Anyone struggles to give up smoking?????

I'm afraid i have to agree with the "no smoking whilst pregnant" group here. I got slated in another thread similar to this so will tone it down. I know its hard to give up (im an ex smoker myself) BUT i stongly beleive that it shouldnt be an option whether you do or dont.

Its not about YOU anymore its about that little life inside you that totally relies on you to keep it safe and healthy. I personally cant understand how you can take a puff of a cigarette and not feel so much guilt that you would put it out immediately. For people to say thing like "well such and such was born healthy" is totally ridiculous. You know the risks so please get help and quit..

I'm not going to reply to anyone who disagrees with me im afraid as i personally cant think of any reason why you wouldnt stop. I'm so passionate about this topic and just wanted to stick up for the unborn babies breathing in these disgusting fumes when theres nothing they can do about it..


Claire x
This is something I feel quite strongly about, I refused to talk to my Aunt when she smoked through her pregnancy. You will not die if you dont have a cigarette. Whats more important? Feeling moody for a few days while the nicotine leaves your system and knowing your baby is ok or quite possibly damaging your baby just so that you can satisfy a craving that lasts for a few seconds? I know how hard it is to quit as I did it but its not impossible. I dont agree with cutting down. You are still putting nicotine into your system whether its every 4 hours or every hour so the craving will always be there until there is no nicotine in you. Hope you all manage to give up :hug:
szuszy2002 said:
Well i understand and appreciate your view regarding smoking while you pregnant
but I do not agree about the stuff you said that if you pregnant cant quit you
never will. When my son borne who is perfectly healthy, he was always crying
when I went in the garden for a cigarett and that time I managed to stop for 2 years but
while I was pregnant I could not stop.

I stick by my comments - if your unborn babies life, and health is not enough to make you quit, then Im not sure what could ever make you quit????

Like Nori I am really passionate about this subject!!
Just to put it straight I have started this forum to see if anyone else out there struggling
to stop. I wasnt expecting nasty comments about that I shouldnt be pregnant etc.
I am not happy that I smoke and also know the risks and I had several attempts to stop but
I failed which dosnt mean that I wont gonna try again and just puff away like no tomorrow.
This whole think went in to hate instead of some kind of support but thats just life I guess.
Just saw this thread and had to comment!

I smoked about 20 a day since the age of about 13 (disgusting, I know!). Earlier this year I had a miscarriage about 2 days from getting back from holiday. I didn't know I was pregnant when I was there, and ended up blaming myself for it happening because I'd drunk so mucjh every night and smoked about 40 cigarettes every day! I'm not saying I did mc because of it, but I'm sure it can't have helped.

Anyway, we decided to try for another, and I thought it was a good time to quit. I got help from the nurse with patches, and after 2 weeks I was pulling my hair out and SO close to starting again. If I'm perfectly honest, I enjoyed smoking, and didn't care about the effects of it.
I'd just got myself back into that frame of mind of 'what's the point? It's my body, I'll smoke if I want to' and I found out I was pregnant!

That was it for me. I thought 'this is it! this is what you did it for!' and I haven't had one drag since.

I truely believed that nothing would make me stop, but it did! The thought of risking the health of my own child is enough to keep me going. I've just stopped patches (I checked they were safe to use with nurse) and even though sometimes I could murder one, I know that as long as there's a little life growing in my body, I'll never smoke.
I really hope I don't start again after I've had the baby - I'm determined not to, but even if I did I'd be proud of myself for going the full 9 months without.

Sorry, I went on a bit there. What I'm trying to say is I personally think everyone has the power to stop if they really want to. The cravings DO get easier! x
Just wanted to say i gave up smoking before i started TTC and it is possible. I didnt want smoke round myself and i certainly dont want it round my unborn child. If youve cut down or thought of quitting then surely you know its wrong? :hug: :hug: At the end of the day its your choice but please think of your unborn child. :hug: :hug: :hug: good luck
szuszy2002 said:
This whole think went in to hate instead of some kind of support but thats just life I guess.

I dont think the comments on here are "hate" and there have been many people who have said they smoked 20 a day and gave up so it can be done (surely this is positive?). Its a topic that is bound to create slightly negative feedback as in a lot of peoples opinion its totally wrong.. this is afterall a pregnancy forum and babies are the main priority in many peoples minds.

I shall leave this thread now.. ive learnt that trying to change the minds of some smokers doesnt work..

