Anyone else in their 40s?

Oh Clementine I just saw this! Praying that everything is okay and that this baby hangs in there! :pray:
I totally get why you're testing Clementine, I would be/was the same. Glad it went back up in the afternoon, I hear so many people say they get better lines in the afternoon than the morning. Are any of the symptoms back? People do say they come and go in tri 1.

Got my blood test results this morning, down to 3 so no longer pregnant. What appears to be a normal period, albeit a bit heavier than usual, has started today after 2 days of heavy spotting so I guess I count today as CD 1? If today really is cd 1 then in theory I will ovulate again before I head back to the UK although I have a feeling we won't managed to dtd at the right time for various reasons. I have very mixed feelings about that anyway, I kind of feel there's a chance I may get pregnant again as it seems to be happening quite easily at the moment (famous last words) but I'm unlikely to sustain it which means it'll just mess up ivf dates again. On the other hand the thought of IVF is a real worry, not just having to put myself through it all but having to do it whilst staying at my parents and I really don't want them to know (does the medication have to be kept in the fridge does anyone know??) plus although OH is supportive I know when I try and pin him down to dates to fly to the UK it's going to get really difficult. He has real (valid) problems getting away from work plus there are other complications he doesn't always handle things in the best way, the thought of having that conversation again frankly exhausts me.

Anyway, enough whingeing. Clementine, please keep us posted x
Syd: If it does have to be kept in the fridge you can probably use one of them tiny mini fridges to keep it secret?

Clementine: some people have much lower hcg then others I think snowbee got her 3+ quite late too.... some people don't get 3+ until 7 weeks. It usually means your one of the luckier few who doesn't suffer morning sickness! I'm not giving up hope for you x x x
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Morning all x just realized on the top of this section it says not to discuss bfps / am I pregnant questions in threads under TTC . I hope I haven't offended anyone, I'll keep my updates in the Preg Journal Section.

Syd, so sorry the bleeding has started but hopefully it will mean you are in HK at the right time. When are you 45 if you had one more go naturally have you still time to do IVF, if you look up Blueflower's IVF journey the IVF cycle prior to the one she got pregnant with, BF had genetic screening to check quality of the blastos before transfer. If you are only doing one IVF try maybe it would be worth doing. also has your oh had a recent sperm check for DNA fragmentation as this can effect quality of the embryos. The whole thing is a head wreck, as women we should be encouraged to have healthy eggs collected in our late 20's so we can use them at a future point when we meet the right man & want to start a family. I know egg collection is an invasive procedure but it would be easier than all the stress we've gone through over the last 4 years! My niece is 27 and is not in a relationship I keep thinking should I say it to her , she'd prob think her Auntie has finally lost the plot, but I truly wouldn't wish infertility on anyone.
I agree, if only we/d known then what we know now!

He's had a SA which came back with good results, no issues, they didn't check for DNA fragmentation though - is that something that he could have without any other issues?

I'm sure you're not offending anyone. I see all sorts of stuff in different areas of the board. I'm positive no-one from this thread will be at all offended and indeed would want you to keep updating. I'll start following your pregnancy journal though.
Thanks for that. Do you know if they can test for that once we start the process, with the actual "donation" on the day of egg transfer or is it too late? He's a smoker so it could be a an issue for sure.
Clementine, Glad you had a better result on the cb digi, such tempremental thing! Dont worry I'm sure you haven't offended anyone, you have kept everything within this thread so i wouldn't worry. Will of course follow your journal x

Syd, it sucks you are going through this again, but at least you haven't had to wait around this time not knowing what is going on, that really is the worst. I know nothing about IVF so cant help there, seems like quite a long stressful process, but seen great results from it from some of the ladies on here. x

I cant beleive I am only 9dpo today, this tww is going so slow, I pretty know I haven't caught this cycle so wish it would just hurry up!!!
Clementine, Glad you had a better result on the cb digi, such tempremental thing! Dont worry I'm sure you haven't offended anyone, you have kept everything within this thread so i wouldn't worry. Will of course follow your journal x

Syd, it sucks you are going through this again, but at least you haven't had to wait around this time not knowing what is going on, that really is the worst. I know nothing about IVF so cant help there, seems like quite a long stressful process, but seen great results from it from some of the ladies on here. x

I cant beleive I am only 9dpo today, this tww is going so slow, I pretty know I haven't caught this cycle so wish it would just hurry up!!!

