Sorry, just realised I never updated, BFN was confirmed. Had a much ligher than usual AF and trying naturally this month so in the tww. Had a random bleed at 3dpo, just the once, I hear that ovulation bleeding is not uncommon after failed IVF.
Hope everyone else is ok.
Nikkers - any news?
Clementine - did you decide to go ahead with IVF? How did the meeting go?
Papermoon - how are you and TJ?
Staces and Sunflower, I also have that issue around dtd at the right time, we're basically only managing once a month at the moment, I managed to time it fairly perfectly this month but the stress in those few days is immense. I also had my birthday yesterday, 45... Reckon I'll give it til the summer and then give up on the idea.
Staces, hope everything is ok with you, did you manage to enjoy your birthday?
Lil, not sure if you're still using the forum but hope all is ok with you and OH.