Anyone else in their 40s?

Hiya sunflower, feel I am getting obsessed with checking symptoms! My boobs are sore and feel a bit bigger, although I am not very big in that dept so hard to say! Did a test yesterday but af not due till sat or sun so hoping it was too early to test. Going to try and be patient and hold out till the weekend as difficult seeing no line! When are you testing? Good luck x
Well I could test on Saturday, but might be too chicken. I often just wait and see if my temp dips out of luteal phase (then I alway get AF later that day), which feels like a gentler way of finding out than peeing on a stick. I have been doing this a while now...

It might have been too early to see for you...I find if you test early and it's negative you still don't know and it's such a downer! Good luck!
Well I'm out this month as the witch arrived two days early! Will be definitely buying one of those ovulation detection kids. The strips seem to be a bit hit and miss! Going to cheer myself up with a big mug of caffeinated coffee as was laying off it whilst ovulating and wondering if we had conceived. Back to no caffience after af! :shock:
Did you notice the Freudian slip? I said ovulation kids rather than kits! Lol :lol: Good luck. Hope your temperature doesn't dip and that you eventually feel brave enough to pee on the stick! Let me know how you get on. Will keep my fingers crossed for you x
Thank you! Sorry it didn't happen for you this month. God, I miss caffeine! x
Sorry for AF arriving Melly.

OTD is Sunday for me but we have a big day that day so I tested this morning to prepare myself, BFN. I know I'm not officially out til Sunday but at 9dp5dt I would expect to see something. That will be end of the road for me, I don't get to be a mum.
Oh Syd, I will keep everything crossed for you. Are you sure it is the end of the road for you? Are you not tempting to try a little longer? It's really hard thinking about how long to keep ttc for as it is so damn hard when you get the :bfn: let us know how you get on Hun. X
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Oh Syd I am praying its just too early for you..I will keep everything crossed for you..Best of luck xx
Aaaww Syd, it might just be too early, test again after Sunday.
Hello ladies,
Hope you are all well. Actually have a fair bit going on at the moment, which is good as lots of other stuff to focus on thats not TTC related! My birthday is next weekend which I am dreading, although I am out with my two best friends so that part I am looking forward to.

Honestly unsure what to do about ttc, as much as I hate to admit defeat part of me is thinking that its just never gonna happen, even getting to dtd at the 'right' time is proving an absolute mission, last month we actually bd just the once and tbh I'm not even sure if I ovulated! Not had any acupuncture or reflexology as whilst the latter was relaxing not sure if either was helping.... may start it up again, will wait and see.

Syd, so sorry about the IVF, honestly thought it would work for you xx

Papermoon, hope T.J is doing well xx
Sorry Syd...I hope it's too early too. Let us know.

Staces, I'm so with you on dtd at right time being a massive endeavor. Am struggling with that too. Think we managed for first time ever last month, actually twice, and still nothing. It's usually once at the wrong time. Happy birthday for next weekend...I hope you have a nice time with your friends.
Hi ladies, as some of you know I'm 41 so one of the oldies! We are ttc number 3 and been trying for few months and we are worried it might not happen. Always wanted 3 but life events got in the way of ttc number 3 a few years ago! Let's hope the research saying more women are conceiving and having healthy babies well into their 40's is accurate and applies to us all! have a point with the NHS and not being able to cope with more work! Maybe our babies will gro up to work for the NHS one day......if it still exists! :lol:

:dust: all around to you wonderful over 40's....glad I'm not the only one x
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Hello ladies,
Hope you are all well. Actually have a fair bit going on at the moment, which is good as lots of other stuff to focus on thats not TTC related! My birthday is next weekend which I am dreading, although I am out with my two best friends so that part I am looking forward to.

Honestly unsure what to do about ttc, as much as I hate to admit defeat part of me is thinking that its just never gonna happen, even getting to dtd at the 'right' time is proving an absolute mission, last month we actually bd just the once and tbh I'm not even sure if I ovulated! Not had any acupuncture or reflexology as whilst the latter was relaxing not sure if either was helping.... may start it up again, will wait and see.

Syd, so sorry about the IVF, honestly thought it would work for you xx

Papermoon, hope T.J is doing well xx

Thanks Stace! Happy birthday for next week! Sorry you're having a hard time with ttc hope it all works out for you in the end. :hugs:
Sorry, just realised I never updated, BFN was confirmed. Had a much ligher than usual AF and trying naturally this month so in the tww. Had a random bleed at 3dpo, just the once, I hear that ovulation bleeding is not uncommon after failed IVF.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Nikkers - any news?

Clementine - did you decide to go ahead with IVF? How did the meeting go?

Papermoon - how are you and TJ?

Staces and Sunflower, I also have that issue around dtd at the right time, we're basically only managing once a month at the moment, I managed to time it fairly perfectly this month but the stress in those few days is immense. I also had my birthday yesterday, 45... Reckon I'll give it til the summer and then give up on the idea.

Staces, hope everything is ok with you, did you manage to enjoy your birthday?

Lil, not sure if you're still using the forum but hope all is ok with you and OH.
Aawww sorry it didn't work Syd! :hugs: Thanks for the update. Me and T.J. are doing good thanks! :) I'm trying to save up to get my phone replaced, it picked a bad time to stop working. But me and T.J. are doing great thanks for asking!
Hi Syd, sorry it didn't happen. We often only manage once a month too, this month was like that and sooo stressful. But we managed day 14 for the first time ever, so hoping in with a better chance. Glad you are planning on trying for a bit longer...really hope it happens for you.
Thanks Sunflower. We managed day 13 this month so let's hope we're both successful :)
I only dtd once last time I was pregnant (chemical) and only twice the time before (blighted ovum) so definitely enough :)
I hope it's OK to jump in on this train.
I'm 40 TTC #1. We've been trying since November 2016. Trying to stay positive but at time worry that I've left it too late. We decided to try the SMEP method this month, but it's unlikely that we'll be successful - My cycle has been a little odd - usually 26-28 but 38 last month, had 3 day AF and spotting since. Now CD11

How's everyone else feeling?
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