31 weeks could give birth any time

Weren't happy with scan yesterday so c section booked for Monday, Monday the 13th June is gonna be our baby's birthday eekkk xx

Wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow 🍀🍀🍀🍀🙏
Oh gosh sweets at least they are taking action to get baby here safe and sound.

I cannot wait to see what you've had. How exciting.

Thinking of you for tomorrow sweets, be brave you'll be fine.

Wow, just catching up.

Can't believe your gorgeous bundle will be here tomorrow.

Will be thinking of you xx
Best of luck tomorrow hunni xxx praying for you and your little baby xx
Thinking of you and your LO. I hope all is going well.
I hope it's gone okay today too love! Was thinking about you this morning :) look forward to an update due date buddy no more! Xx
We have a son, born at 11.19am this morning weighing 3lb7.
He's doing so well, coming off breathing tubes tonight.
I still haven't met him so it feels so surreal xx


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Congrats abs! He's gorgeous! Good to hear he's doing so well already. Hope your well too and not too uncomfortable after the c section xx
Congratulations he's beautiful hope you get cuddles soon xx


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