
I would of never thought that my topic would create so much attention well this kind that wasnt my intention.
The only one thing I would of liked to find out if anyone find it hard .

Of course this thread would create so much attention. Smoking when pregnant is a social taboo. Blimey, smoking full stop is becoming socially unacceptable! You have posted on a pregnancy forum full of mums and women who are pregnant or who are TTC. Of course there would be alot of opinions flying about! How could there not be? :think:

But you have also be given tons of ideas in this thread. I, for one have suggested quite a few things you could try. You have been offered lots of advice, support and good luck. Of which you hardly commented on, chosing instead to focus on what you have felt is negative feedback.

Also yes others have/did/are finding it hard. I think quite a few posters have told you this, including myself and I quote:

I smoked for years, 15/20+ a day. I quit as soon as I got my BFP. Yes, it was the hardest thing I have ever done and I remember thinking if I wasn't pregnant than I would never quit. My OH was also losing his business and going through bankruptcy at the time, so it is possible to do it in times of stress.

Is it very hard, I really hope you try some of the ideas/advice you have been given. Good luck :D

I would just like to add that no-one on here has the right to judge ANYONE about their lifestyle choices. GET A GRIP. There is so much paranoia around these days it's a wonder we don't all just stay at home and keep ourselves locked up in some sort of pregnancy bubble. Jeeesss!!! I'm sure the girl does not need another guilt trip from us and just because we become parents that doesn't mean we automatically qualify as saints. And I know that because I have a 13 year old daughter.
...and just one more thing while I'm on my high horse, no-one has to justify themselves on this forum to anyone else. Now I won't say anymore.
shezza30 said:
Misslarue said:
szuszy2002 said:
I would of never thought that my topic would create so much attention well this kind that wasnt my intention.
The only one thing I would of liked to find out if anyone find it hard .

Of course this thread would create so much attention. Smoking when pregnant is a social taboo. Blimey, smoking full stop is becoming socially unacceptable! You have posted on a pregnancy forum full of mums and women who are pregnant or who are TTC. Of course there would be alot of opinions flying about! How could there not be? :think:

But you have also be given tons of ideas in this thread. I, for one have suggested quite a few things you could try. You have been offered lots of advice, support and good luck. Of which you hardly commented on, chosing instead to focus on what you have felt is negative feedback.

Also yes others have/did/are finding it hard. I think quite a few posters have told you this, including myself and I quote:

I smoked for years, 15/20+ a day. I quit as soon as I got my BFP. Yes, it was the hardest thing I have ever done and I remember thinking if I wasn't pregnant than I would never quit. My OH was also losing his business and going through bankruptcy at the time, so it is possible to do it in times of stress.

Is it very hard, I really hope you try some of the ideas/advice you have been given. Good luck :D

I would just like to add that no-one on here has the right to judge ANYONE about their lifestyle choices. GET A GRIP. There is so much paranoia around these days it's a wonder we don't all just stay at home and keep ourselves locked up in some sort of pregnancy bubble. Jeeesss!!! I'm sure the girl does not need another guilt trip from us and just because we become parents that doesn't mean we automatically qualify as saints. And I know that because I have a 13 year old daughter.

Just as things were getting back on track.. i wasnt going to comment but felt i had to..The reason people are so passionate about this topic is the fact that the unborn child cannot speak for themselves.. why dont some people understand that? :wall:

I do feel for anyone struggling to give up smoking, as i know how hard it can be, but when theres a little baby growing inside i just dont think there is any excuse to carry on.. your baby should come first..

And im not trying to make anyone feel guilty its just my personal opinion..
Not sure who put the phrase "save another baby from a smoking mum" - honestly that was incredibly judgemental and sanctimonious. No you shouldn't have to sugar coat your opinions but people are asking for support not asking to be made to feel like a piece of shit. By all means put that you disgaree with it and why but remember that the poster asked for support.

OP - I really wish you luck with stopping smoking. I have never smoked so can't even to begin to imagine how hard it is but it is for a great reason. This is a subject pretty close to my heart and I did lose my mum to cancer when I was young, so even after pregnancy not smoking matters. You are already doing well and will beat it :hug:
beanie said:
Not sure who put the phrase "save another baby from a smoking mum":

That was me Beanie..Sorry but smoking can seriously effect an unborn child so i do see it as "saving" the baby from that. I dont think i will ever understand the mindset of a smoking mum so best leave this to those that do.. i keep saying i will leave the post and stupidly look back at it, i wish i wasnt so passionate ablout this topic believe me!

I have said several times that i hope OP manages to stop and she has been given some great help and advice.

Claire x
It is difficult to give up smoking, but the number of posts that have been made by ex smokers shows that it can be done - at the end of the day its all about will-power and there is only one person who can make you stop, and thats you!

I had real problems quitting, even after being hospitalised twice with severe asthma, I still stupidly carried on smoking - so even the fact I nearly died still didnt encourage me to quit, but then I was only doing myself harm at the time.........

