1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Aw! I'm sorry. Was being complimentary really - I find your comments very humorous.
I admit - it is a strangely flattering picture :think:

I am not as thin as I look in it, I can assure you.

I weigh like 10 stone!
bloating or a belly - you decide :lol:

looking at you id say belly, but seeing as ur only 5 weeks, id say bloating, so i spose really i dont know! and this was a pointless post :rotfl:
Reading this topic and looking at the pictures has made me very sad and now worried! :(

I don't have a bump at all and i am almost 11 weeks pregnant....!?!?!
Ditte Babylicious - with my first I didn't have a noticeable bump until well into 2nd tri :)

2nd time round your body knows what to do and apparantly at the sight of a +ive PG test, you get fatter :rotfl:
i want a bump!!!! :cheer: last time i didnt show until about 18 weeks so im hoping i show earlier this time.

i love looking at bump pics, i always look at my old bump pics, but looking back i cant imagine being as large as i was.
*Stomps feet around* I want a bump first timer and I didnt think people could be so big so fast Ive got my flab I can pretend but must admit that
was there before I was pregnant lol. Keep telling myself "Its hidden" lol.


i've spent years trying to hide my fat tummy,

now i just want to stick it out there for everyone to see :rotfl: :rotfl:
My tummy is still the same as it was at 6 weeks just bloat i think. I want a bump now. :(
With charlie i was showing really early, bout 6-7 weeks. but i didnt manage to lose that much weight after so this time i can really tell. my jeans do hurt slightly when sitting now tho, so somewhere under my mummy tummy is probably a very teeny tiny bump. lol

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