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due dates messed up!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Well I have just calculated my due date on NHS pregnancy desktop and its saying I am due 3rd december, I keep getting different dates everywhere I look.

My last AF was 23rd febuary and lasted 4 days and I have worked it out from when that was on my computer callender and it was 6 weeks and 4 days ago , my cyle is 30 days long and my LP is only 10 days.

Does anyone know if this due date is correct as I am proper annoyed now that 3 days have been knocked off my dates :(

Thanks xx
Not sure about the answer to that one, think I am out by over a week on my dates though going by what the doctor said yesterday and the fact baby is too small to be seen yet! Might all change when you go for 12 week scan anyway :)
I know I was thinking that as soon as I posted that they will be able to give me a approximate Due date at my 12 week scan :( when ever I am 12 weeks I dont know no more xx
i've had different dates from every site i go for some saying only around 4 weeks and others saying nearly 7wk. i would wait until scan before pinning it down myself as at least then they can give a more accurate date. my LMP was 27th feb and cycle is 25 days so i'm guessing i'm around 6wk and the MW agrees so far.
I am due 3rd Dec and my LMP was 26th feb so I'd say you're defo 3 days ahead of me! But babies are hardly ever born on their estimated due date so I wouldn't worry too much tbh :) x
ok thankyou, just it's getting me down having days knocked off all the time :( soo annoying just been on another site and thats saying 5wk 6 days :(
I don't know what to suggest hun as I didn't/don't have periods so the only way I was able to know was by any scans that the hospital have done.
The midwife might be able to get a rough estimate but if not just go to any appointments that the doctor, midwfe and hospital give you and hopefully they will be able to give you your dates very soon.

Look at it this way if you get a scan early and it works out you are not as far gone as you thought you were at least you have a definate date and the checks that they can do early than normal.
All the best to you hun :hug:
Ooh and if it turns out you're not as far gone as you thought...more time till you have to go through labour! lol :P x
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using your lmp i got 30th november on site i used m/w will just use your lmp date to work it out mine never asked how long my cycle was or anything like that
Your due date will change most likely at your dating (around 12 week) scan so I wouldn't stress too much honey. Don't forget that going from your lmp you're not actually pregnant straight away. At my scan by my lmp I was 10+5 and they put me at 10 weeks by baby measurements x
I went to mw on weds and she said I am due on 3rd Dec my AF was 24feb so a day after you was only 4 days tho and only had 2 cycles so not exactly sure.

Got to book in for scan next week had the letter so won't know for definate until then its annoying tho but as feb is a shorter month I am taking it as the 1st!
Okay thankyou everyone I will see what happens at my scan anyway, Ill leave my ticker like that though xx
Yeah im a little suspicious on mine ( Have a look at the bump on my journal and you will see why) I know it cannot be anymore than 7 weeks, because I had a negative test .. But I never bothered keeping track of my cycles or anything >.< All I knew was I didnt get my period at the start of April like I was supposed to.

So mine is purely a guess from an online calculator somewhere, Cant wait for a scan to tell me more accurately.
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Dating from LMP is just as estimate, based on an average 28 day cycle in which you ovulate 2 weeks before your period starts. Obviously this isn't true for a lot of people - if you have a 30 day cycle but ovulate 14 days before your period a calculator that takes that into account would take 2 days off compared to one just based on LMP, as you would have ovulated 2 days later. As you have a 10 day LP and 30 day cycle you would ovulate 20 days after your LMP date, so would be 6 days behind what calculators that don't take any of that info into account tell you, so if your ticker is just based on LMP I'd say it's a few days ahead. They'll give you an accurate date at your 12 week scan :)

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