smoking when pregnant ?


Mar 11, 2012
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hey girls, just wanted a little advice on the whole smoking thing, i am nearly 20 weeks and still havent managed to completly stop smoking,i have around 4 a day so i have cut right down but i feel so guilty when i am smoking, a just cant seem to get the will power to stop..i thought being pregnant would make me stop straight away. i think i just want some advice from other woman that is trying to stop , and was wondering if anyone has any ideas that would help me quit or is there any woman thats just like me and finding it hard. thankyou xxxx
I quit cold turkey so i know that it can be done because i couldn't quit for anything except being pregnant, I would never want to poison my child.

Google 'placenta of a smoker' and look at the pictures and then you can see a small part of the damage that smoking does during pregnancy. It's so not worth it, you can always smoke again in the future but being pregnant is such a small time scale in your life I'm sure you can not smoke for a matter of months? If I can anyone can!

Every drag you take makes the placenta constict so you are starving your baby of oxygen, could you hold your breath the amount of time it takes you to smoke a cigarette? That's what your baby has to do :shock:

I miss smoking, I won't deny it, I know it's a dirty horrible disgusting habit but I do miss it, but I would never make my baby endure something so disgusting!

You can do it hun!
Hey hun!

Well done for asking for help, proud and brave step.

Can I ask have you been to a stop smoking nurse at your clinic?

Have you thought about patches ?

I'm no longer pregnant i struggled initially , I quit a week after I found - I fell the first month of
Trying, I know it sounds silly but I didn't think I'd fall so quickly and hadn't really
Mentally or physically prepared to quit.

I then said to my self after I quit that week if I needed one I could have just one within the week and it could only be on the Sunday. Well by the time Sunday came I would have forgot what I was so tense about that I needed a fag.

I ended not smoking for the remaining of the pregnancy. I know it sounds sad, but maybe something
Similar could work for you xxx
has ur midwife give u advice n support xx
Every cig u have leaves tar on the placenta, so everything else that crosses the placenta to ur baby has tar on it. Would u feed ur baby tar after its born? No. But ur feeding it tar now!

Every cig damages ur lungs, but does twice as much damage to ur childs lungs as they are so tiny.

This little life is relying solely on u to keep it safe, and ur poisoning it.

Hope that helped, and good luck x

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I think u are very brave at finding help for quitting smoking. Has ur midwife not offered u any help?

Just a little story that might help u cut down even more and then quit. A girl at my work continued to smoke through her pregnancy and went into labour on Saturday, a couple of dys before her due date. She was in labour 30 hours and baby was born weighing just 5lbs 1oz. When the placenta was delivered it was almost dead, caused by restricted blood and nutrients from her smoking. With the placenta dieing she was hurting her baby. Her baby is still in nicu at hospital unable to feed properly and has got an infection, and looks like she will be in for a while yet.

U can turn this around of u can get the right support to help u, u have cut down so u can go that little bit further and stop completely. U just need to blei e in urself and ur lil baby that is relying on u for support xxx
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i really hope you sort this out and quit, i know its hard, i found it hard because of the stress i was under when i found out i was pregnant however i did jkust go cold turkey, it was hard for the frist couple days but they say if you can go 3 days without one then thats the hardest time xxx
roxy - I am in exactly the same position at 23 weeks. I thought I would just quit straight off but still on a few a day.
Ive asked midwife - ive called new leaf for pregnant women 3 times for help and they always say ''we will contact you in due time'' etc etc.
At the moment I am smoking half a cig, not a full one and have stopped smoking at home completely. Only at work now because job is so stressful.
I cannot find any support at all and feel helpless too.
Just keep making those quid dates like me and keep cutting down til you get to zero. Thats all Im doing.

with so many things up in the air in my life like not having a house to live in when babies born is more important and the stress levels are damaging my baby cuz I need a cig so ... x
Every cig u have leaves tar on the placenta, so everything else that crosses the placenta to ur baby has tar on it. Would u feed ur baby tar after its born? No. But ur feeding it tar now!

Every cig damages ur lungs, but does twice as much damage to ur childs lungs as they are so tiny.

This little life is relying solely on u to keep it safe, and ur poisoning it.

Hope that helped, and good luck x

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Someone has already pointed out what it does to the placenta/baby.