9dpo , are you going to test early? Or wait it out. I had no symptoms last month so hadn't expected a bfp, do you think you ovulated earlier than you expected? I so hope you get a good surprise :dust:
Thanks for that. Do you know if they can test for that once we start the process, with the actual "donation" on the day of egg transfer or is it too late? He's a smoker so it could be a an issue for sure.

I think the actual donation would be too late, my DH had it done all his other results were really good, but DNA frag was a little higher than they'd like he's a motorbike instructor so they thought it might be heat related from sitting on the bike / or from eating too much sugar (he's slim but has a very sweet tooth) so they recommended lowering sugar in take, and trying to keep his man bits cool :-)
It might be worth your OH taking zinc / q10 it might help to counter the cigarettes.
He might be able to get the test done in HK?
Just got home switched on TV and the first thing to pop up on screan was this x hopefully its avsilable soon and gives hope as it's paticularly aimed at older women x x


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Clementine, Glad you had a better result on the cb digi, such tempremental thing! Dont worry I'm sure you haven't offended anyone, you have kept everything within this thread so i wouldn't worry. Will of course follow your journal x

Syd, it sucks you are going through this again, but at least you haven't had to wait around this time not knowing what is going on, that really is the worst. I know nothing about IVF so cant help there, seems like quite a long stressful process, but seen great results from it from some of the ladies on here. x

I cant beleive I am only 9dpo today, this tww is going so slow, I pretty know I haven't caught this cycle so wish it would just hurry up!!!

9dpo , are you going to test early? Or wait it out. I had no symptoms last month so hadn't expected a bfp, do you think you ovulated earlier than you expected? I so hope you get a good surprise :dust:

I did think about testing this month but think I will just wait it out, Af not due till Thursday so bit of a wait...I'll see if i crack before then lol :oooo: Yeah I think I ovulated on CD11 as i had positive test on cd10 and then had usual side pain the next day, didn't dtd until that evening so think I missed it! Always hope for a miracle though x

How are your symptoms today? although it is stil pretty early days yet x
Hi all
Just wanted to check in and see how you are all doing? Syd, how are you doing hun? Clementine, still all ok? And Staces, any sneaky testing yet?
I'm 7dpo today, tum has felt crampy and tight most of the last 7 days but I seem to get months like this so nothing out of the ordinary happening here. Did take my temp yesterday and today and today's was much higher so hoping that this continues over the next few days. All in all, not feeling it, but I guess you never know, we might get lucky.
Happy Sunday to y'all X
Hey Nikkers, fingers crossed your temp stays high!

I'm ok thanks, just focusing on starting IVF now.

Hi Nikkers unfortunately not good news repeated a CB Digi tonight, 1-2 weeks with very faint lines, lower back pain, hoping I will lose this one naturally & not need to have another D&C, no spotting yet. But after this time I'm done, I really don't want to go through this again xxx
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Hi all
Just wanted to check in and see how you are all doing? Syd, how are you doing hun? Clementine, still all ok? And Staces, any sneaky testing yet?
I'm 7dpo today, tum has felt crampy and tight most of the last 7 days but I seem to get months like this so nothing out of the ordinary happening here. Did take my temp yesterday and today and today's was much higher so hoping that this continues over the next few days. All in all, not feeling it, but I guess you never know, we might get lucky.
Happy Sunday to y'all X

A temperature rise is a really good sign, if it goes up after ovulation and then again this can mean that implantation has happened FX your temperature stays up xx
Girls just wanted to say a big thank you for all the support over the last fortnight, sadly I started to bleed in the middle of the night but I'm glad my body has recognized the baby was not for keeps.

I'm sending each of you so much baby dust, :dust: each pregnancy is unique & it only takes one strong baby to make it. Xxx
Girls just wanted to say a big thank you for all the support over the last fortnight, sadly I started to bleed in the middle of the night but I'm glad my body has recognized the baby was not for keeps.

I'm sending each of you so much baby dust, :dust: each pregnancy is unique & it only takes one strong baby to make it. Xxx

How are you today Louise? I feel so sad this wasn't your take home baby :( xxx

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