Ah sorry your feeling so down lillith x I know exactly how you feel, its so hard not to focus on age, everything is so much harder when time isn't on your side! I also worry about MC again, I think thats normal though, i've been through it twice now and it does terrify me if it were to happen again. I have said all along I dont want to get pregnant again unless its my take home baby, so maybe this is why its taking me so long, mother nature it waiting until I produce the best egg lol.
The one thing i have realised through this journey is I am stronger than I ever knew, we all are you included, big hugs to you and hope this is your month xx
Blimey! I've just read that Janet Jackson is pregnant at age 50 !.
Clarebear my cycle went to 26 days for a year (used to be29 days). I've been taking evening primrose and agnus castus and they are 28 days now. They shorten as we approach menopause apparently ��. Just to add on my 26 day cycles I used to ovulation cd10 or 11.
Ha ha, good to be known for somethingThe thing about cervix checking is that it is what is normal or not normal for you because it varies so much from person to person. I've never been much good with position as mine varies throughout the day and I can't tell open from closed. BUT, with my first pregnancy I noticed a few days before af was due that it was very soft and spongy and that was new for me. It stayed that way til my miscarriage. Then with my chemical two weeks ago, exactly the same. That was what first made me suspect I was pregnant again. So for me, soft and spongy is a great sign.
Fingers crossed it's the same for you!