Anyone else in their 40s?

Hope you ladies get to BD so you're in with a chance this cycle. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing you need to get down to it and for whatever reason you can't. Grrrrrrr! Just to jump on the being annoyed band wagon, I get so annoyed with myself that we didn't try earlier for a baby. If I could rewind time, I would tell the 34 year old me to pull my finger out, realise I wanted a baby and get the hell on with it!!
Hi Girls can I join the Grumpy party :party:

EWCM is a great sign Syd I had lots in October so I think it helped with getting a BFP

I'm also annoyed my poor husband is probably getting the brunt of my short fuse, my sister wanted to go to Bridget Jone's Baby (she doesn't know about MC) I think I'd end up either crying or telling BJ that it just doesn't happen in the real world! so I didn't go.
My hubby wants to try again but I've sorta had enough, my biggest fear is that we could end up having a baby with an illness because of my age - I used to always think I was lucky , but maybe I just made my luck by putting my mind to something. This is the one thing that is so out of my control. It is a total head wreck.
Not sure were I am in my cycle if I take CD1 as Monday 14th I'm CD10, I'm avoiding sex this cycle I'm paranoid I might get pregnant again & I just can't face losing again at Christmas. My DH wants to but I'm never not in the right frame of mind

Sorry for the depressing post, I'm just so angry with my body.
It's gone, half a day only...

I honestly do it know how to advise you celementine, but I know how you feel. I have a terrible fear of brining a child into the world that has terrible health problems because of my selfish desire to be a mum. I say 45 is the cut off but I don't know how i'll stop. I guess I'm just relying on all the tests to show any problem but that's hardly a failsafe.

Have you had a scan?
Hi Syd, I didn't get a scan yet, I cancelled the one they had booked for this week as I hope I have passed everything and a FRER last week showed the second line was nearly gone. If I don't ovulate next week I'm going to pay for a private scan, based on previous cycles I should ovulate next Mon/Tues/Wed. I am definitely very bloated but I've been eating some wheat products so that probably is the cause of this.

I'm so glad I'm self employed - I have been so busy over the last two weeks that it is has forced me to keep my mind occupied. I am sad for what might have been and so many of the Christmas adverts are making me sad - one of the ones in Ireland shows a woman writing a letter to her Mum telling her that she is expecting her first baby. It's silly things that get to me.

It's so strange it is drilled into us when we are young not to get pregnant - yet we are never advised on fertility / trying to conceive. As a couple our biggest frustration now is that we are not just free to have sex whenever we want, I really don't like condoms but from past experience the contraceptive pill doesn't suit me at all. Both myself and DH would like to have sex daily if we could but I'm now worried that we'd get accidentally pregnant (though I didn't get pregnant in 2014/2015 when we were trying), in October I knew we were taking a chance but I was shocked when we got the bfp. My worry is that the 4 angel babies we lost must have had an issue but I do know that each pregnancy is unique so there is a big element of luck and we might get a good egg.
Can I do the blood test to check if I am Pregnant or not in NHS service? I did 3 pregnancy tests and all of them was negative, I feeling the symptoms, my period is late in 21 days!!
What can I do?

I hear you on the wheat, I've eaten way too much of it recently and it makes me feel crappy.

I can imagine why that advert would get to you, do your parents have any grandchildren? Mine don't and are desperate for some, they've given up on me and my sister, all hopes are pinned on my brother. I think this Christmas is going to be particularly difficult, it's such a time for children.

I thought that two losses would make me nervous about getting pregnant again but it's almost more that there must be one decent egg in there somewhere, surely I'll hit it eventually. Almost certainly deluding myself.
Hi all, just checking in to see how you are all doing? Whereabouts are you all cycle wise? Could we have any tests to squint at in the coming days? I'm CD8 today so we're giving it another go this cycle. I've had a horrid flu like bug and still feel really tired etc so not feeling in the mood to be honest. Husband is away for a couple of evenings this week so we'll do what we can, when we can....
I had a squinter line a couple of days ago, stark negatives ever since, had weird dreams and sore boobs underneath exactly same as when I caught last time, I have a funny feeling this was another chemical but an early one. I'm 13dpo and now waiting for af to arrive. xx
Hi Ladies, hope you are all well, just been lurking for the past few days. Been feeling really run down at the moment, I cant wait for Christmas so i can have some time off work! I finish on the 19th, cant wait!! I have spots come up and I'm so achy and tired :( boo

CD13, I 'think' I ovulated yesterday as my opk was negative in the evening after two days of positives, although not 100% I ovulated this cycle as I didn't get side pain and i have quite sore/tender boobs still, they usually go and come back before AF is due. So who knows? Didn't BD anyway so I am out this cycle!

I have acupuncture on Sat, thinking of giving it up, I'm not sure it is helping me at all?? I mean i know its one of those things where you cant technically see it working, but I really dont know if its helping.....

Ladies I've been following your thread for a while.

I know a few of you have done acupuncture and also reflexology.

I've decided to give Bowen therapy a go.

Has anyone tried it?

Sorry you're feeling down Staces. With acupuncture, I can really feel it helping me - if you can't it may not be worth continuing, you could perhaps look at a different therapy. I also have reflexology - have you tried that?

I haven't tried Bowen Charlotte although I saw someone on the SS thread saying it worked for them. Actually I did try it once years ago for my back and it didn't help but that doesn't mean it won't work for ttc.

