Anyone struggles to give up smoking?????

szuszy2002 said:
I never said that any of you not entitled to your opinion. My pregnancy was a surprice
and I only just find it out previosly . The one single comment which had kind of offensive
in my opinion (I forgett who wrote it) That who ever cant give up smoking shouldnt be
pregnant . I think thats just crossing a line and as I said my plan is to quit and I did seek
help from NHS so Im far from agreeing that smoking its fine.

So we can agree not to generalise by saying people had turned it into a hate thread when it was one comment that you didn't agree with? That's how strongly people feel about this subject and they may have very good reason to feel that way.

Forget the comments you didn't like and concentrate on the ones that help you - isn't that what we all do throughout life anyway? :lol:
I suggested the Allen Carr book in my first post - it *does* say to keep smoking whilst reading it, but you can read it in a day or two, and the OP is still smoking anyway.

Personally, I got halfway through the first chapter and lost all desire to keep smoking. It was when he pointed out that if you injected the nicotine from ONE cigarette into your veins like junkies do with heroin, it would kill you instantly, that I realised what a truly poisonous drug it really is - and I only picked the book up out of curiosity, as my flatmate was reading it and I was a total sceptic about it working.

It's definitely worth a try, and it really is totally painless :hug:
I will take on board all the comments today and may help me to be stronger regarding
quitting. I just wanted to say that Im not proud to be a smoker and also that I will going
to try to stop still have some patches from last week what my DR give so I suppose just
have to try it harder.
I really recommend paul mckenna for things! I had the I can make you thin by him and even listening to it every day for a week and my eating habits have COMPLETELY changed without thinking about it!
Ive heard that quitting smoking can be as hard as trying to quit heroin, if not harder, im not %100 sure though so dont shoot me down. Cutting down is alot better then doing nothing, just try andget the whole nine yards as soon as you can, if you really want to. My mum smoked 20+ a day with all of my brothers and sisters and we are all fine, but that doesnt make it a right thing to do. But if someone wants to do that then thats their choice and i dont judge people on that, you will do what you choose what ever we say here and you have a right to do that, but please think about your baby :hug:
I can't believe that anyone would smoke during pregnancy. It's irresponsible and inconsiderate to the baby you're carrying.

I think if you can even begin to think about TTC, you should look at your life and see if you can make rather large changes, such as smoking, because, IMO, if you're not ready to cut things out of your life, then you're not ready for a baby. Having a baby changes your life considerably and you have to make sacrifices all the time.

I know smoking is an addiction but just think about what smoking "around" other adults does. Adults have DIED from passive smoking. Childrens lungs are tiny and your baby's lungs aren't even fully developed until around 37 weeks.

I think it's sad. I'd be ashamed of myself. Harsh comments? Yes, but I feel strongly about things like this. The same applies to women that drink in pregnancy (and I don't mean the odd half glass of wine here and there - even though I'd have chosen NOT to even do that when I was PG had I not already been tee-total). :?
nori said:
Jade89 said:
I think I read somewhere or remember being told that it's good to stop smoking but gradually, so well done for cutting down, good luck :hug:

When pregnant? thats surprised me.. the baby is still being poisoned my the fumes though? :think:

Yes when pregnant. Just posting what I heard/read when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2006, some dr's said it was good to stop smoking but gradually so your not stressed about needing a cigarette as stress is bad for pregnancy too...and if it's true about the smoking/herion thing then i'm sure that could certainly cause alot of stress to someones body.

I'm not getting into a horrible debate about something that I can't back up, I was just saying what I heard, if it's correct then it's good news for the person cutting down and they can go do their own research on it, but if the woman's trying to cut down or quit completely then it can't be such a bad thing compared to if she thought 'stuff it' and carried on smoking like patty and selma...!

Midwifes don't slate their patients for smoking so i'm not sure it's anyone elses place to.

Good luck again :hug:
Jade89 said:
Midwifes don't slate their patients for smoking so i'm not sure it's anyone elses place to.

Good luck again :hug:

I think they would probably get the sack if they did! I suppose i dont really think of the adult in these situations as they can look after themselves, i only think of the baby. I suppose thats what happens when you become a mummy, your priorities all change.

I'm so pleased to hear you are going to try harder i really am, if just one baby out there is saved from a smoking mum then thats a great result. :clap:

Claire xx
Saved from a smoking Mum? She isnt a monster...maybe ''If one pregnant woman quit smoking it would be a result'' would be a little less harsh and I fully understand that nobody's here to sugarcoat things but I just diddn't agree with that, sorry.

This thread started out as...


Im new in here and I was just wondering if any of you smoking and finding it
hard to stop all of a sudden.


Hey all you pregnant ladies that don't smoke, what are your opinions? Lets debate on my behalf.

I think she is very brave to have posted this topic, my 2+ years on this forum I have never seen anybody post a topic admitting to smoking, maybe if the thread diddn't involve negative responses it could have turned into a support thread for these ladies.

Can we please not have another locked topic about's getting boring now.
Right been reading this thread and thought i'd stick up a bit for the original poster.
Here it goes,i smoke i know it's bad and i aim to stop very soon,i've smoked in the early stages of all my previous pregnancies and managed to stop by 10 weeks.I've always started to smoke again within 6 months of giving birth,i know it's not clever and i know i shouldn't but i do.I'm suprised i'm not a raging alcoholic as well.
Give the girl a break she asked for some advice,mine is just try to cut down and eventually stop all together.
Remember some people are very very weak willed like myself.
Jade89 said:
Saved from a smoking Mum? She isnt a monster...maybe ''If one pregnant woman quit smoking it would be a result'' would be a little less harsh and I fully understand that nobody's here to sugarcoat things but I just diddn't agree with that, sorry.

