smoking when pregnant ?

Hi all

I smoked in my 1st pregnancy I cut down from 20 cigarettes a day
To around 5 but I tried and tried to give up but I couldn't do it.

After I had my little girl in my arms after she was born I felt so quilty.

I promised myself I would never smoke when pregnant again.

I am now 22 weeks pregnant and gave up the day I found out so today I have
Stopped smoking about 18 weeks wahoooooo.

My advise to anyone is to STOP SMOKING whilst pregnant!!!

If I did it anyone can !!!

Good Luck xx
I stopped the day i found out i was pregnant, and i had smoked for 20 years and was a heavy smoker. I'm sorry but if i can do it after that long then i don't see why no one else can. Knowing what it does to your child should be enough x
I stopped the day i found out i was pregnant, and i had smoked for 20 years and was a heavy smoker. I'm sorry but if i can do it after that long then i don't see why no one else can. Knowing what it does to your child should be enough x

Thats great you were able to gve up straight away :) I know its not that easy for some people though. Everyone is different and for some giving up just like that is impossible.

thnaks for allthe comments i am so glad people were being nice i was scared of the reaction that i would get the advice is great only thing is i didnt know that you could use patches o anything likd that whist you were pregnant i asked my doctor and he said that they dont recommend it . ? is this wrong then ? and i am defo going to tr y that allen carr easy way tostop smoking becasue alot of people have mentioned it and looks like it works thanks so much xxxxxx
Roxy stay away from patches. Even if you started on the smallest step3 ones you would still be getting more nicotine that you are now smoking 4 cigs a day.

I stopped using the nicorette quick mist spray at new year. And when I got my BFP I stopped using it. It really does help ditch the craving.

i really miss smoking, and would kill for a cigarette and a cuppa right now, but we just gotta keep thinking of our wee babies

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