Hi Nikkers. I'm not entirely sure where I am, cd 19 but I didn't opk this month so I'm not sure when I ovulated. I normally ovulate day 15 but not sure if my chemical will have messed up dates. We dtd once only this month on cd 11 so I'm not at all hopeful. I had all that ewcm on cd 14 which was brand new for me but it was just that day so no idea what that means.

I think everyone is feeling a but tired and run down at the moment, so many people have had a rough 2016. I'm on holiday next week and cannot wait!
Cd 1 for me, boobs are sore which is odd, usually soreness disappears day before af, no idea whats going on. x
Sorry you're feeling down Staces. With acupuncture, I can really feel it helping me - if you can't it may not be worth continuing, you could perhaps look at a different therapy. I also have reflexology - have you tried that?

I think everyone is feeling a but tired and run down at the moment, so many people have had a rough 2016. I'm on holiday next week and cannot wait!

In what way does it help you Syd? I've been going since August now, started off once a week then fortnightly, then every 3 weeks (sometimes 4) Its not like I expected, thought it would be just putting needles in different spots for a certain amount of time, but each time I go she does moxibustion in different areas... have you had this?

Yes I have reflexology, not sure if tha helps with cycles or anything but I find it very relaxing and enjoy it.

OOh lovely, Where are you going on hols?
Charlotte, not tried Bowen but have looked into it, be really interested in what you think of it though. x

My boobs stil sore (tender) as well Lillith, they usually stop hurting just after ovulation, wander if its a hormone imbalance? Maybe we're both having one of those 'strange' cycles......
Staces I will let you know how it goes.

I'm also interested in acupuncture. Not sure what time of the cycle is the best to do it.

Charlotte, not tried Bowen but have looked into it, be really interested in what you think of it though. x

My boobs stil sore (tender) as well Lillith, they usually stop hurting just after ovulation, wander if its a hormone imbalance? Maybe we're both having one of those 'strange' cycles......

Yes I was wondering if my hormones were imbalanced due to the miscarriage, I'm cd2 and they've finally stopped aching, very odd. I have been taking a bit of agnis castus now and again and high dose vitamin c which is supposed to increase progesterone as my levels are low, I wonder if it's that ? x
Staces I will let you know how it goes.

I'm also interested in acupuncture. Not sure what time of the cycle is the best to do it.


From what I have read ladies usually have acupuncture before and during their treatment
It's actually hard to put into words how I feel acupuncture has helped. Certainly I spot less before my period, it could be the acupuncture or the reflexology that has helped with that - or both. I guess mainly I'm going by the fact that my amh has improved, my reflexologist always tells me my hormone levels feel great, and kind of a gut feeling that it's doing me good, plus getting pregnant twice in quick succession at my age albeit they didn't stick. Not very scientific :) I have had the moxibustion once or twice if she feels I needed it but not often. There are certain areas she always needles but there is some variation in the other areas each time. She goes by where I am in my cycle, how my tongue is looking, what's happened in the past few weeks in terms of symptoms and my pulse.

Charlotte, different acupuncturists work in different ways for fertility. Some will only treat at certain points in the cycle whereas others (such as mine) will treat you throughout your cycle but vary the treatment depending on the time of the month.

Blacksnow I think you're referring to treatment during IVF. Certainly there is evidence (not sure if it is anecdotal or not) that acupuncture can improve the outcome of IVF and certain clinics, like the Lister, work hand in hand with a local acupuncture clinic. There is a protocol in acupuncture that has to be done directly before and after embryo transfer. My acupuncturist doesn't do that but does support IVF treatment.

I'm very lucky (or was before I moved abroad) in that I have excellent fertility acupuncturists and reflexologists in my area. The two I see have an amazing track record of working with ladies that suffer from infertility or repeated miscarriages. Just last week 6 of my reflexologists clients fell pregnant naturally. Of course we don't know whether they will all go to term but she has a huge number of clients that have gotten pregnant naturally after years of infertility and gone on to have healthy babies, same for my acupuncturist.

Nikkers, are you feeling any better?
Thank you Syd for information! Are you in UK now?

Had my first Bowen session today. Met very lovely and caring lady.

My body felt different after it. :)

She said my biggest issue is my mind. I'm obsessing about getting pregnant. Thinking about it day and night. It will happen when I let these thoughts go.

She recommended to look into mindfulness meditation therapy.So i will do that. I've book another Bowen session next week.
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Syd, I understand what you mean. I just dont feel its helping me?? not sure if its me or the treatment I am receiving? I dont doubt her qualifications at all, she has plenty of experience with fertility acupuncture (which is why i chose her), she practised at both Zita West Clinic and Kite Clinic. But EVERY time I go bar the first time I have moxi, usually in 4-5 different places and then a needle in and out again (which hurts) where i have had the treatment, I know moxi is meant to be good but just curious why I never have needles? Maybe I am not forthcoming enough, I am seeing her Sat so may need to ask a few questions and just be a bit more outspoken...

Thats great you were able to find people local to you, I struggled to find anyone (local) who specialised in fertility reflexology, the first lady I had did have experience in that area and she was really good but it was just too far to travel, the lady I am seeing now has done maternity reflex, she also does hypnatherapy and is going to specalise in fertility.

Charlotte, Sounds good! I am sometimes convnced that is my problem too, very easy to obsess though, I remember when I read the Marissa Peer book and started putting it into practice I actually got pregnant 2 months later.....not sure if it was a chage of mind set that helped or not... Hope it works for you x

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