Anyone else in their 40s?

Syd I heard that too but I have a feeling I ovulate day after positive opk, I caught from dtd on day of positive, then the following day I have loads of clear slippery cm, and sometimes what I think is ovary pain.

Thanks for the chart Eryinera, thats really interesting to know, last month we dtd 2 days before ovulation but no bfp unfortunately xx
We always tried to cover from at least 2 days before ov and ov day. It is so hard when you don't have regular cycles though (mine are insane, from 23 - over 100 days). I found temping most useful as I could tell a bit from the dip when ov was likely, my temp would drop a bit before the 'big dip' for want of a better explanation. I usually got my pos opk a few hours before I felt the egg pop, I'm 35 and I've heard when you are younger it often takes longer between the pos opk and the egg going and gets shorter the older you get.
Great info about ovulation here.

I'm thinking now have I done enough this month. Had ov pain all day on Friday. I assume I ov then. So Saturday I was 1 dpo. I only did once before ovulation and then did again on Friday.

I assume side pain is ov pain? I did not use opks. What do you think girls.

We always tried to cover from at least 2 days before ov and ov day. It is so hard when you don't have regular cycles though (mine are insane, from 23 - over 100 days). I found temping most useful as I could tell a bit from the dip when ov was likely, my temp would drop a bit before the 'big dip' for want of a better explanation. I usually got my pos opk a few hours before I felt the egg pop, I'm 35 and I've heard when you are younger it often takes longer between the pos opk and the egg going and gets shorter the older you get.

Snowbee unfortunately I can't temp as I suffer with chronic insomnia, I wouldn't be asleep long enough to get an accurate result.
Charlotte, yes it's one sided pain, a few inches in from your hip. I never noticed it before but last few cycles I noticed it from my right side but never my left, maybe I only have one ovary popping the egg out ?. xx
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That's a good point, I've only temped a couple of months but the rise was consistent with ovulating on the day of the positive opk.

I only ever feel ovulation on my right, I had an AFC scan done at the lister a couple of months ago and it showed one follicle on my left and 6 on my right.
Interesting info ladies!

Yes side pain usually indicates ovulation. Last few months I have started to get side pain (sometimes just one side, sometimes both) on the day I ovulate, although didn't get it this month.

Both times I got BFP's I dtd before ovulation, its funny as I always used to get two days of strong positives opk's, so would take the day it went negative as OV day. Most of the time now I just get one day (except for this month I got 2 and a half days of positives, but this is one of those weird cycles)
Interesting info ladies!

Yes side pain usually indicates ovulation. Last few months I have started to get side pain (sometimes just one side, sometimes both) on the day I ovulate, although didn't get it this month.

Both times I got BFP's I dtd before ovulation, its funny as I always used to get two days of strong positives opk's, so would take the day it went negative as OV day. Most of the time now I just get one day (except for this month I got 2 and a half days of positives, but this is one of those weird cycles)

Staces I also read that more than one day of positive opks means that your body is struggling to ovulate, I get a few hours strong positive but some months it last 2 days so makes sense.
Morning! How is everyone??
Super tired today, this has been a looooong week and still so busy at work! I have a half day though woo hoo, booked a reflexology appt, I'll have a big list of ailments for her today lol, including my boobs that have been tender since (possible) ovulation date :( I actually cant wait for AF!!!!
Hope you girls don't mind me posting here. I'm not 40 yet. But not far I'm 37.

Been thinking lately what else should I do. My doc told me the diagnose is "unexplained fertility". He could not find anything wrong with me or my partner. I asked him about IVF. He said I need to TTC for 3 years. Well despite I'm 37 he won't refer me until I reach 3 year mark.

He also said fertility treatments might not be free then cause of Brexit. I can't stop thinking about this. :(

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Staces, sore boobs is a good sign! Where in cycle are you? X
Hi ladies, I've been away for a while as we decided to have a break while we sorted out my OH's health. That's interesting about dtd 2 days before ovulation. Didn't know that. I temp, and I think I might ovulate 2 days after a pos. opk given my temp rise. Lilith, I sleep really badly too but have been temping for a year and it's still possible to get a pattern, especially a luteal phase rise.

I was using an ovulation microscope as that shows your fertile phase before a pos opk, but some months it's all over the place.

I only get one day of pos opk - hope that doesn't mean my body is struggling to ovulate. All in all, I think with the 7 stone weight loss my fertility is improving. Hoping to get back to trying at Christmas.

Charlotte...I can't believe you have to try for 3 years, especially as the NHS don't usually give women over 40 IVF anyway as the chances go way down (not because fertility goes way down but it's something to do with how they do IVF). Might be worth getting a second opinion or getting a referral to a fertility clinic at your local hospital. In my experience, a lot of doctors talk rubbish.

Nice to see that this thread is still going strong!
Sunflower, wow 7 stone weight loss that is a great achievement!

Seriously I could not believe that when doc said 3 years! I've done everything I could including laparoscopy and dye test. Doc said its my 18 the cycle ( actually its only 16th) and he will only refer me after 3 years. Its so harsh. So I'm investing now in Bowen and acupuncture.
Just finished another book and acupuncture seem to work for those with unexplained infertility. X

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Good luck Charlotte...yes I've heard acupuncture is good!
Sunflower, congratulations on the weight loss, that's amazing :) Don't worry about one day of opk's, I don't think that means you are struggling to ovulate at all. I only ever get one day of positives and I've been pregnant twice in the last 5 months.

My pre-AF spotting seems to have started properly today which is later than usual, guess this cycle is a bit messed up after my chemical last month. Appointment at Oxford Fertility Unit is in two weeks time, should be starting to down reg about a week after that. Still doesn't feel real.
Staces how did it go with the reflexologist? Weirdly I haven't had sore boobs at all since my first miscarriage in September.
Syd, good luck with the fertility appointment. What does 'down reg' mean?

Charlotte, is your doc a GP or a fertility doctor at a clinic? An NHS fertility doctor who used to work in a hospital told me that the NHS will probably not do IVF on a 40 year old woman as they have a cut off and the chances are lower over 40 because of the nature of the procedure. You have a much better chance in your 30s of getting treatment. The NHS guidelines here state 2 years of trying for a baby not 3 I wonder why he wants you to wait 3 years.
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Sunflower, its NHS fertility doc. He told me its 3 years to do ivf. Can't force him to refer me. I don't know why I need to wait 3 years. I've been private too and they could not find anything wrong either. Will see a holistic healer. How are you doing?

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That's good they couldn't find anything wrong. Some women just take longer and I'm sure the acupuncture and Bowen will help. I've had friends who have found yoga helpful. Has your partner been checked out too? I'm 2 weeks wait until we can try again. Been trying for about a year but various health problems and weight have got in way so am hoping it will go better this time.
Sunflower, hope 2 weeks go quickly and you can continue TTC. Loosing weight is very hard. I'm size 10/12 but keep myself away from junk food. How much weight do you need to loose?
My oh has done his test too. He has a good sperm. So that's why I decided to go holistic way. Got app with homeopath at the end of December to ask for some holistic herbs. Bowen session 3 tomorrow. x

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Well I'm 12 stone ish now, but the weight loss has slowed right down, which is a pain. I need to lose another stone and a half not to be overweight but it should already have made a huge difference - my hormones are much more balanced. Hope the holistic stuff helps... might just be a matter of time and luck. Fingers crossed for you! Enjoy your Bowen tomorrow! x

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