Claire x
I think I read somewhere or remember being told that it's good to stop smoking but gradually, so well done for cutting down, good luck :hug:
Jade89 said:
I think I read somewhere or remember being told that it's good to stop smoking but gradually, so well done for cutting down, good luck :hug:

When pregnant? thats surprised me.. the baby is still being poisoned my the fumes though? :think:
Giving up smoking can be one of the hardest things someone has to do. Everyone is different, so stopping when you find out you are pregnant isn't as easy for some people as it is for others.

If you are smoking when you are pregnant, the minimum you must do is cut down. Giving up totally can be extreemly difficult, but waiting for a long time between cigarettes knowing you can have one later isn't too hard at all.

My wife has cut down from 20 a day to 3/4 a day. Yes she should try and stop totally, but what she has done is a million times better for the baby than nothing.

The best advice is to at least do something.
szuszy2002 said:
This whole think went in to hate instead of some kind of support but thats just life I guess.

Surely you didn't expect just one side of the arguement when its a topic some people feel very passsionate about? Some people on here have been trying for months and months to get pregnant and have done everything in their power for that to happen i.e. gave up smoking before even TTC so I think you need to know that if you talk about a sensitive subject then you have to expect both sides of the arguement in a healthy debate. Some people who would give their right arm for a baby might say that you are being selfish by smoking and possibly hurting your baby but that's something you have to accept all the while you are smoking whilst pregnant.

It's your choice if you wish to smoke the same as its our right to voice our opinions. We disagree with your smoking like you disagree with us voicing our opinions.

Most people on this thread are trying to suggest ways to help you quit, it's up to you if you wish to accept any tips or hints.
szuszy2002 said:
This whole think went in to hate instead of some kind of support but thats just life I guess.

I don't think thats true at all. There has been alot of supportive and helpful comments.

This is never going to be an easy subject to talk about. People can feel very strongly about smoking when pregnant. It is a social taboo after all and will raise opinions especially on a forum full of mothers, pregnant ladies and women TTC or dealing with the lost of a child.

Do you think any of the comments or suggestions helped you at all? Or some things that you could try? :D
I never said that any of you not entitled to your opinion. My pregnancy was a surprice
and I only just find it out previosly . The one single comment which had kind of offensive
in my opinion (I forgett who wrote it) That who ever cant give up smoking shouldnt be
pregnant . I think thats just crossing a line and as I said my plan is to quit and I did seek
help from NHS so Im far from agreeing that smoking its fine.
Can I suggest reading Allen Carrs Easyway To Stop Smoking. I read this book and I havent smoked since. Works for some :hug:
Snuggle said:
Can I suggest reading Allen Carrs Easyway To Stop Smoking. I read this book and I havent smoked since. Works for some :hug:

I used that too.. only problem with that though is it tells you to carry on smoking whilst reading it which could harm the baby in the meantime.. :think:

Claire x
nori said:
Snuggle said:
Can I suggest reading Allen Carrs Easyway To Stop Smoking. I read this book and I havent smoked since. Works for some :hug:

I used that too.. only problem with that though is it tells you to carry on smoking whilst reading it which could harm the baby in the meantime.. :think:

Claire x

Oh you're right hun...maybe read it over a couple of days then?! :think:
szuszy2002 said:
Thank you Snuggle and for all other ladys who give some advice.

Do you think you will try any of it? :)

Also maybe you could start a quitting diary. I know you will receive masses of support from this forum and it would be a great help to others trying to quit too.

If you are determind to quit there are so many things you can do.
Another one of mine, whenever I felt like a puff I would picture my unborn child safe in my womb...................then surrounded by cigarette smoke :shock: Not only did it make my craving go away it actually made me feel sick at the thought of smoking.
Hiya szuszy2002.

I struggled to give up smoking at first, especially as my pregnancy was not planned!! I always imagined me giving up and then trying to conceive but it doesn’t always work like that!

I am now a non smoker though and I feel a lot better. I had a look at some of the stop smoking websites and the smoking sections of my baby books at home. I was kinda blocking out the guilt at first, avoiding reading about it, and thinking well if other people’s babies were born healthy when their mam’s smoked, then mine will probably be OK too. But then again, why should I take the risk?

What helped me was planning a day for quitting and sticking to it, going onto quit smoking groups online, and also reading the books below;

'Alan Carrs - Easyway to stop smoking’ (Probably the best one)
'Paul McKenna - Quit Smoking Today’

I really wish you all the best for giving up smoking. I know it’s hard but you can do it if you put your mind to it!! :D


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