Amnio test next week


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I have an amniocentesis test next week as I'm adopted and don't know family history. What else can be discovered from an amnio test other than Down's Syndrome and CF? If I'm having one then it seems to make sense to try to find out as much as possible rather than "waste" it if that makes sense. Can they tell you the sex of the baby, for example?

Any and all info gratefully received! :)

Hi, if you google 'amniocentesis' the NHS Direct site has all the details and lists everything that can be checked for.......I do know that the sex can be determined....hope this helps :)
Hi hun, I'm pretty sure that JodieLou had one.. Might be worth PMing her if you're after personal experience :) She's lovely..

Yeah -lisa- is right, you CAN find out the sex :D An amnio as well as the 20 week scan can pick up most things. I'm not sure much can pass through both!

Amniocentesis is a test that is carried out during pregnancy to check on the baby's progress in the womb, and to find out whether there is a chance that it may develop one of a number of genetic abnormalities.

Amniocentesis is carried out to detect the risk of the baby developing conditions such as Down's syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and musculoskeletal disorders, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and spina bifida. The test is usually recommended for all pregnant women aged over 35 because the risk of the baby having a genetic abnormality increases after this age.

During amniocentesis, a small sample of amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the foetus in the womb) is taken for testing in a laboratory. The fluid contains cells that have been shed by the foetus which can be analysed to provide information about the health of your baby.

(I found that info from this link: ... icleID=17#)

I used that website a lot when I needed questions answering etc and found it really useful (as well as the advice from the ladies here of course :D)

Good luck with your amnio, you'll have to let us know how it goes!! :hug: xx
Hi hun yes you can determine the sex of the baby through an amnio - I believe that they can tell you 100% what you are having too rather than when you have a scan they say they are just 80% sure for example. Good luck, let us know how you get on :D

dannii87 said:
Hi hun, I'm pretty sure that JodieLou had one.. Might be worth PMing her if you're after personal experience :) She's lovely..

Aww bless you hun :hug:

Yep I did indeed have one.

I think they check that all of the chromasomes are normal rather than looking for a particular abnormality at a time. So every possible chromasomal abnormality is included I think.

When I had mine they were specifically checking for downs, so I paid £65 to get that result back within 2 days, the rest took a couple of weeks. I also found out the sex when she rang with my results two days later.

It is very reassuring to know that my baby's chromasomes are all normal, and it's also nice to know that my baby is 100% a girl (well almost 100%, amnio is the most accurate way to find out the sex).

They say that amnio carries a risk of miscariage and you have to sign a consent form, but I think that's just to cover their backs just incase. The nurse who assisted with mine said she had never known somebody to miscarry because of amnio before and she had been doing them for years. My mum had one with all 3 of us and never had a problem, and things have changed since back then, like now they insert the needle while watching on a scan, whereas before they would have a look to see where baby is, then turn the scan off and insert the needle. I didn't take my eyes off the screen while he was doing it, making sure he didn't go anywhere near my baby with the needle, which obviously he didn't, my baby was moving about while he was doing it. He spent ages before hand looking at the baby's position and trying to find the best spot to insert the needle. He was thorough with cleaning everything too, including my tummy. It didn't hurt, but it was quite uncomfortable and made me feel abit sick (but I think that was down to the worry of the whole situation too). You have to rest for a couple of days afterwards, which I took complete advantage of, being waited on hand and foot lol.

I'm really glad I chose to have it done, and I think I would like one in future pregnancies even if I didn't one, but I don't think you can choose to have one.

If you need to know anything else or just want to talk just PM me.
Thanks for your replies! :) I'll ask the doctor to "test for everything!" :lol: We're also going to ask if they can tell us the sex, particularly if it's more accurate than a scan. The doctor did mention a small miscarriage risk but to be honest we'd both rather be prepared for any disabilities as this is our first baby and I've been strongly recommended the amnio anyway so we may as well find out all we can from it. :)

I've been reading up on the net as suggested and found quite a bit of useful information. We'll get the results back in three weeks so I'll know then all the details! It's quite exciting really. :D

Thanks again!

I will probably be having an amnio either tomorrow or next week. I had a scan on Friday and while everything looks ok with the baby :pray: Given my history and my age the consultant has recommended that we have one just to make sure that everything is ok,

I had one in my last pregnancy which sadly found that my baby had Edwards Syndrome which is the worst of the 3 main Trisomys because it meant that my baby was incompatible with life, and we had to have a medical termination at 23 weeks. But we did have some markers on a scan which prompted them to do the amnio, they couldnt see Heidi's stomach on scan and she had cysts in her brain. When I had the scan Friday we saw the stomach for oursevles and everything else seemed to be in the right place and working.

It doesent stop me being absolutely terrified though - and all this is happening 3 weeks before I get married :?

Hopefully though the news will be good and we can relax enjoy our wedding and look forward to our new baby being born healthy.

Tracey xx
Oh Tracey I'm so sorry to read about your first baby. :cry: If we discovered our baby had anything that serious I believe we'd make the same decision because I really don't think we could cope physically, emotionally or financially and I'd hate to see my baby with such a dreadful illness. :cry: I really hope that your amnio gives the all-clear and best of luck with your wedding plans! How exciting! :D

There wasnt a decision to make really, her condtion was so bad that if she had survived to be born she would have only lived minutes or hours. I am not really worried about Edwards this time round, its a very rare conditon (about 1 in 6000) but once something like this has happened to you its very difficult to be positive, but we are trying to be, there is nothing to indicate a problem this time and they are only doing what they promised after we lost Heidi, which is to look after me very carefully.

I hope that your amnio goes ok and all is well with your LO.

Tracey xx
Aw Tracey, how sad for you both. :cry: I didn't realise that Edwards was that serious - thank goodness it's so rare. As you so rightly said, the docs are only looking after you and the baby so I'm sure all will be well for both of us. :)

Thanks for your support. :)


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