A cosmic 2ww

:hugs:sorry she was a cowbag..the least she could have done was test your urine. still hoping you gert a bfp by next week so you can goback but to rub it in her face. x
Bliddy hell!! What a awful Dr she is :(
Sending you lots of :hug: Cosmic.

Are you going to go back next week? Are you going to test before then?

I had a crappy day at work today. Booked bloods at GP, a week tomorrow :(
I really want to test, may buy one for the weekend?! :eh:

We'll just have to live it up in limbo-land a while longer :wall2: x
Bliddy hell!! What a awful Dr she is :(
Sending you lots of :hug: Cosmic.

Are you going to go back next week? Are you going to test before then?

I had a crappy day at work today. Booked bloods at GP, a week tomorrow :(
I really want to test, may buy one for the weekend?! :eh:

We'll just have to live it up in limbo-land a while longer :wall2: x

I've got an appointment with my usual lovely gp next Wednesday, I know he will take me seriously!
I have 3 frer's but feel like I will be wasting them, I don't know what to do x
Massive :hug: for you cosmic. I'm so sorry you are going through this, it's just horrible and I hope something, anything happens for you soon one way or ther other so you can move forward xxx
Thats what I want more than anything, to move on x
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I know what you mean about wasting them.
I just feel like I need to check again..I'm sick of waiting now! x
I know, I feel pretty helpless at the mo, if it hasn't shown up by now, is it going to? xx
I wish I knew the answer to that. It would help us both out.
She's got to be hiding somewhere? x
i have loads of cheapies and a few digis (digis donated by the lovely wlimaflinstone xxx) and i just dont want to use them as i feel so silly. i feel your pain girls i have never gone this long without being pregnant i have had a few bleeds but they lasted a few hours to a day. Im even hoping getting a good bang will do the trick but nope im all banged out lol
To make matters worse, I'm being destroyed by hay fever, sent oh to pharmacy to ask what I can take when you might be pregnant but the stupid locum won't test - nothing! :( xx
cosmic holland and barret sell these disolvable natural tablet things you put on your tongue for hayfever, I used them when I was pregnant last year and they are fab! x
and I'm taking these bloody tickers down, it's horrible seeing where I should be up to in my cycle :( x
Oh...I'm so sorry your body is messing with you! I am thinking a lot about you and hope you get this figured out soon!


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