Hello ladies,
Hope you are all well. Actually have a fair bit going on at the moment, which is good as lots of other stuff to focus on thats not TTC related! My birthday is next weekend which I am dreading, although I am out with my two best friends so that part I am looking forward to.
Honestly unsure what to do about ttc, as much as I hate to admit defeat part of me is thinking that its just never gonna happen, even getting to dtd at the 'right' time is proving an absolute mission, last month we actually bd just the once and tbh I'm not even sure if I ovulated! Not had any acupuncture or reflexology as whilst the latter was relaxing not sure if either was helping.... may start it up again, will wait and see.
Syd, so sorry about the IVF, honestly thought it would work for you xx
Papermoon, hope T.J is doing well xx