However as soon as I fell pregnant, it was totally different, all of a sudden my motherly instincts kicked in and I couldnt bear the thought of hurting MY child! It made quitting so easy, and I havent looked back since.

I was discussing this subject with my DH last night (who also quit a few months ago for the sake of our baby), and he has recently been reading about 3rd hand smoke, and the dreadful effects it can have, particularly on babies.......I had no idea how long nicotine can stay on your clothes, hands, in your hair etc and apparently as babies put many things in their mouths they are at huge risk from being around anyone who was news to me!!

This most definitely shouldnt be a hate campaign........and I agree some people need more help and support than others, but at the end of the day it is only the person smoking who can ultimitely make the decision to stop - within a couple of days the craving gets so much less, and from then on its very easy!!

Come on ladies you can do it :hug:
Even though I have quit smoking…..nothing has made me want a cigarette more than reading this thread!!

Most smokers know the risks about smoking. We have been told countless times by adverts, leaflets, smokers themselves, non-smokers and ex-smokers about the dangers, probably for most of our smoking careers. Its really tough quitting smoking….you could have facts coming out of your arse and it would still be tough because it’s an addiction.

szuszy2002 came on here saying she was struggling to give up. I’m guessing she was looking for support, suggestions etc from other ladies in a similar position to make it easier to give up. Don’t get me wrong, there are some really good and helpful suggestions on this thread, but comments like these below are, I feel, are patronising or unhelpful.

“If you can't quit you shouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place”

“you should look at your life and see if you can make rather large changes, such as smoking, because, IMO, if you're not ready to cut things out of your life, then you're not ready for a baby”

“if just one baby out there is saved from a smoking mum”

“I think I'll leave this thread for the pregnant smokers to help eachother”
Its easier if you start by just not inhaling then when you stop you arent missing much anyway.
I smoked for 20 yrs and gave up no bother as i hadnt been inhaling for so long, but it took the edge off it. Got down to 3 non inhaled a day then thought what a waste of money.

Hopefully the smell of them will upset you and that makes it alot easier to kick the habit.

been a total non smoker now for 12 weeks and I walk past smokers holding my nostrels and i can tell when someone has been smoking the day before even! I am one of those annoying anti-smoker preachers now :)
I'm not sure how far along the op is but in your notes from the hospital there is a section in regarding smoking and it encourages you to give up and they have sections to fill in every visit regarding smoking, so it's not like you will be able to say you smoke and hope they'll leave you to it really, I think they will try and encourage you to stop and work on a cutting down thing.

My midwife also said the fact I stopped was the single best thing I did for my baby which made me feel great and made it worth it.

I think once morning sickness kicks in, especially if you get the 'smell' thing then you might find that ciggies are the single most awful thing in the world (and i used to say i would never stop and i loved a good smoke - I have shocked myself!)

My husband is having great trouble stopping for good and it's causing no ends of problems, I have now slept alone for over 3 months because I can smell the 2 or 3 a day he has and it turns my stomach, no cuddles or anything and I feel alot of resentment because in my mind he thinks more of a ciggie than me and the baby - ack i think they should just be banned personally. :talkhand:
I've been on this forum since I got my BFP and now I know why I didn't post a similar thread.

To the OP - good luck and I hope you are successful.

I started smoking at a very young age. Reason: when my grandparents were killed I went off the rails. Up until BFP I was smoking 20 to 30 a day. Up until New Years Eve I was smoking between 5 and 10 a day.

Did I ever actually want to quit - NO. I enjoyed smoking. It was a relief and a little break from that crap that is called life.
Did I feel guilty when I had a ciggie - a little bit.
Do I feel better for quitting - no. I feel 100 times worse.
Did I ever sit back and say "I shouldn't be allowed to conceive until I am perfect" - no.

Yes my baby doesn't get a say in it but given how much my blood pressure has gone up the baby is probably more at risk from pre-eclampsyia (sp?). I can barely breathe, I have a constant lump in my throat and don't feel any better.

I had managed to cut down to 1 or 2 a day up until my lovely encounter with EPU where I was told I may not actually be pregnant. That sent me off the rails again. The only reason I have managed to quit was on NYE when I was lying in bed with cramps and promised that if I didn't mis-carry that night I'd stop. Now I'm not about to sit here and be poacher turned game keeper and say how marvellous I am or how I can now say I deserve to be pregnant. I originally came on this thread to offer moral support and wish the OP all the luck in the world as I know myself how hard it is.

Edit: My midwife was quite supportive and congratulated me on managing to cut down. She suggested trying to get patches now I get free prescriptions but even she said, depending on the GP, they may not prescribe them as I'm pregnant even though actually smoking is worse.

P.S. On a lighter note - how I laughed that first summer after the smoking ban was introduced. Down at the local pub, all those people who had wanted us kicked outside were fuming that we were sitting there in the blazing sun having a ciggie and they had to sit inside. That was the best laugh I'd had in ages!!!! :rotfl:
yummy-mummy said:
I've been on this forum since I got my BFP and now I know why I didn't post a similar thread.

