Smoking during pregnancy

Josephine_Beth said:
Tillytots said:
Smoking IS very harmful. Despite the proven and un-proven theories debate Ive seen what it does to people.

This year I witnessed somebody die from lung cancer which was caused by smoking. It was the most horrific and horendous thing I have ever seen. Its proof to me that it is bad.

At the end of the day if you smoke it is up to you and it is so easy to carry on thinking it will never happen to me but believe me when you see someone have a terminal massive hemoptysis (Exsanguination) it would be enough to put you off smoking for life. Maybe it is luck of the draw but sod being the one who draws that straw....

Its not just the babies health people should think of, its their own too.

I know how lung cancer is horrid to watch but my point being is that ranting and raving at others, won't get them to stop or see the bad effects, if anything, you will push them to keep doing it. The best treatment is the silent one.

I was always rattling on at my hubby to stop, then I realised that he wouldn't I haven't mentioned it for 6 weeks now and he has gone from 2 packets a day to 10 cigs a day.

People think it is easy to stop just like that but for a majority, it isn't at all. I had an easy way out, my pregnancy just made the taste and smell of cigs so much stronger that I just quit straight off.

I've seen my uncle (well my mum's) die from being an alcoholic, he passed away at the age of 74, he'd been a alcoholic since his 30's. I've had a drink problem and it took me a year to finally stop. But I will not rant and rave about what drink does to your liver/brain/heart and your skin. Believe me, you won't want to know.

If someone wants to stop, they will but if they don't want to stop, there is not point wasting your time.

I wasnt ranting and raving hun....I was just saying smoking is bad - as some people seem to think it isnt. I just wanted to explain that seeing someone puke their lungs out and bleed to death on the floor infront of you isnt all that great and thats thanks to smoking.

I just feel really strongly about it and everyone knows only thing you need to stop smoking is to REALLY want to.....
i try and avoid smokers down town but now smoking ban on theres more on the streets :wall: personally i hate them but thats all im saying :) peace not war :dance:

my fiance been smoking since he was 13 think he said think it 2 years ago now when he quit and hes 29. i know what its like for smokers when people say u gotta quit and stuff like that cause it makes u wanna do more. my fiance i didnt say that to him i just bought him baccy and rizlas if he wanted it of course he paid me back for them lol but i werent gonna say to him u gotta quit cause i know he just wanna smoke more and not give up.

at the end of the day its u who suffers and if pregnant also then so does your baby.

id say good luck in giving up, maybe set something if u give u u buy yourself something with the money u wold spend on cigs. something good and not a lighter lol

btw i met my fiance when he was a smoker and never once said to him quit i just said smoke more so u die before me and i get all your stuff and flog it :rotfl:

I am not a smoker and have never been one (I am very very lucky!)

My husband is an ex smoker - MY ADVICE IS TO BUY THE ALAN CARR BOOK!! He tried everything, patches, gum, pills, inhaler, chinese herbs, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, lozenges etc etc!

Over the years he has given up for up to two years.

My thoughts on this matter are - smoking kills, giving up doesnt.

Regardless of whether you are unfortunate enough or not to harm your unborn baby - are you prepared to damage your own health so that your child loses their mother?

Dont smoke in your car - it blows back in.

Dont smoke in your car when there are no kids in it - it lingers and the effects are the same as if they are in it with the windows wound up.

As said previously - it stays on your breath and clothes (my husband still smoked when my little girl was a baby and he was sooo paranoid about holding her after going outside for a fag).

You will need the money for all the cute things you will want to buy your baby.

I had a 2nd pregnancy and had the odd (once a week) beer or guiness - i lost the baby - so this time no alcohol - please please dont put yourself in a situation where you have to feel "what if i hadnt done ....." for whatever reason, if you miscarry you will always blame yourself for it.

My mum smoked throughout her pregancy with me (it wasnt such a big no no then) and i got asthma in my early teens.

Being pregnant and holding a cig is not a good look.
I was talking to a friend last night and we worked out that on average, a packet of cigs in the uk costs just under 6 pound, if you buy 4 packets a week, thats 24 pound, 4 weeks a month is 96 pound, 12 months a year, that is 1152.00 pounds just on cigs.