She's asking for advice on how to quit completely. Smoking is a difficult habbit to crack, pregnant or not. Laying the guilt on this lady of how she's "poisoning it" won't help!
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Roxy, i kept meaning to set up a kind of support group thread on this, where people who were struggling to quit could give each other advice, encouragement and support each other. (hopefully without being judged or lectured) I figured that if people tried to quit together and could encourage each other it might help. What do you think, would it be any use?
I quit by reading Easy Way by Alan Carr (actually I listened to the audio book which is easier than reading it! :) ) I quit cold turkey with no nicotine replacement therapy (patches etc) and I didn't compensate with food etc either. It was the best and easiest method ever!!

You can quit smoking!! You can do it!! You don't need cigarettes to help you cope with stress a few deep breaths and walk away from the situation will help. All it takes is the right frame of mind and the attitude that you will not let cigarettes rule your life. Just think how less stressed you will feel once you don't have the guilt over the last four you are smoking.

Well done for cutting down, just need to cut them out- think about it, is four cigarettes really worth it?

Best of luck hun- YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :) :)

Hey hunny i know how hard is, I didn't stop till I was about 23 weeks. I just felt so stressed and had a lot going on. I managed to cut down to 4 a day with the help of the nicorette inhaler and a smoking cessation advisor phoning me weekly giving me support. I then tried the Patches and was able to stoP comPletely. Some days I still struggle because as much of a dirty habit it is, I miss it. Each week though I feel more proud of myself for not smoking. No one realises how hard it is sometimes when they don't smoke them selves but you can do it sweetheart! Good luck xx
Hey hunny i know how hard is, I didn't stop till I was about 23 weeks. I just felt so stressed and had a lot going on. I managed to cut down to 4 a day with the help of the nicorette inhaler and a smoking cessation advisor phoning me weekly giving me support. I then tried the Patches and was able to stoP comPletely. Some days I still struggle because as much of a dirty habit it is, I miss it. Each week though I feel more proud of myself for not smoking. No one realises how hard it is sometimes when they don't smoke them selves but you can do it sweetheart! Good luck xx

Well said :dance:
Buy Allen Carr's "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" and read it in one sitting!

Best of luck

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i stopped at 17 weeks, i thought id be able to stop just like that when i found out, but no!

i saw a smoking cessation nurse, she was really helpful.

apparently, its actually physically harder to quit when you are pregnant, she also said, unfortunatley, that even if you cut down, you get the same amount of chemicals? im not sure how that could be possible though.

even quitting for the last few weeks of pregnancy will benefit your baby, but obviously better the earlier you can.

ramble over, see if you can get in touch with a smoking cessation nurse, they run courses for pregnant women and you can get free nicotine replacement therapies, which actually work!
i do understand that its a hugely difficult thing to do though
good luck
Just wanted to say I'm proud of each and every one of you who has cut down and quit. Well done guys

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Hi Hun! I gave up when I found out I was pregnant - but boy was it hard! I found that if I took each cigarette at a time it helped. If I wanted one after lunch for example, but managed not to have it I would give myself a mental pat on the back and tell myself how great I was!! But if stress or whatever meant that I just couldn't stop lighting up I would have just a couple of puffs and put it out. Then try harder the next time. The times you say 'no - I won't do this' get more frequent and it does get easier. Its not a quick fix but it worked for me. Good luck xx
Every cig u have leaves tar on the placenta, so everything else that crosses the placenta to ur baby has tar on it. Would u feed ur baby tar after its born? No. But ur feeding it tar now!

Every cig damages ur lungs, but does twice as much damage to ur childs lungs as they are so tiny.

This little life is relying solely on u to keep it safe, and ur poisoning it.

Hope that helped, and good luck x

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Someone has already pointed out what it does to the placenta/baby.

She's asking for advice on how to quit completely. Smoking is a difficult habbit to crack, pregnant or not. Laying the guilt on this lady of how she's "poisoning it" won't help!

To me, telling her the cold, hard facts of exactly what its doing, is helpful! If anyone told me something I was doing was constricting the placenta and causing my baby to eat tar - I'd stop whatever it was.

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i stoped smoking as soon as i found out i was pregnant and i even felt guilty about all the cigs i had the week before! :sad:

its really not easy to stop smoking and i could sooo easily light up right now but the thought of smoking when pregnant was enough for me not to do it .. everyone is different though! when i was feeling like i had to have a cig or else i would kill someone i had a few little puffs of the fake cigarettes that u can get to help u stop smoking and that seemed to help!

my dad read that book allan carrs stop smoking and he was smoking 60 a day and when he had finished he completely stopped it was amazing so like the other girls said you should try that!

its even amazing that you have cut down as i know how hard it is .. just keep believing in urself & you will do it :hug: even stoping just now would make a huge difference to you & your baby so dont give up! xx

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