A cosmic 2ww

Oh Cosmic Hun, that sounds really upsetting, and not very pleasant at all, and I'm sorry for asking xx you poor girl, :( xxx

Dont be sorry, it's not a secret and I'm more than happy to talk about it :flower:
It's not normally an issue in our life, only when ttc :(
Think I'll speak to him about it tonight, it might make us both feel a bit better about next cycle xx
sounds like a good idea about the cup- minimal effort to get the swimmers in!!! sorry to read things are still really stressful for you, and yes those doppler things are really loud!

Thanks everyone, you're all an amazing support and I don't know what I'd do without you all xxx
Cosmicgirl, I'm sorry to hear about the strain its putting on you both. The moon cup does sound like a good approach. I really hope you get that BFP real soon. Sending you loads of baby dust xxx

.....Oh I hope your hayfever is calmed down a bit today, mine is still a pain xxx
Do you already have a mooncup Cosmic? I bought one and it was a bit rubbish...

I suppose the sperm couldn't escape, but they weren't being saved from the vagina either :oooo:

I bought a diaphragm too and it was the same. It was the right size, i think, but it was huge.

I much preferred my most recent attempt with a condom and just keeping it rolled up and hooking it onto my cervix - you have to be prepared to really get in there though :shock:

Might want a couple of practise attempts.

Do you know if your husband enjoys masturbation? If you get the hang of some kind of device, he could do the deed in that and you just collect the sample :whistle:

How long did it take to concieve your lads?
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I don't know if he masturbates, I've never caught him at it/known him to be doing it. I'm sure he would do it for me if I asked nicely.
I don't have a moon cup, just read about them online and thought it could be the answer.
I fell pregnant accidentally age 18 with the first, the second took about two months and the twins took 6 months x
i would use a syringe if it were me just squish it up fast as if it were ejaculation and then insert a diaphragm to keep them in. hmmmmm its a toughie xxxxx
i would use a syringe if it were me just squish it up fast as if it were ejaculation and then insert a diaphragm to keep them in. hmmmmm its a toughie xxxxx

That sounds very technical :shock:
Definitely something to consider though x
Happy CD 50 to me, happy CD 50 to me, happy CD50 dear meeeeeee, happy CD 50 to me......
Urgh :roll:

Even i'm starting to get annoyed now, where the hell is that f'in bitch :wall:
Ahr....she can be such a bitch! When you don't want her there, she's all over the place, and when you want her to show up, she's not:(

I'm so sorry hun!

Cos you need to change your thread title to a 6WW!

Have you got any symptoms?

I have major veiny sore tingly boobs, lots of tiredness and bloating xx
I have major veiny sore tingly boobs, lots of tiredness and bloating xx

I went through exactly the same as you Hun in march, I was convinced I was pregnant but the witch finally got me on cd65. Fingers crossed she doesn't keep you waiting that long tho xx
Your irish fog horn has been out looking for her all day xxx
I'm searching.......:trouble:

I think she's gone on one of those around the world cruises and not told us.
Had I of had a 'normal cycle' my 2nd AF would be here. Its been 66 days......:clock:

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