Positive Serum Screening Results - Any advice please

I'm so sorry your pregnancy has been soured. I too know of people who have been given tighter odds than you and the baby had no conditions at birth.

At my nuchal fold scan with my first boy I was told it measured quite large and there was a chance of an chromosomal abnormality, had the blood tests and it came back 1 in 19000 or something silly like that and he was fine!

I too refused the serum tests for this pregnancy as if there was something wrong that they couldn't see at a scan (eg heart problems, brain problems etc) we didn't want to know as it wouldn't make a difference to us with regards to proceeding with the pregnancy and most of the time (and I'm hoping in your case) it causes unfounded and unnecessary worry.

With you, I just hope you have something positive and definitive to hold onto soon xxx

Big loves to you hunny xxx
Lexus hun, thanks very much for that, you are another person that has given me hope and somewhat some light at the end of a very dim tunnel at the moment.

They have given me a date next month for a detailed scan (20 week scan) but not too sure what is advised if the results from the amino are not favourable? Do they advise I make a decision then or after the scan etc?

Sorry to hear about your troubles you have had with your previous pregnancy and only too glad things turned out well.

Oh I know how it feels tho hun, earth shattering but nothings confirmed yet so hope you can cling onto that.

Thanks for thinking of me too! Glad
Things appear to be ok so far too.

Me and OH dubbed our sonographer at our scan the other week "sour puss" as she started by saying, "you realise this scan is to LOOK FOR PROBLEMS and if there are any found you may have some difficult decisions to make" Lovely she was, really wished we stayed in touch as she was such a calming influence that day....Not! So basically, I know IF anything is found at the scan, they normally book you to see a specialist/consultant to be scanned again and discuss whatever issue there is and your options. That's something I've read a few times, just generalising.

Either way, I know I speak for all of us when I say we're all here for you and however tiny or huge, just sound it out with us xxxxxx
Miss, no looked earlier even back to the beginning of the year but couldn't find in, I pm her but she hasn't got back to me.

that's weird Hun, haven't had any PMs. Just seen this now. I know exactly how you feel right now and what you're going through. Thinking of you because this is a horrendous stressful time.

When this happened to me I couldn't believe how many people around me had also gone through this. Not sure whether it was a coincidence or not but it seemed to be very common on my husbands side of the family. 4 of his cousins were deemed high risk with positive results and their mums went through this stress only to go on and have perfectly healthy babies. OH brother also got this positive high risk result for our niece but SIL is petrified of needles so refused amnio and our neice was fine. I talked about it on the radio one day and the phone lines were jammed full of people telling me they'd also had positive results and their babies were just fine.

It was such a horrible time and next time I get pregnant I'm not even having these tests. I hope that they fast track your results for you so that this is not hanging over you all Xmas. It's also VERY important that you rest right now and DO NOTHING!!! Problems from the amnio can occur afterwards so take it really easy.

Thinking of you,

Gemma xxx

Ps-managed to copy what I wrote in the Downs thread from Tri 1...

I got a call a week after the tests were taken to say I was high risk and had the amnio.

When they call you, you're asked to go in for a meeting with the fetal medicine person and a counsellor. You're basically asked the hypothetical question of "if these tests come back positive what would you do?" and the options are keep the baby or terminate. That's it. It's a lot to take in and we decided in a flurry of emotions there and then that we would terminate.

However...as soon as I saw my baby on that screen and how much it had changed and developed in such a short space of time I felt such a rush of love and the realisation that nothing was going to stop me being a mum and even if there was something wrong I didn't care - this was MY little baby and I was going to protect it and love it.

When they inserted the needle I could see just how close it was to baby on the screen and I daren't breathe for fear of it touching the baby. it was a horrendous experience. We both felt so so guilty an cried a lot together afterwards. The wait for the results was awful. It was the biggest relief when they came back clear but again, the guilt set in. As there's a risk of miscarriage I felt guilt for chancing that with our baby - our baby who had nothing wrong at all.

When I get pregnant again I'm going to request not to be screened for this. I know now that deep down I couldn't terminate a baby no matter what so it's not worth the risk of miscarriage in going through it. The stress from that first call to the amnio to getting the results was immense And lasted just over 2 weeks. The stress isn't good for baby of course.

Just wanted to share my experience because I thought I knew myself 100% and knew how I'd feel and react but actually faced with it, I was so wrong.
Gemma can't thank you enough for posting that, it is exactly what I went through yesterday...... As the time goes on though I seem to have less and less emotions left and just numb..... I suppose I won't feel anything till I get the results and this becomes a reality again

I went on a proper rollercoaster that first week afterwards. Id go from emotionally distancing myself from the baby, worried about getting attached to cradling my teeny bump, crying my eyes out telling the baby I loved it and just saying 'sorry' over again. It was so hard. I don't think it did me any favours as I was so stressed and upset.

The girls came round after a few days and we had a night in eating junk and watching chick flicks. It was brilliant, really helped take my mind off it. Maybe Christmas may prove to be a good distraction whilst you await results?

Good luck Hun, I'm thinking of you, look after yourself. Xxx
To the girls on this post, have a very happy Christmas xx and thank you so much for trying to help and calm me xx You find out the ones that share your pain and confusion rather than the ones that avoid the post all together.....

I got my results yesterday afternoon which I was very grateful for and they came back CLEAR!!! I am over the moon and can now go back to enjoying my pregnancy. Just need to wait for the carrier results to come back in a fortnight, not sure when they can show to be honest......

But again, thank you so much xx
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That's fantastic news Hun glad everything is ok now you can enjoy christmas xx
Thanks, even though from start to finish it was 3 days, it was the longest 3 days of my life..... awful xx
Ah you don't know how happy I am for you! It must feel like a huge weight has been lifted! I was hoping it would come to nothing and it did!

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy Hun and Merry Christmas!!! Xxxxx
Oh wow that's made my day hun!!!Yay, sooooo happy for you! I could share slightly how you felt cause of when I had my inconclusive HIV result - felt like me and baby had a death sentence and life long stigma hanging over us and the 5 day wait for the all clear was the longest time ever! But when I got the all clear the weight off my shoulders was amazing - I could enjoy life again and enjoy my pregnancy - I know it is the best feeling to be given your peace of mind back like that after living a nightmare for a few days.

I wish you, hubby and bump a very merry Christmas xxx
Merry Christmas hun! Can't tell you how happy I am for you and OH. Hope you are being spoilt rotten and enjoying every minute of it xxx
Aww good news, congrats! Kick back and enjoy Xmas now :)
Yey!!! I'm so so pleased for you! Been thinking of you as knew exactly how you were feeling.

I'm not sure whether you want to find out the sex or not but if you're determined to remain team yellow you need to tell them when you next go. The notes they'll add to your file will have the girl/boy chromosome on it. If you tell them you're team yellow they'll hold this back. If not, and you're desperate to know, you can find out like now!

If you do remain team yellow, when the amnio comes up in future appointments and on the day you go into labour make sure you tell then you don't want to know so that they're discreet with the notes.

Now have a wonderful relaxed Christmas and enjoy your pregnancy xxx
so made up to read that you got your results and all is fine only just caght up with this thread, it happened to my SIL aswell when she was carrying my neice and she is a healthy 9 year old now.
Oh fantastic news for you, I am soo pleased they were all clear and you gokt them back xmas eve, they will have known your would be beside yourself over xmas shutdown.

You enjoy your pregnancy now XX
great news :):dance:

How long did the results take and how did u get result ?

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