Anyone else in their 40s?

Sunflower, mid January is the best time to start health diets. They always work. Hope you achieve your ideal weight soon. Have you got kids already? x

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Hope you girls don't mind me posting here. I'm not 40 yet. But not far I'm 37.

Been thinking lately what else should I do. My doc told me the diagnose is "unexplained fertility". He could not find anything wrong with me or my partner. I asked him about IVF. He said I need to TTC for 3 years. Well despite I'm 37 he won't refer me until I reach 3 year mark.

He also said fertility treatments might not be free then cause of Brexit. I can't stop thinking about this. :(


Of course not Charlotte, anyone is welcome to post here :) I never knew you were 37, always thought you were early 20's. 37 is still young. Thats so frustrating about the doc not referring you, 3 years seems like a long time.
Wow well done on the weight loss sunflower

Reflexology was very relaxing Syd, how was your holiday?

I've had a pain in my lower trapizius (bottom of neck towards shoulder/arm) all weekend, like a dull ache, its not as bad now, I had this a couple of weeks ago as well, just comes on not sure what causes it....
Thank you Staces for warm welcome. I am 37 but look very young ha ha.

Where in cycle are you ? x
It was wonderful thanks Staces. Just at airport waiting to fly home. AF started today which means day 21 falls on New Year's Eve, that's when my IVF down reg meds will start...

Could you have pulled something in your neck/shoulder?
Sunflower, I'm sorry, I didn't answer your question about down regging. If you do long protocol IVF then on day 21 (usually) you start taking meds that basically shut everything down and put your body into a menopausal state. Once af arrives a week to ten days later you start the stimulation drugs to rev up your ovaries and hopefully start producing lots of eggs. That's my basic understanding anyway.
Glad you had a nice holiday Syd.

I get a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders anyway, but this seems to be in a specific area, when I looked it up it says its the Trapezius...seems quite common to have pain/aches there. I think a lot of it is stress/tension, been so busy lately I feel like I am constantly on the go atm, thinking of treating myself to a massage maybe. I finish work on Monday for 2 weeks so really gonna try chill out as much as i can.

CD1 for me, 2 days early??? This has been the strangest and shortest cycle! Hope its just a blip
Syd, when do you start your medication? Miracles do happen and you might conceive again naturally?

Staces, so sorry :( . Treat yourself to a nice massage. My previous cycle was shorter. So I think its just a glitch.

Syd, when do you start your medication? Miracles do happen and you might conceive again naturally?

Staces, so sorry :( . Treat yourself to a nice massage. My previous cycle was shorter. So I think its just a glitch.

Charlotte, it really would be a miracle as we're in different countries for the next 6 weeks :) The trouble is, at my age it's a nubmers game, there may be one or two decent eggs left but goodness knows when they might pop out. Trying to DTD at the right time is always very stressful due to my OH's low sex drive so honestly I think one go at IVF is our best shot. Hopefully they'll get a few eggs (fingers crossed, doesn't always happen that way over 40) and at least one of them may be good.

Staces, sorry for CD1, def go for a massage, maybe a deep tissue, someone that can help you get rid of that tension. Also warm baths with epsom salts. And yoga...

So, complete spanner in the works for me this morning. I'm nervous that Oxford Fertility weren't fully understanding my dates and it turns out I was right. Just had a long call with them and it turns out I don't have time to do a long protocol before I go back to Hong Kong so it's now going to be short. Which is ok, but not what I had planned...
Ah thats a bummer Syd, dont really understand much about IVF if I'm honest but hope its not too much of a spanner in the works for you!

Will look into a massage, if i have one usually go for aromatherapy but like you say may need something more deep massage....although dont want it to be painful :shock:

Hope everyone is well, we are having our 'team' Christmasn do today, although instead of going out we're just having an extended lunch and have ordered pizza and gonna watch a movie :dance: Friday is our staff Christmas lunch!

January I am on a SERIOUS get fit/loose weight programme!!!
What movie did you watch Staces? Hope it was nice and Christmassy :) I sort of started a get fit programme last week on holiday, we were at a resort that includes lots of exercise classes and sports so did at least two things every day and didn't eat/drink loads. Not the best time of year to be trying to get healthy but needs must...

I completely lost the Christmas mood last week as it was hot and sunny, I love Christmas so getting excited now I'm back in the UK. Just sad that my OH is still in Asia, he loves Christmas too.

Think I'm set for IVF now, feeling incredibly nervous because this is basically my last go at becoming a mum. My next period is due 9 Jan which means I should be starting medication on the 10th. I had been quite positive about it up until this week now I'm suddenly terrified about how I'll cope if it doesn't work, the odds are something like 5%. Will do everything I can over the next couple of weeks to get myself into a positive frame of mind, having acupuncture, will find some visualisations etc.
Just wanted to wish you all a happy Christmas and hoping 2017 is a year filled with good news and lovely healthy babies for us all x
Merry Christmas ladies! I hope 2017 is when you all get your babies!
Hi all, not been on much, but wanted to wish you all a very happy, baby filled 2017! CD8 here so getting ready for lots of very quiet BD sessions as we have a houseful over the festive period!
Merry Christmas ladies, lets hope 2017 is filled with over 40's rainbows :)
Happy Christmas! After over 3 months not TTC, we have started again today as my husband's health is now better and I am so happy to be trying again. May 2017 be the year for all of us!!!
Yuletide wishes to all x I hope the fertility goddesses shine brightly for all you wiser women this year x x

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