2ww for ladies testing end of Oct x

its funny you should say that re the ov as i had pains monday and then wednesday and was thinking the same, i also googled to see :) xx
How bizarre deedee!! It never even occurred to me that this could happen, but apparently it's quite common in fraternal twin pregnancies. Apparently you can tell on the scan which ovary you ovulated from, and some twin scans show both ovaries having released eggs.

So strange!!

Twins do run in my family, but it's identical twins we get, so I suppose that doesn't tie in. Unless whatever genetic thing creates twins can create either zygotic or fraternal. Really interested in that now!
Oooh fab info hun altho i would cry if i was told it was twins hahaha! they dont run in our families so hopefully i wont get twins lol not sure why i got ov pains on a few days this month :/ god help me if its triplets lmao :D xx
Oooh fab info hun altho i would cry if i was told it was twins hahaha! they dont run in our families so hopefully i wont get twins lol not sure why i got ov pains on a few days this month :/ god help me if its triplets lmao :D xx

You could have a monday, wednesday and saturday baby this month!!

If you have twins or triplets, I'll happily have the spares ;)
:shakehead: i refuse haha :shock: more than one just isnt acceptable i will willingly offer you spares if there is any pmsl!! xx
well ladies i have done loads of research on the twin front as i am a fraternal twin, which is 2 separate eggs. I would imagine tat to do this ur ovaries have to release two eggs from the same ovary or both release an egg. This is known as hyper ovulation and therefore can be passed down the female line of the family, so only females born can get it. So it is possible have the gene from my mum. I think the chances go down from 1 in 60 for most people to 1 in 20 or something for me.

As for identical twins, they are not hereditary and happen as a rare occurrence. The chance of this happening is 1 in 250.

I must admit i would love to have twins, and secretly hoping this prolonged right ovary ache is due to releasing more than one egg :) xx
well ladies i have done loads of research on the twin front as i am a fraternal twin, which is 2 separate eggs. I would imagine tat to do this ur ovaries have to release two eggs from the same ovary or both release an egg. This is known as hyper ovulation and therefore can be passed down the female line of the family, so only females born can get it. So it is possible have the gene from my mum. I think the chances go down from 1 in 60 for most people to 1 in 20 or something for me.

As for identical twins, they are not hereditary and happen as a rare occurrence. The chance of this happening is 1 in 250.

I must admit i would love to have twins, and secretly hoping this prolonged right ovary ache is due to releasing more than one egg :) xx

Ooh, maybe it is fraternal that runs in my family then, I was sure my nana is/was an identical twin (her sister died over a decade ago and I can't remember!) but twins definitely run in the family, every second generation for the last million years (ok slight exageration, i don't know how many years!!).

Anyway, I'm quite sure I've OVd on both sides, there's no doubting the pains I've had yesterday and today, different ovaries on different days.

Kanga how weird would it be if we matched again this month!!
i know it would be super freaky :) but also so exciting!!
I have just found another website which said u could release more than 1 egg only over a 24 hour period, so leesey it is definitely possible!!

Deedee thought this info might relax u a little bit? xx
Eeeee!! Twins!!

DH was super excited last month as I seemed to Ov twice.

I was more petrified at the idea than excited!
hehe thanks kanga i feel so much more at ease now :) xx
Wooo got my wicked way with dh this morning, so still in the running!
Thank goodness I (most likely) ovulated again yesterday, otherwise we would have been a day late dtd.

But we're still in with a chance as we've done it twice during the window. Just as well or I may not have spoken to husband dearest ever again! :p
Great news Leesey!!!!

Now the waiting starts!

I OVd yesterday too so we're in it together!!

I am going to ban any testing at all until a week on Saturday. And even that's only 10dpo!
Great news Leesey!!!!

Now the waiting starts!

I OVd yesterday too so we're in it together!!

I am going to ban any testing at all until a week on Saturday. And even that's only 10dpo!

I'm hoping beyond all hope that I wait until testing day, if AF hasn't come by then, for my birthday bfp on the 25th. We're not going to be doing anything special for my birthday since we've just moved house, so that would be a great way to celebrate!
Right well i think i can establish that i have either just ovulated or am currently ovulating... so i am going to join the 2WW thread. On the sly though because Liam cannot know

I am going to test on the 28th

Heres praying x
fingers crossed for you hun! My OH said i cant poas until my af is late but i may have to do a sly one at the weekend hehe!! x
hahaha its funny how we lie to them isn't it! they dont understand!! All Liam knows is that i am demanding sex every night :D Mind you after the 1st i might change that to three times a week because apparently that is enough, i will tell him three times a week and he can make more of an effort ;)
Lots of gas this morning :) Thats not unusual though! Love my ticker has a symptom checker on it :D
Morning ladies.

Can't believe I'm only 2dpo!!

How am I meant to wait 12 more days!!!

DH keeps rubbing my tummy and singing a rub rub good luck song he's invented.

It's so sweet and I don't want to disappoint him. And I know he doesn't want to disappoint me. :(
its draggin aint it cupcake :( i officially hate the 2ww haha!! af isnt due while next thursday omg how am i going to hold out until then xx

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