I never bothered to think of that when I was smoking, I didn't really care but now, that's 1152.00 pound you could spend on bubs, buying him/her nappies (lets face it, ain't cheap), a few cute outfits, supportive shoes for when you start puttin gyour baby in a stroller (very important apaprently), a few trips to the hair dresser to treat yourself, maybe a new outfit for mum?

So, i am happy I am saving money from not smoking, mind you, the rate my hubby is asking me for money, I'll be broke lol He asked for a tenner today, I just looked at him and said what about the 20 quid I gave you on tuesday, what you do with that????

I love my hubby but I could drop this sprog any time and tbh, I'd rather spend my funds on this baby than the hubby for now.

Cruel cow I am lol
I read Allan Carr's book when I was a smoker but it didn't work for me. I've known people who it has worked for though so definately worth a try.
I felt so sorry for him when he died (lung cancer I think). He'd managed to quit, and helped so many people do the same but it was still too late :(

I quit using patches in the end, I found it made it so much easier. I kept polo's on me at all times too for distraction when I fancied a cigarette
just wondered how are all the smokers/those giving up or thinking of it feeling right now?
lisa&alex said:
just wondered how are all the smokers/those giving up or thinking of it feeling right now?

Bored............ops, sorry, that's maternity leave lol

I'm good actually, feel alot more healthy, easier to breath. At the start, I struggked the first 2 weeks, bashing head against the wall but I was fine, I didn't even think about wanting a cig, it was more to do with 'what do I do with my hands etc'.

My hubby still smokes, when in car, i make him roll down all windows, when at home, he won't sit next to me and smoke, if I am in the front room, he'll go into the living room etc. But we've never smoked in the bedroom. However, the smoke never bothered me but now it does, so now one smokes around me when we are inside, I don't ask them to do it, it just gives me a coughing fit.
whats going to happen when the baby arrives? is he having a particular room to smoke in?
My sister used to be a walking chimney, she would smoke at least 40-60 a day.

All in all she smoked for about 20yrs, about 2 yrs ago she went to her doc and got some patches and enrolled in a support group.

She gave up :lol: and is still smoke free.

If there was ever anyone you would have though would never give up it was my sister, if she can do it any one can :wink:
lisa&alex said:
whats going to happen when the baby arrives? is he having a particular room to smoke in?

Been discussing this one at length, we discussed that the living room would be smoke free when the baby was about but after thought, the living room will be total smoke free. There is a balcony going from the living room, so he could smoke out there, both bedrooms will be smoke free, the kitchen has a balcony on it, so, aslong as he closed the kitchen door and opened the windows and balcony door, he can smoke there.

However, this may change!
good luck.

It is hard, I gave up withina day or two of finding oout with my first baby almost three years ago.

I smoked on the day i found out and had a couple the next day, but once id agreed to myself to give up it was quite easy. The baby does motivate you.

The best advice I could give, is do not be easy on yourself. Pick a day within the next three days and just stop. When you want a cigarette eat something, have a drink, have gum, go for a walk, anything. Just never say to yourself "oh it'll be alright, lots of people smoke".

Once you have got through a full day and then another and then another you confidence will grow and you will feel so proud of yourself you'll want to keep on going.

Also, this might sound snobby, but smoking in pregnancy is a really chavvy thing to do - it looks absolutely horrible seeing pregnant gfirls stood around fagging it. Nobody wants to look like that, it's just so...Kerry Katona :lol: eww.
Pinklady85 said:
Thank you i do appreciate your oppion and understand becuase i would prob say the same but prob not as harsh... im now a non smoker not gonna touch a fag for the next 9 months..

Good for you in giving up now :) Well done.

I've read through lots of this discsussion and not seen anything mentioned, but you say about not smoking for the next 9 months, for your health and that of your baby, but why start again at the end? I'd simply just keep going and not go back to smoking. Once you've quit, its better for you (and the child) in the long term to not smoke. OK, you may love smoking (I did but quit cold turkey years ago and nothing would make me smoke again now) but think of your health and that of your child growing up. Smoking is a killer and can cause some nasty problems for kiddes if they have to breathe second hand smoke. Why inflict that on them? They have no say in it and we should avoid causing them potential problems if we can.

