Smoking during pregnancy

Have you tried the ecigs?
So youre still getting nicotine whilst weaning off all the other chemicals and tar?
Have you spoken to your mw about nicotine replacement, support groups, support phone lines etc? I know nicotine isn't great for baby but it's better than the alternative. Can you try and cut down further?

I would never advocate smoking in pregnancy but some people do and have perfectly healthy babies. Sounds like you are on the right track to being healthy just have this one final hurdle. Good luck xx
Hi, I was using ecigs earlier this year and found them very helpful, it was the closest I had ever come to quitting. The problem is that they have had no safety testing by professional medical bodies and I am concerned about what effect the vapour they produce may have on the baby. The vapour is called propylene glycol (ethelyne glycol is antifreeze!) And there have been no medical trials during pregnancy at all. I am concerned that whatever's in the ecigs could actually be more harmful, more quickly than the actual cigarettes are. So figured better to avoid them. It was worth the risk when it was just my health to consider (figured 1chemical in ecigs must be better than the 6000 chemicals in normal fags!) But I'm really concerned about the unknown health risks for baby with those. Xx
I'd put my money on ecigs being a better stop gap though to detox from everything else before weaning off the nicotine x
I hope you manage to wean yourself off, I can imagine you must be feeling terrible about it. I gave up before TTC, I personally couldn't even imagine smoking or drinking if Im lucky enough to conceive if Im honest
I haven't read all comments but up until April/may this year I was a smoker on about 20 roll ups aday, one day I got it in my head (way before I was pregnant but knew we going to try very soon) that I was giving up, since then I've been on a vape stick and the rare roll up if I'm socialising. Now I'm pregnant only 5 week, found out a week a go and told myself when I found out I have one week left on my vape stick, and come tonight I won't use my stick and I'm absolutely dreading it... I'm slightly teasey already.... The thought of no "smoke" is winding me up but all I keep thinking with every drag is that if something is wrong with baby when it arrives I will blame myself!!
But I feel your pain I really do, Im glad I gave up the real fags before we started trying because I think id be in the same boat as you, because I loved smoking at the time and could never see me giving up.
Have you thought of a vape just to cure the craving? Like a temp thing?
I use an ecig and I used it last pregnancy my baby is absolutely fine he is 7 months now. It's recently been said that cigs are 95% better for you then real cigs and that's good enough reason to switch I recon. You can wean yourself off the vape during the pregnancy if you want to. I love my electric ciggy xx
Just want to say well done on giving up the drinking cold turkey and also for taking the steps now to quit the cigs too. I quit a few years ago after smoking for about 15 years, I tried the patches without much luck then one day I saw this really graphic anti-smoking ad on TV and freaked me out so much I didn't touch one after that.
Id do what the others have said and try the e-cigs, or even give patches a go?
I also found that eating healthy and exercise helps. I know it sounds cliché but it helped me to take whole healthy lifestyle approach in conjunction with the quitting smoking.

Anyway good luck! I hope you smash that habit soon x
I'm trying to concieve and trying to quit smoking but with no result, just to hard for me :mad:
what was the easiest way for you? the most time I managed was one week...
I would like to thank you for bringing this subject up. I was looking for a post about smoking and couldn't find one. Good luck girls
I think it is very important to stop smoking for the health of the baby.
Maybe when I get pregnant it will be easier to stop, I'll be motivated. But I would really like to stop before even getting pregnant. I think it is even healthier to concieve as a non smoker...
Has anyone had experience if this even affects the possibilities to concieve?
Any useful comments?

Id say its pretty useful to the members who regularly use the forum and may think that this is a new one and comment regardless.

Depends what you class as useful.

Hope you get the info your after, perhaps start your own thread and you may get a better - more up to date response, most will glance at the first page first, realize its an old post and move on :)
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There is a lot of support out there on the NHS and if you do get pregnant your midwife will point you in the right direction and support you. Good luck xx
Thank you all for your comments
I think I'll try with a new thread as there are no newer discussion on this subject and I'm really struggling with quiting... and for sure I am not the only one

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