1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Sadly I won't be posting any tummy pics till I'm near the end as my tummy is yuk! :oops: :rotfl:
me either , i already look 5 months gone so when my baby has cauht up to my tummy size ill post :rotfl:
I want to start posting pics so I can compare (don't have any pics of me with my first :( ) but I'm scared I'll jinx it :(
OK - have bitten the bullet:

This is me at 4 weeks (bare in mind that I am bloated and constipated :oops:




The shame
Not shameful. I've just had my first person notice (they asked my colleague, apparently). Bit freaked 'cos I just thought I looked a little podgy. Will post a pic after I've had my scan, when I feel a little more confident.
Gosh, yes! I'd have thought you were more like 15 weeks! Great pic.
mines starting to come along now, ive got a podgy belly anyway as im a size 16 but my jiggle is starting to become less of a jiggle more of a bounce :rotfl: when you can really notice my bump i'll post a pic, thtas if it'll fit in the camera lens! :lol: i cant beleive how big u are tho! wish i was tht big by now, maybe i'd feel less like im putting weight on for no reason,

anyway, come on ladies... more bump pics!
Will post my 5 week ones tomorrow.
:pray: these cramps aren't a bad sign though :pray:
Stopped me in my tracks earlier - couldn't move and had to breathe through them like I was in labour :(
At 5 weeks

taken 1st thing in the morning - bloating is at it's least worst so I am smaller than last week :lol:


If you moan once more MM about the "extra" weight you carry, I'll throw something at my screen :x There's nothing of you girl :D
libs said:
If you moan once more MM about the "extra" weight you carry, I'll throw something at my screen :x There's nothing of you girl :D

Threatening to throw things at me again Libs :shakehead:

Remember the terms of the restraining order:
*point 2.5 - Libs will NOT throw things at MM

What do you expect if you go around being funny? I think you bring it all on yourself, you know! ;)

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