Oh Lea, I am so sorry. I hope you are not longer in limbo and have been able to get some answers.
I started bleeding last week. Very light and only in the morning, but it lasted for 3 days. Ended up going for a scan on Friday, which showed my babies heartbeat. Such a relieve! Even though the baby measured right on time, they could see more bleeding in my cervix. They weren't too concerned, but they empathised a lot, that even though the pregnancy was fine right now, anything could still happen. I left with a huge relieve, some scan pictures and a huge worry! I was so sure I was loosing the baby, I didn't go to my booking appointment on Friday and had to reschedule for tomorrow.
Selly, they do have a doppler, but they don't check the heartbeat that early. I got a telling off when I went for my scan at 12 weeks with my first, because I told them how much I loved listening to my babies heartbeat with a home doppler. But you can always ask. They might make an exception.