2ww for ladies testing end of Oct x

Oooh i really hope so, when i got implantation with the last pregnancy it was one tiny dot of pink blood but i guess it can vary eeeeek!! 11 days until testing :( its gonna drag soooooo much! x
Dam you cosmic!!! Lol I think I might have a few lying around the end of a drawer if I search. If your gonna test it would be rude if I didn't lol xxx
i have 35 cheapie hpt's lying in wait!! haha can't wait to start testing, but on the other hand i don't want to test early!! xx
Dam I just found 4 lol
I'm gonna do one in the morning I know it won't show anything but I just can't help myself.
i know i will start trying way too early but they need checking!! i need to make sure there is only one line there so when i do get a faint second one i know it is a bfp!! well thats my logic and im sticking to it!! :lol: xx
i'm safe from myself so far...i have none in hee hee and i cant afford to get any in for a week or so anyways :D x
I'm going to be really strong and wait until 10dpo!

Just bought 2 strips (£1) and one midstream from poundland and I have a pack of 2 Tesco, 2x CBD and probably a couple of ICs laying around so that's plenty for this month.

Just done another OPK as my wee looked quite dark.

Got a bit of a stitch now so Fx that's Ov on her way!!
fingers crossed cupcake :) just bd anyways hee hee!! x
Fingers crossed it gets darker cupcake and I agree just get some :bd: in just incase!! I have just told my oh that we are dtd tonight and he replied, it's ur turn then! D'oh the things we do to get a bfp!! Xx

I don't think I'll get another chance this month as DH's bits are sore again.

I'm sure it's nothing as he says it's not red or hurting when he wees.

But now he's paranoid he could hurt me and we shouldn't TTC.

Fx that yesterday and this mornings spermies can hang on in there and I do Ov tomorrow!!!
If I'm not pregnant then I have something wrong with me! I've just had to drink a can of coke going around asda as I was so dizzy I was about to faint :shock: x
Haha Amy.

Lube is bad though. And I don't have any fancy TTC lube. :(
Still feeling really crampy today, I think it is from ov as its mainly on my right side but now I'm getting some sharp pains on my left side too. It feels as though I have done too much in the gym or something, when I have been lazy and done absolutely nothing! Fx it's something good happening, as I don't remember any of this last month!

Fx cosmic that means something is happening! :) xx
I hope so kanga, I was really trembly and dizzy, it was awful x
Are you sure you didn't just see Robbie down the crisp isle? Lol xxx
Haha Amy.

Lube is bad though. And I don't have any fancy TTC lube. :(

ConcievePlus is £15.49 out of boots I think, but you can't get preseed in the shops I don't think.
I've been using preseed the last 2 months, and it's been a godsend.
I might switch to conceive plus though as it is meant to actually help the wee swimmers along apparently.

Still not managed to get hubby to give it up this month yet, I think I'm going to go nuts!!
We have stuff we bought off kinky britain lol it's amazing and it doesnt interfere with spermies either x

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