This thread started out as...


Im new in here and I was just wondering if any of you smoking and finding it
hard to stop all of a sudden.


Hey all you pregnant ladies that don't smoke, what are your opinions? Lets debate on my behalf.

I think she is very brave to have posted this topic, my 2+ years on this forum I have never seen anybody post a topic admitting to smoking, maybe if the thread diddn't involve negative responses it could have turned into a support thread for these ladies.

Can we please not have another locked topic about's getting boring now.

You might want to reread this thread as there are many people who have suggested help and support in giving up.

Comments like this are just going to fuel the fire (pardon the pun :lol: ) and end up in a locked debate.
And if you re read the thread you may see the unnecissary (sp?) comments too, you just know this thread isn't all hugs kisses and good luck...I have wished her the best of luck also and good on the other posters that have...but surely you don't agree with comments such as ''if just one baby out there is saved from a smoking mum then thats a great result.''
That just sounds wrong...And posts that dig at smokers but no good luck to you and your baby with giving up?

I said I wasn't debating about what I originally posted as I had no evidence to back that up, fair enough but jeez...give this girl a break from horrible comments, fair enough if she posted a topic asking for your views but she diddnt.

I hope the OP get's her thread back very soon so she can get back on topic.
Jade89 said:
...but surely you don't agree with comments such as ''if just one baby out there is saved from a smoking mum then thats a great result.''
That just sounds wrong...And posts that dig at smokers but no good luck to you and your baby with giving up?

I hope the OP get's her thread back very soon so she can get back on topic.

I agree with that comment more than things such as: we feel bad enough as it is with you lot making us feel worse. Because quite honestly nobody can feel that bad otherwise they would have stopped smoking by now.

As for getting the topic back on subject - the poor girl was on topic again on page three before you began dragging it all back up again.

I think I'll leave this thread for the pregnant smokers to help eachother.
Jade89 said:
Saved from a smoking Mum? She isnt a monster...maybe ''If one pregnant woman quit smoking it would be a result'' would be a little less harsh and I fully understand that nobody's here to sugarcoat things but I just diddn't agree with that, sorry.

You are quit right people arent here to sugar coat anything and in my opinion the baby would be saved from many awful things that COULD happen if someone smokes! Why shouldnt people stick up for the rights of an unborn child? They cant speak for themselves can they?

The original poster has had some excellent advice and realises that she needs to try harder and i wish her all the luck in the world. I'm hoping that this will be another success story and she can offer some advice to the next person who has to give up! Fingers crossed.. :pray:

Claire x
Nori...saved from a smoking mother you said...not saved from things that could happen, I just thought it was wrong wording, if you had said what you have reciently said about what could happen I wouldn't of had a problem.

Mama 2 be I was actually replying to nori quoting me after page 3 and good on you for leaving that makes 2 of us.

I would of never thought that my topic would create so much attention well this kind that wasnt my intention.
The only one thing I would of liked to find out if anyone find it hard .
If some of you would of think before get upset that sentence shows
that I am actually trying to quit not just excepting that I am a smoker
and will continue for the whole duration of my pregnancy.
And as for another comment that when you have a child its not about you and have to be responsible etc.
I am responsible I have raised my 5 and half years old on my own and
I done a pretty good job.
Also quit smoking several times as I said one time it was for 2 years.
Currently I am trying but finding it hard and I was looking for some kind of support i guess.
Some of the messages are hars and some of you may think that you right to be hars just dont forgett that smoking mothers or mother-to-be feel bad enough on they own actions so its not really help.
Now I can see why women hiding when they pregnant or lie about smoking.
I just wanted to come out and share my problem and maybe find women in a similar situation and try to quit and give each other support.
Sorry, i'm back one more time :angel:

Just to say don't let this one topic put you off the forum, it got me through my last pregnancy and this one too. Smoking topics just cause bad reactions, always have *shrugs*

Anyways...welcome, congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck again...I think you may have your topic back now anyhoo 8) :wave:
Birth Defects

My husbands mum smoked whilst she was pregnant with him. Possibly (and only possibly, who knows, it can be definate) it's what caused his PFFD, which is a congenital shortening of his leg. Basically one leg is signicantly shorter then the other, and he was born without the ball for his hip joint as well. Queue years of operations, months at Great Ormond Street and now a false leg with the attributed difficulty walking. Maybe it wasn't the smoking but I suppose if something happens then you might always wonder.

I've never smoked, so although I say giving up smoking is hard (I am sure its flipping hard and yes it is meant to be harder then heroin) I think living with the potential consequences might be harder. I suppose you can see a cessation person - it's free on the NHS and I am sure being pregnant you will get oodles of support. I think if you are wondering about it, then there is a sense that you might be thinking about giving up, perhaps speak to your midwife who might be really supportive.

I just want to add reading through some of the thread (not all of it I have a attention span of a fish) I don't want to say 'you are a bad mum if you smoke'. Life is hard, we give up a lot of stuff, we go through a lot of pain and changes. I just hope that as a forum we can support you with what you decide because ultimately these are your decisions to make

On the flipside I am sure there are plenty of mums who haven't smoked and have had babies with issues and vice versa.

edt because I spelt heroin like an idiot!

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