Anyone else in their 40s?

Does anybody mind if I join you Ladies? I'm not quite in my 40's, I'm 39 in May but feel I have more in common with you all! I do have a little girl who is 2 but I'm desperate to give her a sibling.. I had an early miscarriage on the 9th of December and I'm just waiting for my first period to show up so we can get on with things again! I have bought the book 'it starts with the egg' and armed myself with supplements and vitamins.. I'm going for acupuncture next week in hope that it may regulate my cycles.. Look forward to talking to you all and good luck to everybody xx
Welcome Clarep.

So I had egg collection this morning, they got 10 eggs, just need to wait and see if any fertilise normally overnight.
Thanks Syd!
Ah that sounds like a good number? Oh fingers crossed for you..I really hope its successful x
Wow Syd that's an amazing amount of eggs !! I bet you're really pleased with that. Keep us up to date with the eggies, I hope lots fertilize over night. Were you taking any supplements to get that good a result at our age lol ?. xx
Thanks lil. I take a million supplements but I think key is ubiquinol that I've been taking for months and I have acupuncture and reflexology. Also I have very good amh for my age and had a good AFC last month. It's no indication of quality though.
Thanks lil. I take a million supplements but I think key is ubiquinol that I've been taking for months and I have acupuncture and reflexology. Also I have very good amh for my age and had a good AFC last month. It's no indication of quality though.

I've been taking ubiquinol for around 6 months, apart from my chemical in September it hasn't seemed to help me, I'm very close to giving up, have 3 day bloods I will complete but I feel ok with the fact that I don't think it will ever happen for us. I can't afford to have ivf so if no bfp by August that's the end of the ttc road for me. x
I turn 45 in about 5 weeks and I think if this doesn't work nothing will. If 10 eggs fertilised in the lab with icsi doesn't get one good one then I guess there are none left and I don't get to be a mum.

I guess ubiquinol is about quality rather than numbers which is why I take it, I've got decent numbers (for age) but probably crap quality.
Hi ladies, just checking in, how is everyone doing?
Hi Syd, playing the waiting game. Managed to dtd cd12 and then think I ovulated sometime in the following 2 days although can't be sure as ditched the opk this month as it's too stressful - so really hoping it's this month. CD19 now so ages to wait. How are you doing?
The twice I got pregnant last year we only dtd twice so fingers crossed!

I'm in the tww after ivf, testing day is sunday.

EDIT: we only dtd ONCE each time, not twice. I should be so lucky :)
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Oooh, good luck! Think my testing day is saturday. Fingers crossed for you! xx
Hi ladies, I am new to pregnancy forum. I am 41 and have two children aged 11 and 9. We have been trying to conceive number three for 4 months but no luck yet. I guess I naively thought it would happen quite quickly, as my other two were conceived within a couple of months. Af due Saturday and apart from sore boobs no other symptoms so not hopeful. Are you lhaving any symptoms? Good luck for testing this weekend girls. The two week wait is so hard! ��
Hi Melly, I've more or less given up spotting symptoms as I did it so mucch in the beginning and was disappointed...I do have sore boobs, which feel a bit bigger than normal and have come down with a cold...other than that nothing. I take it you haven't tried testing yet?

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