Smoking within the home, around your child, say in a car or enclosed space is icky and second hand smoke does cause health problems to those having to breath it. Also there is the financial cost. Use those pounds not spent on ciggys for things for your child. Surely a better way to spend the cash :)

My way of not smoking anymore is never say never, nor do I call myself a 'ex smoker' or anything. I find my stomach turns at the smell of a ciggy and not in a nice way and sitting in a room with smokers is something I can no longer do. Plus your sense of smell and taste is so much better when not smoking.

My mother was a smoker. Quit as soon as she found out she was pregnant and had me, a healthy baby. But she began smoking soon afterwards and I am now asthmatic and suffered badly during childhood with chest infections etc. She smoked around me and I am sure it did not help my lungs in the long term.

Really, if you can give up for 9 months, give up for longer :) You owe it to yourself and your child to be fit and well for a long time. Smoking just increases your chance for early ill health and death and can cause problems for your child also.

Good luck with it all. I'll be around to offer support if you need it :)
on a slightly different note, i noticed that some of you were saying to try Allan Carrs book. I was thinking to myself "blimey, i didnt know that bloke off the Friday Night Project wrote a book" I was more shocked to see that he had died from cancer! Then i looked him up and realised they are two different people. Ahem.........i'll get me coat :oops:
sazzylou said:
on a slightly different note, i noticed that some of you were saying to try Allan Carrs book. I was thinking to myself "blimey, i didnt know that bloke off the Friday Night Project wrote a book" I was more shocked to see that he had died from cancer! Then i looked him up and realised they are two different people. Ahem.........i'll get me coat :oops:

hahaha you loon :D
on a plus note round my dads the other day (where everyone smokes) they was all like oh is it ok if i smoke near you and do you mind if i smoke bless them ive been off them for a month now and feeling so good for it :D
manda xx
manda224 said:
sazzylou said:
on a slightly different note, i noticed that some of you were saying to try Allan Carrs book. I was thinking to myself "blimey, i didnt know that bloke off the Friday Night Project wrote a book" I was more shocked to see that he had died from cancer! Then i looked him up and realised they are two different people. Ahem.........i'll get me coat :oops:

hahaha you loon :D
on a plus note round my dads the other day (where everyone smokes) they was all like oh is it ok if i smoke near you and do you mind if i smoke bless them ive been off them for a month now and feeling so good for it :D
manda xx

i hope you said no...coz passive smokings just as bad..
Hi to all, sorry for the essay but I need to give a bit of back-story with my problem! I have no idea if this post will be read by anyone as looks like its been a long time since anyone posted on it!? I am nearly 14 weeks pregnant and finding it very difficult to quit smoking :'(

I found out I was pregnant very early which was a godsend as it meant I could make some important lifestyle changes immediately. I was a moderate to heavy drinker (2-3 glasses of wine a night minimum!) Before I found out and I am also epileptic and was on epilim chrono (the worst possible epilepsy med you can be on when pregnant!). The day I found out I was pregnant I gave up booze and stopped my medication. I was on a very low dose, only 1 tablet a day, but was so scared of the possible effects from it that I decided to stop altogether. I should add that this was against doctors advice! But I hadn't had a seizure in about 5years and felt it was best for baby to try.

11 weeks on and I'm doing really well, i m struggling with sleeping a bit at times but no fits so far! I'm now trying to tackle my next hurdle, giving up smoking. I was smoking 15-20 a day, I have managed to cut down to less than a day 10 so far but I still feel really guilty about it. Many of my work colleagues are treating me like some kind of pondscum (in some ways rightly so) but they don't know about the epilepsy. I didn't tell work about it as I was worried I wouldn't get the job when I started there 3 years ago! I am concerned, as is my doctor, that the stress of quitting cold turkey could cause me to start having siezures again. She has advised that I cut down gradually. I feel really guilty every time I smoke and am really concerned for my babies health.

I suffered a missed miscarriage last year when I was 6 weeks pregnant and never want to go through that again! I managed to cut down to 2 fags a day with that pregnancy but seem to really be struggling with this one. I was still on my meds when I miscarried last year.

Can anyone give me any Helpful tips on cutting down/ quitting please? (Preferably without making me feel like more of a pariah than I already do!)

Many thanks ladies!

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