To the OP - good luck and I hope you are successful.

I started smoking at a very young age. Reason: when my grandparents were killed I went off the rails. Up until BFP I was smoking 20 to 30 a day. Up until New Years Eve I was smoking between 5 and 10 a day.

Did I ever actually want to quit - NO. I enjoyed smoking. It was a relief and a little break from that crap that is called life.
Did I feel guilty when I had a ciggie - a little bit.
Do I feel better for quitting - no. I feel 100 times worse.
Did I ever sit back and say "I shouldn't be allowed to conceive until I am perfect" - no.

Yes my baby doesn't get a say in it but given how much my blood pressure has gone up the baby is probably more at risk from pre-eclampsyia (sp?). I can barely breathe, I have a constant lump in my throat and don't feel any better.

I had managed to cut down to 1 or 2 a day up until my lovely encounter with EPU where I was told I may not actually be pregnant. That sent me off the rails again. The only reason I have managed to quit was on NYE when I was lying in bed with cramps and promised that if I didn't mis-carry that night I'd stop. Now I'm not about to sit here and be poacher turned game keeper and say how marvellous I am or how I can now say I deserve to be pregnant. I originally came on this thread to offer moral support and wish the OP all the luck in the world as I know myself how hard it is.

Edit: My midwife was quite supportive and congratulated me on managing to cut down. She suggested trying to get patches now I get free prescriptions but even she said, depending on the GP, they may not prescribe them as I'm pregnant even though actually smoking is worse.

P.S. On a lighter note - how I laughed that first summer after the smoking ban was introduced. Down at the local pub, all those people who had wanted us kicked outside were fuming that we were sitting there in the blazing sun having a ciggie and they had to sit inside. That was the best laugh I'd had in ages!!!! :rotfl:

Well done for you!! Given the responses on this thread I think you're very brave to say what you went through and well done for quitting :)
I have read this whole thread and as a heavy ex-smoker my advice to OP is as follows.

Yes smoking is addictive, we wouldnt have all done it otherwise and when I smoked I really enjoyed it, hence why I never quit before.

I truly believe that quitting smoking is a mind over matter issue, its not easy, I know that and am not saying it is, but I honestly believe that as the mind is our most powerful tool (I'm not paul mckenna in disguise by the way) you need never pick up a cig again.

I quit the minute to test turned positive as I have a very strong opinion which I am not afraid to say that you shouldnt smoke when p/g, and i believe it was because of that opinion I was strong enough to quit. I'm not saying your desire to quit isnt strong but sometimes a desire isnt enough.

I didnt use any books or patches (they still have nicotine) I just stopped. The fact you quit before shows you can do it

I wish you luck in quitting
szuszy2002 said:
I would of never thought that my topic would create so much attention well this kind that wasnt my intention.
The only one thing I would of liked to find out if anyone find it hard .
If some of you would of think before get upset that sentence shows
that I am actually trying to quit not just excepting that I am a smoker
and will continue for the whole duration of my pregnancy.
And as for another comment that when you have a child its not about you and have to be responsible etc.
I am responsible I have raised my 5 and half years old on my own and
I done a pretty good job.
Also quit smoking several times as I said one time it was for 2 years.
Currently I am trying but finding it hard and I was looking for some kind of support i guess.
Some of the messages are hars and some of you may think that you right to be hars just dont forgett that smoking mothers or mother-to-be feel bad enough on they own actions so its not really help.
Now I can see why women hiding when they pregnant or lie about smoking.
I just wanted to come out and share my problem and maybe find women in a similar situation and try to quit and give each other support.

Hi hon,

I smoked about 10 a day before I got my BFP. I tried so hard to quit the whole time I was TTC but I just enjoyed it so much. I quit the day I found out which was really hard because I didn't get chance to have a 'last fag' and really enjoy the taste of it! My hubby smoked too so I asked him to quit with me and he did bless him. The first 2 weeks nearly killed us. When I see somebody else smoking now I am still so jealous!

I'm hoping the cravings will pass soon, it's been 3 months now

I posted to say it IS hard, whatever anybody says. You can do it though. How far along are you? I saw a poster at the hospital yesterday that was advertising for women in the first trimester to trial some new nicotine patches for pregnant women. Wish I'd known about that!

Also, could you get your other half or a friend to quit with you? The support really helps you kick it because you have somebody else who understands what you're going through. We had some MASSIVE rows when quitting!

It is an addiction and the best thing you can do is cut back straight away and then try and find a way that works for you

YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck xxx
angelcake89 said:
Well done for you!! Given the responses on this thread I think you're very brave to say what you went through and well done for quitting :)

I don't feel happy for what I have done but at least now I can leave the house knowing that people won't be staring at me. Oh and although I appreciate your comments I don't think I'm brave. Brave is the OP who is probably wishing she hadn't bothered!

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