Anyone else in their 40s?

Just wanted to wish you all a very happy new year, I really wish that we all get our 2017 babies Xxx
Happy new year everyone, I've decided it's going to be great!
Morning ladies, Happy New Year to you all!! Hope everyone is well and had a lovely Christmas etc. I am back at work today after a 2 week break, not had 2 consecutive weeks off in years!!! Still feel nackered lol, but was really nice being off.

Let's see what 2017 brings us then..... xx
How is everyone on here? x

So I worked out yesterday that I was 12dpo (13 today) without even knowing for sure where i was in cycle!! Probably most relaxed cycle ever, probably becuase I am not holding out much hope, only dtd twice (on same night) on the actual date of ovulation so possibily could have missed it, who knows!
Have sore/tender boobs but thats normal for me a few days before AF. Just 'trying' to be more relaxed about things.....(well she says as its only 5 days into new year lol!)
Hi Staces! Great that it's a relaxed cycle, always easier said than done :)

My meds all arrived this morning, tonnes of them. Now just waiting for AF to start, I've had weird heavy spotting for days and keep thinking it's starting any minute (not due til Sunday) but nothing so far, apparently the spotting can be caused by the endo scratch which I had last week. Just feel like I want to get started now.

Hope everyone else is ok?
Ah how exciting Syd....and nervous at the same time, yeah I can imagine you just want to get started. Wishing you lots of luck x

AF due Sunday as well for me.
Hey lovely ladies of the older variety :) 7dpo here and nothing exciting to report. Staces, have you done any testing? Everything crossed for you! And Syd, don't often say this but hope AF arrives swiftly so you can crack on! Very exciting!
Hey Nikkers, nice to hear from you. Yep, feels v strange to be willing af to start.
Does anyone know what implantation pain is like? I had some weird pinprick sensations in the middle of the night 8dpo...
I think I had implantation pain with my first pregnancy and it felt like sharp stabby pains, didn't last long. A bit like ovulation pain but further down. It's hard to tell though. Fingers crossed for you.
Hi ladies,

How is everyone?

Syd, how is the IVF going?

CD2 for me, AF came yesterday morning bang on time as thing I will say is last two periods have come first thing in the morning which is so much easier for determining CD1 and back to 27 day cycle. x
Sorry about AF Staces. Back to 27 day cycle from what, what was it before?

I started injecting last night (cd2) which was fine, I've had a blood clot before so stabbing myself in the stomach is very familiar :) Too early to say if any side affects but I've decided to stay positive and assume there won't be any... Now just waiting for the clinic to let me know when they want me in for my first scan.
Oh wow exciting stuff, its really happening. HAve you told anyone? Any friends or family....

Think last month it was 25 days? tbh my cycles can vary anywhere from 25-30 days, although most commonly its around 26-28.

Was it someone on here who had Bowen?
A small handful of friends know but that's it. I don't want the added pressure of my family knowing. I think I'm going to have to tell work as I'm probably going to miss a meeting next week.

It was someone on the ss thread. Charlotte has tried it but it was on the recommendation of someone who is now pregnant I think. If you search the forum using "Bowen" you should find it.
Oh wow exciting stuff, its really happening. HAve you told anyone? Any friends or family....

Think last month it was 25 days? tbh my cycles can vary anywhere from 25-30 days, although most commonly its around 26-28.

Was it someone on here who had Bowen?

Staces I had Bowen last week, I have a second session this Thursday. I've heard it is very good if you're ttc. I found it very relaxing, it's certainly different, she rolls the muscle over connective tissue at certain points on your body. She said my body was like 2 different people, fluid and free flowing in the lower half and congested and stagnant upper half lol. xx
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Yeah I dont blame you not telling family Syd. Really hope it works for you x

Oh sounds iteresting lillith, the only person I found near me who does it is a man lol! All my 'treatments' etc have always been with women not sure how i would feel with a guy......I hate tellung my personal business so might be a bir strange for me...
AF came depressing. I was sure I had a good chance this time...

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