Any girls WTT? Why are you WTT?


Nov 2, 2009
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Well i guess if you are in this part of the forum you are WTT
Why are you WTT?

Me and OH were going to TCC this summer, but have decided to get married first. Getting married August 2011 so will be TTC then!

hello x

well we will be wtt till july next year,,, main reasons are tht luisa is currenlty 7 months and we would like there to be about 2-21/2 years between babies :) and money.. if i could id be ttc after xmas hehe


OH is getting deployed next Christmas to Afghanistan. Then we;ll either TTC when he comes back, or I'll try and get my deployment over with first then we'll TTC after that.

SO broody atm though it's ridiculous!
well we're waiting till after our wedding in september 2010, there's no room in my dress for a bump, and as we're getting married abroad we want to wait till then :)
hello x

well we will be wtt till july next year,,, main reasons are tht luisa is currenlty 7 months and we would like there to be about 2-21/2 years between babies :) and money.. if i could id be ttc after xmas hehe


Hi Fierce Angel, we have a 7 month old too and are planning on waiting until Feb 2011. Although we'll probably change our minds to a little sooner! xx
Our little girl is 5 months old and realistically I need to be earning some money again before TTC number 2 (why oh why can't I win the lotto :wall:).

We will hopefully start trying next summer although I am worried because it took nearly five years to conceive her. :pray:I hope I have better luck next time around.
Amos, I now someone who took about 4 years to conceive their first child, and then about a year later they only took 4 months to conceive the 2nd... so don't worry too much hun... you may find next time round works out a lot quicker! x
We were TTC, then had a miscarriage, now we're getting some other things in order first x
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We're WTT until next year, probably the summertime - we're hoping for something like a 2 year age gap between children, and Alyssa is 1 in February :)
We are not trying not preventing, will probably try actively next year :D
april 2010, april 2010, april 2010... although if i'm honest we're ntnp right now.... but ideally we want to move to a bigger house and need to wait til spring to sell ours. x
lol...OH says he's too young!!
I have a few reasons (OH has his own!)
I'd like a 2-3 yr age gap and I cant find the perfect double...hehe, you got to plan ahead!
We need a bigger house, babies have far too much stuff!
Beano is seven months old. I originally wanted three years between bubbas, but now I am so terrifyingly broody I've convinced OH to TTC next summer instead, so that'll make about two years between them. I am even more broodier now than I was before Beano was conceived!
Well we have booked a big trip to Disney Orlando next June and i want to go on the rollercoasters!!!

As soon as we come back i am off the pill then we start TTC. Well thats the plan for now. :)
I want to be able to take the full year off work so need to get saving
:wave: We're in the WTT group as of yesterday :lol: It isn't something we'd discussed a lot before but reasons why we're WTT and not TTC?

One, health reasons. I have PCOS (I think I know more women with it than without?) and a couple of other little "issues" that the doc needs to have a look at for me before I even CONSIDER TTC.

I'm also, personally, getting my head around the fact that I will have to have a CSection which is a bit :shock: for someone like me who is , in fact, the biggest pansy in the field when it comes to hospitals...

There's also the job situation to consider (long boring story but basically both of us need to move to new jobs first) and our ages...I'm not that young anymore (deny! Deny! Deny!) and we both have agreed that we're now WTT for 2010 and as of January who knows? :eh: The Male Thing has said "well, let's just see what happens as of the beginning of next year" but frankly I think he's just after the "practice" part of it all...:bedjump:

I'm making a doctor appointment this week to "discuss" the medical side of it and see what she thinks and suggests, and who knows? I just really want a new job first.

P.S. I am absolutely thrilled that we've got to the discussion point and decided and will eventually shut up about it all , I promise....:lol: If you knew my other half, you'd understand how gobsmacked I am about the conversation we had and that I'm even posting on here!!!
We are waiting till late 2011 when Chloe will have started school x
We're waiting until early next year as agreed as a compromise with DH - I am ready to start now, he could easily wait another year! Having said that, due to not being particularly careful over the last couple of weeks, you never know, it might be a bit sooner than expected (fingers and toes crossed!!).

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